

On the Cultural Connotation of Wang Shuo’s Riffraff Hero

【作者】 张传福

【导师】 张鲁高;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 王朔是中国当代文学史上一个不可忽视的存在,他和他的“痞子文学”的出现,如惊雷一般搅动了改革开放后沉浸于文革反思中的中国文坛。大院出身和经商的经历这些独特的创作资源,让他塑造出了独具文化内涵的“痞子英雄”形象系列。世界性后现代主义思潮,尤其是美国的“垮掉派”文学,以及改革开放后中国由政治社会向市民社会的转变,构成了王朔痞子英雄出现的时代背景。而从王朔个人来说,曾经的大院出身的优越性在社会转型期商品化浪潮中不复存在,“痞子英雄”的塑造也是一种心灵的自我慰藉。关于王朔痞子英雄的文化内涵已有众多的评述,而对于王朔小说的游戏性、颠覆性和话语狂欢却没有系统的论述,本文从以上三个方面来细致分析王朔和他的痞子英雄们所独具的文化内涵:第一,王朔继承了晚清时期从西方吸收的游戏论的文学主张,抛弃了载道说的传统文论思想,以一种“玩”的心态来从事写作,而他小说中的痞子们也是通过游戏人生来反抗小市民的平庸生活,凸显自己的英雄色彩;第二,王朔的痞子英雄对于崇高的颠覆是深刻的,文革意识形态树立起来的崇高愚弄了他们以及一代中国人,知识分子精英文化自命清高、脱离民众的不切实际,以及中国传统文化在文革中的畸形发展,所有这些都是我行我素、向往自由的痞子英雄所不能容忍的,因此通过调侃的方式予以颠覆,便是他们的拿手好戏;而王朔本人对于中国现代文学和当代文学中的偶像级人物鲁迅、老舍、金庸的批评,更是颠覆了他们在国人心目中的崇高地位,虽然某些言辞不无偏颇,但是这种不崇拜偶像、敢于批评的痞子作风还是值得赞赏的。第三,王朔用当代北京市井方言写作形成的新京味语言,以及这种语言所造成的类似于巴赫金所说的狂欢化的效果,有力地揭露了制度和秩序、权势和地位的可笑性,形成了新京味文学的独特艺术魅力。尽管王朔的痞子英雄在当时受到了诸多责难,甚至由于批判王朔而导致了一场“人文精神大讨论”,但是这些痞子英雄无疑是对中国当代文学人物长廊的一大贡献,他们所代表的反抗平庸、颠覆崇高的痞子文化,以及这种痞子文化对于制度和权势的嘲讽,已经对中国的当代文学产生了深远影响。

【Abstract】 Wang Shuo is a Chinese contemporary literature writer that can not be ignored,.He and his "riffraff literature " emerged, such as thunder, after the general agitation of literary reflection of the reform and opening up immersed in the Chinese Cultural Revolution,. Compound the experience of birth and business resources of these unique creations, let him shape the unique cultural connotation of the " riffraff hero" image of the series.Postmodernism world, especially, "Beat" literature, in the United States,as well as China’s reform arid opening to the public by the political and social changes in society, constitute the emerging era of Wang Shuo’s riffraff hero background. Personally, from Wang Shuo, who was born in the superiority of the compound in the commercialization of social transition, of which the wave no longer exists, " riffraff hero " is a mind shaping the his self-consolation.Wang Shuo’s riffraff hero on the cultural connotation of the many comments already, but for the game of Wang Shuo’s novel, but not subversive and discourse Carnival systematic exposition, this article from a detailed analysis of these three aspects of Wang Shuo and His riffraff hero are the sole With the cultural connotations: First, during the late Qing Wang Shuo inherited the game from the absorption of the Western literary ideas, abandoned the tradition of the text set out on the road that idea in a "play"attitude to writing, his novels were riffraff Is also the general public through the game against the mediocrity of life to life, highlighting their heroic.Second, Wang Shuo’s riffraff hero for profound subversion of the noble, the Cultural Revolution, the noble ideology set up to fool them, and generation of Chinese people, intellectuals, elites Cultural Zimingqinggao, from the practical people, as well as traditional Chinese culture in the abnormal development of the Cultural Revolution, all of which are its own way, yearning for freedom of riffraff hero can not tolerate, so by way of ridicule be subversive, is their Forte; and Wang Shuo himself for modern Chinese literature and contemporary literature in the iconic figure of Lu Xun, Lao She, Jin Yong’s criticism, but also subvert their lofty status in the eyes of people, although some words are not without bias, but this does not Worship idols, or who dared to criticize the ruffian style is commendable. Third, Wang Shuo, Beijing well with the contemporary form of new capital taste dialect writing language, and the result of this language is similar to Bakhtin carnival said the effect of a powerful expose of the system and order, power and status of the ridiculous nature Formation of a new Beijing style of literature’s unique artistic charm.Although Wang Shuo’s riffraff hero at the time was a lot of blame, and even a criticism of Wang Shuo and led to a "great debate on humanism ", the riffraff hero of Chinese contemporary literature is undoubtedly a major contribution to the character gallery, they represent Mediocre resistance, subversion noble ruffian culture, has been such a ruffian culture mockery of the system and power, which has a profound impact on contemporary literature.

【关键词】 痞子英雄游戏人生颠覆崇高话语狂欢
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

