

Study on Issues of the Southern Tang Emperor Li Yu

【作者】 刘跃辉

【导师】 盛险峰;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 专门史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 南唐是五代十国中最为重要的国家之一。李异取得政权后,励精图治,与民生息,对内鼓励生产,延揽人才,对外交好邻国,谨奉中原,韬光养晦,蓄势待时。在短短数年之间,使得南唐综合国力迅速增强。李璟即位后,违背了这一政策,对内任用朋党,自绝朝臣,对外穷兵黩武,四面树敌,在与后周的战争中丧师失地,奉周正朔。连年战争与对周贡赋导致府库虚耗,兵员枯竭,经济崩溃,货币紊乱,同时纵情声色,宴游无度,御下乏术,暴虐无常,更兼储位之争,扰乱国本,人心离散,政治面临崩溃。在这个国将不国,人心怨乱的时刻,李煜被推上了历史舞台,并以他杰出的才能,复兴了濒于灭亡的南唐。李煜生平应按史料划分为四个时期,即王子时期、东宫时期、帝王时期与囚徒时期,各时期生活背景不同,但自我的本质却是相同的,那就是对自我的关注与主体价值的发挥。王子时期,他倾心读书,丰富自我,发展兴趣,展示自我,五个哥哥相继亡故后,他为躲避猜忌,寄情山水,不问政事,以求保全自我。东宫时期他恪尽辅弼之责,展示出了非凡的统御才能,实现自我价值。帝王时期,他充满自信,平稳施政,始终以追求自我价值的最大发挥为目标。他恢复李昇时期的休养民生息,蓄势待时的国策,对政治经济制度作了大幅度的改革,使得中央权力得以加强,较好的解决了元宗时期遗留下的党争问题。他善待勋旧,安定人心,亲理狱政,减免刑罚,不拘一格,奖掖人才,确立了“多难当先才”的用人观,他改革土地制度,变更弊政,与民生息,虚怀接下,勤政爱民;在对外政策上,他一面勤修贡赋,谨奉中原,一面整顿军备,训练水军。金陵城破前,他为保全一城生聚,被迫降宋后,仍旧保持着主体的自尊。入宋后他肆意纵酒,任情做词,直接宣泄自己的愤恨感怀,在宋王朝面前,从未作过任何卑微之态。历来对李煜的评价争议很大,主要还是集中在对以下几个问题的看法:军事上,李煜是否懦弱怯战?抗宋之战中是否进行了有组织的坚决抵抗?内政上对潘李案的处置是否失当?对韩熙载这样深负虚誉者是否未能任贤?生平上,曾誓言抵抗最终为何会出降?李煜究竟死因如何?文化上,李煜是否真的崇佛?李煜与小周后入宋后到底境遇如何?通过细致的考辨,可以确证,李煜即位伊始,对宋就保持着有理有力有节的斗争,始终遵循明确的原则与底限,他在抗宋之战中不仅准备充分,抵抗坚决,而且亲自参与指挥了多处战斗,城破之前,为保全百姓而被迫出降,两年后,在南唐最后一支武装放弃抵抗后,被宋太宗毒死。李煜始终爱惜人才,即使对韩熙载这样负有虚誉者也是恩宠备至,他对潘李一案的处置是基本得当的,在内政外交方面也未有大的过失,他崇佛而不溺佛,未尝耽误政事,儒、佛、道在他身上形成的矛盾的统一体,恰恰反映出中国文化“三教合一”的趋向。李煜和他领导下的南唐,对中华文化的传承与延续作出了突出贡献。这表现在对文化客体与文化主体两个方面,他对文化客体的继承,保存了大量的图书、收藏,在文学、书法、绘画的继承方面都有融入主体创新的突出发展。他对文化主体的继承,是以往极少为人关注到的,李煜继承了先秦以来关注自我,关注生活的人文传统,他有着强烈的自我关怀,并以个体对群体关怀的方式追求自我价值的实现,他还以自己独特的审美情节影响着中国士人审美观的建立。李煜在唐宋之交的中国文化史上有着继往开来的独特地位,对宋以后的文风、士风的形成有着深远的影响。李煜的形象在中国历史上是被严重扭曲的,而这一切,仅仅因为他未能成为正统王朝的帝王,因为他的各项努力最终失败了,因为他国破家亡。也因此,他和他的王国大量史料被销毁篡改,他的形像被丑化,并被刻意贬低,甚而使得这位本应出现在中国思想文化史上的杰出人物变成了一个风流词人,还被后人冠以“词中之帝”这样的称呼,想必其人九泉之下,亦会哭笑不得。由是,也使得人们对李煜的认识受到严重歪曲与蒙蔽,这种错误史观一直指导着中国文化史与文学史研究。本文基于考证基础之上,对依据错误史料学指导的现行文学史提出批判。如何正确认识李煜的历史地位?如何确立李煜的文化史地位?如何正确看待李煜的文学作品及文学史地位?如何对李煜研究进行合理分期?都是新时期迫切需要解决的任务,也是本文重点解决的问题,而这一切,都依赖于对李煜生平史实的考述。

【Abstract】 Southern Tang was one of the most important countries in Five Dynasties and Ten States. Li Bian who was the first emperor of Southern Tang adopted policies to strengthen national power in several years such as encouraging agricultural production, recruiting talent, friendly exchanging with other countries, keeping a Low Profile. After succeeded throne, however, Li Jing acquiesced cliques struggled, refused to meet ministers and launched the war to neighboring countries. Because of Southern Tang lost the war and pay indemnity for Later Zhou dynasty, it resulted in financial deficit, economic crisis and exhausted troops. Simultaneously, Li Jing indulged himself every whim, hardly controlled power and choose successor.At the difficult time, Li Yu ascended the throne as emperor. Then he tried his best to delay Southern Tang subjugation.The whole life of Li Yu could be divided to four parts:as prince, crown prince, emperor, and prisoner. Despite the backgrounds of each period of his life is different, the essence of himself is the same, which is the self-interest self-value. When Li Yu was prince, he focused on reading to be rich in himself and developed interest to show himself. After his five elder brothers were all dead, he focused on landscape and never handling affairs to avoid suspicion. As Li Yu was crown price, he assisted emperor, showed extraordinary ability. At the time of emperor, Li Yu was full of confidence. He recovered policy which carried out in Li Bian period. He reformed political and economic policy to strengthen the centralized. Li Yu was kind of hero, personally adjudged case, reduced penalty, rewarded talent, reformed land system. Meantime, Li Yu tribute to Later Zhou dynasty, on the other hand, he rectified army and trained navy. Before Jinling city was occupied and covered people, he surrendered to Later Zhou dynasty with self-esteem. In the capital of Northern Song, Li Yu was alcoholism and wrote poem to express his emotion. He still maintained dignity as captive.Academia discussed Li Yu as follows:Was Li Yu cowardice to war? Did he organize army to resist Northern Song? Did he correctly adjudge Pan-li Case? Was Li Yu nominating Han Xizai proper? Why he obey his promises which never surrender? How did Li Yu die? Did Li Yu really adore Buddhism? What about Li Yu and his queen imprisoned in Northern Song?By carefully researching, we can confirm:at the beginning of Li Yu was emperor, he persisted the clear principles to struggle Northern Song. He not only prepared fully to fight Northern Song, but personally command battles. Li Yu was forced to surrender enemy in order to protect people. Two years later, when the last army of Southern Tang gave up armed, he was poisoned by Song Taizong. Li Yu always cared talent. Even like Han zaixi who lack of ability, Li Yu still put him in an important position. In Pan-Li Case, Li Yu adjudge it correctly. He was also proper deal with internal and foreign affairs. Though Li Yu worshiped Buddhism, he never addicted and handicapped affaires. There was a formation of a unity of contradictions in his possession by Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. It precisely reflected the Chinese culture "three religions" of the trend.Li Yu and his leadership of the Southern Tang, made outstanding contributions of heritage and spread the Chinese cultural. It reflected in cultural objects and cultural subject. He heritage the cultural object which saved a lot of books, collectibles, literature, calligraphy, painting. People neglected Li Yu inherited the subject of culture. Li Yu had inherited the self-concern from pre-Qin, and concerned the humanities tradition. He had a strong self-care and persuited to achieve self-worth by individual cared mass. He plotted his own unique aesthetic impact on aesthetics of Chinese Scholars Establishment. Li Yu had the unique position in the history of Chinese culture between Tang and Song dynasty. It affected academic after Song dynasty significantly.The reason of Li Yu whose historical imagination severely distorted, he failed to become the emperor of orthodox dynasty which his efforts ultimately failed. Most of his historical data of Li Yu and his country were destroyed; his image was smeared and down. He should become the outstanding figures in the cultural history of Chinese thought. But he was called a romantic poet, also featured as a "King of Song Lyrics". So it made people seriously distorted understanding of Li Yu. The misunderstanding guided the study of Chinese Thought and Culture history. Based on the research, this article criticized the current literary history by wrong guidance.How to correctly understand the historical position of Li Yu? How to establish the status of Li Yu’s cultural history? How to treat Li Yu’s literary works and Literary History? How to divide the research Li Yu of a reasonable stage? They are all the urgent tasks in new time and this work focus on. It is dependent on study of life of Li Yu.

【关键词】 南唐李煜考证文化
【Key words】 the Southern TangLi Yuresearchculture
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

