

Research on Relation between Leader Member Exchange and Organizational Citizenship Behavior

【作者】 高先锋

【导师】 杜鹏程;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 有关领导有效性的研究一直是组织行为学研究中的一个核心问题。随着对领导行为研究的深入,人们逐步认识到组织中的领导过程其实是组织中的领导者与下属之间所进行的动态的、社会利益的和心理交换的过程。在这一过程中,领导与成员对这一交换质量高低的知觉则构成了领导-成员交换。较高的领导-成员交换质量将会提高领导的有效性。组织公民行为作为员工的角色外行为,是在组织的岗位职责描述中没有明确规定的行为。研究表明,企业员工组织公民行为的表现如何对企业的发展具有重要的意义。从员工方面来看,领导-成员关系作为在领导过程中员工所感知的自己与领导的“亲近”程度,将对员工的行为产生影响,如果员工感知自己与领导具有较为“亲近”的关系时,这种心理感知会不会促使员工展现出有利于组织发展的角色外行为,则成为一个值得研究的问题。鉴此,本文以领导-成员交换和组织公民行为理论为基础,试就领导-成员交换和组织公民行为关系进行研究,以期以员工方面研究领导-成员交换对组织公民行为的影响及其在管理理论和实践上的意义。本文首先通过文献梳理,对领导-成员交换和组织公民行为进行理论回顾,在此基础上选择国内外成熟的量表制作问卷并在合肥市的15家企业进行问卷调研,利用SPSS16.0和AMOS17.0等统计软件对数据进行了分析,研究结果表明:(1)合肥市企业员工领导-成员交换和组织公民行为都处于较高的水平;(2)在个体属性变量上,领导-成员交换的情感维度在受教育程度上存在显著性的差异,忠诚维度在受教育程度和职位上存在显著性的差异,贡献维度在每个个体属性变量上都不存在显著性的差异,专业尊敬在年龄、在公司工作年限以及与上司交往时间上存在显著性的差异;(3)在个体属性变量上,组织公民行为的各维度在每个个体属性变量上都不存在显著性的差异;(4)领导-成员交换的情感、贡献两维度对组织公民行为的组织认同、敬业精神和人际和谐都具有显著的促进作用;(5)领导-成员交换的忠诚和专业尊敬维度对组织公民行为的各维度都没有显著的促进作用。本研究共分为五个部分:第一部分为绪论。主要对本文的研究背景、研究目的及意义、研究思路及技术路线、研究特色及创新点作了具体的介绍。第二部分为理论研究综述。主要介绍了领导-成员交换的相关理论、概念、维度及统计指标、组织公民行为的概念和维度及其在国内外的研究现状。第三部分为研究设计和方法。主要介绍本文的研究设计及研究方法,在相关理论研究成果基础上提出本文的研究假设,构建研究模型,并使用成熟的量表设计成合理的问卷对被试者进行测量。第四部分为数据处理与假设检验。这一部分主要通过对回收问卷的整理及数据分析,运用相关统计学方法对前文提出的研究假设逐一进行验证。第五部分为研究结论与建议。该部分主要根据实证分析得出研究结论,并在此基础上提出一些建议,为管理者进行决策提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 Research on leadership effectiveness has always been a core issue in the study of organizational behavior. With the study of leading going deeper, people gradually realized the process of the leading is actually a dynamic and psychological exchanging process of social-interest related between superiors and subordinates in the organization. In this process, the awareness of superiors and subordinates of the quality of this exchange constitutes the exchange between them.High quality of the exchange would improve their leading effectiveness. Organizational citizenship behavior is extra-role behavior of employees, which is not clearly defined in the responsibility of the position description.According to the research, employees’organizational citizenship behavior has a vital significance to the development of enterprises. The relationship between leaders and subordinates would effect the behaviors of the later who can aware the close degree with the superiors.Would the psychological awareness urge the extra-role behavior of employees which is helpful to the development of enterprises if they aware the close with the leaders? This is an issue we can dig.Based on the exchange between superiors and subordinates and organizational citizenship behavior theory,this paper deals with the influence to the organizational citizenship behavior caused by the exchange and the meaning both in management theory and in practice.This paper first review members exchange and organizational citizenship behavior theory through literature carding, on which this best scale of production of the questionnaireb at home and abroad is selected 15 Businesses in Hefei are conducting a questionnaire survey. By the use of SPSS16.0 And AMOS17.0 Statistical software for data analysis,the research shows that:(1) the exchange and organizational citizenship behavior in Hefei is at a high level; (2)At the individual attribute variables, there are significant differences in the emotion dimension of leader-member exchanges according to the different educational levels. When it comes to the loyalty dimension, there exist significant differences considering the different educational levels and the different positions. Nevertheless there exists no difference in each individual attribute variable in the contribution dimension. And the significant differences are exist in the professional respect dimension as for as the different ages, the different work-life, and the different years of working with superiors; (3) At the individual properties on the variable, all the dimensions of the behavior for organizing citizenship have no significant differences in each individual attribute variable;(4)the exchange of emotions, the contribution of two dimensions has a significant role in promoting on organizational citizenship behavior organizational identity, professionalism and interpersonal harmony;(5)the exchange loyalty and professional respect dimensions does not have a significant role in promoting on the organizational citizenship behavior of the dimension.This study is divided into five parts:Introduction to the first part. Study on the background, purpose and significance to this article, characteristics of research ideas and techniques, and innovation.Review on the theory of the second part. Mainly introduces the exchange theories, concepts, dimensions and concepts of statistical indicators, organizational citizenship behavior and dimension and its research situation at home and abroad.The third part is the research design and methods. Focus on research design and research methods in this article, hypothesis is proposed on the basis of related theoretical research achievements. Construction of models, and use the mature reasonable questionnaire scale designed to measure the subjects.The fourth part is data processing and hypothesis testing.Through the Recycle processing and data analysis of the questionnaire,the section is validate the research hypothesis proposed earlier by the use of relevant statistical methods.The fifth part is conclusions and recommendations of the study which is based on the empirical analysis, and make some recommendations for managers in the decision making by theoretical basis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

