

The Study on Ancient History, Current Situation and Development Trend of Chinese Archives Preservation

【作者】 吴敏

【导师】 李财富;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 档案学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 人类不能没有记忆。档案是人类记忆的真实记录。作为一种不可再生资源,它对于国家各个领域的发展都有着重要的保存和参考价值。所以,科学、合理地保护档案安全,最大限度延长档案寿命便成为人类社会生活中一项功在当代,利及千秋的重要任务。档案诞生之初,人类便产生了档案保护思想。在悠悠历史长河中,我国档案保护事业经历了萌芽、发展、鼎盛、衰退、复兴、再发展的曲折历程。未来科技水平的发展,社会格局的转变必将给我国档案保护带来新的发展机遇和挑战。本论文由四大板块组成。第一板块为绪论。主要介绍了论文的研究目的、意义和研究现状等内容。第二板块分别回顾我国古代、近代和现当代档案保护发展历程,在总结发展历史和现状的基础上,对每一历史时期的档案保护发展特点、成就、局限进行了挖掘和剖析。其中,古代档案保护发展历程回顾以档案载体为纲,分种类探究了古人的档案保护之道。近代和现当代档案保护发展回顾则以时间为序,总结了主要历史时期我国档案保护的发展历程。第三板块是对我国档案保护发展规律的总结。首先档案载体的发展变迁与保护技术发展有着紧密联系。其次,我国档案保护发展经历了从分散到系统,从低级到高级,从单一到多元的漫长的历史过程。再次,继承与创新是我国档案保护发展的一条主旋律。最后,档案保护的发展轨迹与社会、文化、政治、科技、经济等外部环境因素密切相关。第四板块以我国档案保护发展规律为参考,对未来我国档案保护发展趋势进行了展望。对已逝岁月的回溯和对保护规律的正确揭示的最终目的,就是为了认识档案保护发展过程本身所蕴含的因果关系,从而获取智慧,更好地衔接往事与未来。这一部分中,论文分别从档案载体、保护理论、技术的继承与发扬、技术成果转化、科技环境影响、国际交流合作等多个角度对我国档案保护发展趋势作出了大胆预测和猜想。

【Abstract】 Human beings cannot have no memory. Archives is a faithful record of human merory. As a non-renewable resources, it will be of great value of conservation and reference for the development of all areas for our country. Therefore, it’s a vital task to protect archives scientifically and properly and extend its life maximumly in our social life. People had the thought of archives protection since archives began to appear. In the long history of China, Archives protection industry experienced rudiment, development, prosperity, recession, renaissance, recovery and further development. In the future, with the development of technology and changes in social patterns, there will be new opportunities and challenges for the development of archives protection.This thesis is composed of four plates.The first plate is an introduction. It mainly presents the research purpose, significance and current status.The second plate reviews the development course in the ancient, modern, and contemporary history of China. Based on the summary of development history and current situation, characteristics, achievements and limitations of archives protection in each historical period have been Dissected and excavated. Review of the development of ancient archives protection used the standard of archives carriers. While modern and contemporary archives protection development course is reviewed in time sequence.The third plate concludes the development law of archives protection. Firstly, the development of archives carriers and archives protection is closely linked. Secondly, archives protection in our country has experienced a long historical process from scattered to systematic, from elementary to advanced, from single to multiplex. Thirdly, the theme of "inheritance and innovation" is always throughout the development process of archives protection. Finally, development path of archives protection is closely related to social, cultural, political, technological, economic and some other external environmental factors.The final plate is trend forecast in reference to the law of archives protection. The ultimate goal of recalling the past and illustrating the law of archives protection is to understand the causation among the development course, so as to gain wisdom and link the past to the future better. In this part, development tendency of archives protection has been predicted from different perspective such as archives carrier, protection theory, technology inheritance and development, technology achievements transformation, scientific environment, international exchanges and cooperation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

