

The Research of Chinese Character Components and Related Problems in Teaching Based on the Relationship of Characters with Their Origin

【作者】 毛丽

【导师】 沙宗元;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 汉字在漫长的发展演变过程中发生了许多变化,现代汉字的部件与其来源之间存在错综复杂的关系。有些本来形体不同的部件,在现代汉字中演变成了相同的形体;有些本来形体相同的部件,到了现代汉字中却发生了不同形式的分化,演变成了两个或两个以上不同的形体;当然,也有相当一部分汉字部件始终较好地保持了汉字的构形理据,形体和来源的关系较为纯粹、单纯。汉字字形理据的追根溯源及现代汉字部件的相关研究,前人已做了大量的工作,积累了宝贵的研究成果。本文在前人研究的基础上,对现代汉字部件的形源关系进行认真梳理,并探讨汉字部件形源关系在对外汉语教学中的实际运用情况。本文在《(汉语水平)汉字等级大纲》2905个汉字范围内,依据《GF0014-2009现代常用字部件及部件名称规范》所确定的441组514个部件,对汉字部件的形体与来源的关系进行全面的研究和统计分析。除绪论与结语外,本文主要分为四个部分。第一部分是汉字部件研究的综述。主要包括以下内容:其一,通过对“部件”、“偏旁”、“部首”这几个术语的辨析,探讨它们之间的联系与区别,确立部件的定义,即部件为由笔画组成的具有组配汉字功能的构字单位:其二,讨论汉字部件的切分及具体的切分原则问题:根据字理、从形出发、尊重系统、面向应用;部件的分类及部件教学的探索。第二部分考察同形部件并对相关的教学问题进行探索。所谓同形部件,是指历史上原本不同的汉字部件在现代汉字中演变成的完全相同的部件。这种部件与来源之间是“一形对多源”的关系,一个部件形体对应多个理据或者来源,如“++”、“大”、“寸”、“又”、“刂”、“月”等都属此类部件。这些不同来源的汉字部件,在现代汉字中却用相同的部件形体来呈现,形成了“同形部件”。同形部件在现代汉字中非常普遍,形成的原因也非常复杂。此部分先对这一类型的部件进行分类,对所涉及部件的各种不同来源,进行全面的统计考察,再分析这种形源关系形成的原因,最后探讨其在对外汉字教学中的运用情况。第三部分考察同源部件并对相关的教学问题进行探讨。所谓同源部件,就是原本形体相同的部件,在使用过程中由于多种原因在现代汉字中已分化成一组不同的部件形体,“臣”和“刂”,“金”和“钅”,“川”、“(?)”和“巛”,“刀”、“(?)”、“(?)”和“刂”等几组部件都属于此类。此部分先对这一类型的部件进行统计,再分析这种形源关系形成的具体原因,最后探讨此类形源关系在对外汉字教学中的实际运用情况。第四部分考察纯粹部件,并对相关的教学问题进行探讨。所谓纯粹部件,就是始终较好地保持构形理据,在漫长的使用过程中,在形体和来源上保持相对统一性的部件,“女”、“凹”、“自”、“雨”、“斤”、“木”等部件便是如此。本部分先对这一类型的部件从不同角度进行分类,并进行全面的统计分析,再分析这种形源关系形成的具体原因,最后探讨此类部件形源关系在对外汉字教学中的实际运用情况。

【Abstract】 Modern Chinese character components changed a lot from traditional Chinese character components on the long history. The relationship is complicated between modern Chinese character components with their source. Some different traditional Chinese character components become the same in modern Chinese, some of the same components have undergone in more than one different differentiation to modern Chinese characters, of course, there are also a significant number of Chinese character components keep the same. There were a lot of research on modern Chinese character components and formed avaluable results. In this paper, we will pursue the relationship between modern Chinese character components and their sources and discusses the application in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. According to 2905 Chinese characters in Chinese Character Level Outline, this paper will calculate and analysis the relationship between components and their sources of 441 group total 514 Chinese character components in GF0014-2009 Specification of Common Modern Chinese Character Components and Component Names.In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the paper mainly divides into four parts.The first part is a sum up of Chinese characters components research. By comparing the term Bujian with Pianpang, Bushou, discussing the relations and differences between them, we definite the term Bushou as groups of matched stack strokes which used as component parts of characters. Then we will talk about the principle of how to separate the whole character into parts:the sources of character components, shape departure, whole character system, the application of character teaching. Finally we will focus on the classification of Chinese character components and exploration to components teaching.The second part is an investigation of the one-shape-multi-source components and an exploration of the related problems in teaching. The so-called one-shape-multi -source components are those who have different sources in history,艹,大,寸,又,刂,月belongs to this kind of components etc. These modern Chinese character components delieved from different sources are called one-shape-multi-source components. In modern Chinese, this kind of characters are very common, the reason is very complicated. This part will classify this type of components and make a comprehensive statistical analysis of their source, then discusses the reasons of the formation of fractal source relations, and finally focus on the teaching of them.The third part is an investigation of the multi-shape-one-source components and an exploration of the related problems in teaching. The so-called multi-shape-one-source components are those who have different shape in modern Chinese characters but succeed from just one source in history,臣and刂,金and钅川,(?) and巛,刀,(?),(?) and刂are a few groups components belong to this category. This part will classify this type of components and make a comprehensive statistical analysis of the source, then discusses the reasons of the formation of fractal source relations, and finally focus on the teaching of them.The forth part is an investigation of the one-shape-one-source components and an exploration of the related problems in teaching. The so-called one-shape-one-source components are those who have unique source in history,女,凹,自,雨,斤,木belongs to this category etc.This part will classify this type of components and make a comprehensive statistical analysis of the source, then discusses the reasons of the formation of fractal source relations, and finally focus on the teaching of them.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

