

Historical Evolution of the Concept of Fate on Greek Tragedies

【作者】 胡婧华

【导师】 赵凯;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 文艺学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 悲剧,诞生于古希腊,也是古希腊人独有的成就。古希腊悲剧,在诞生之际,便与命运观念解下了不解之缘。命运观念是古希腊悲剧具有鲜明时代意义的主题。在古希腊三大悲剧家的作品中,关注个人的命运及其在历史境遇中的生存,是其一以贯之的精神。由于特定的社会历史条件和人的思维认知、情感等多方面的原因,古希腊人在面对大自然和生活中无法解释也无力把握的事情时,便以为有一种无形的力量在操纵着这一切,而这种力量就是所谓的“命运”。虽然古希腊人认为冥冥之中有着无形的“命运力量”在操纵着一切,但酷爱生活的他们并未因此就向命运屈服,而是不断的与命运进行顽强抗争,在抗争的过程中展示出了坚强不屈的性格特点和蓬勃的生命活力。悲剧中那威力无穷又无法把握的命运给古希腊人带来了困惑与迷茫,同时也培育了他们的自我意识和个体精神。正是这种人类心灵深处的困惑和迷茫以及由此而引发的不懈追问与探索,构成了古希腊悲剧的灵魂,这种追问与探索将古希腊人的主体性上升到一个自意识的高度。“古希腊悲剧以命运幻象表现人类生存之谜,显示了人类对自身生存之谜永恒探求的精神以及这种探求行为孤立无援的伟大”。①命运观是古希腊人最初的人生观和世界观,也是一定社会历史阶段下人类思维发展的必然产物,因此随着社会实践活动的发展和人自我意识的提高,命运观也在不断地发展演化着。在三大悲剧诗人的剧作中,埃斯库洛斯认为,命运是—切的主宰,命运主宰着人,也主宰着神;索福克勒斯认为命运虽然强大莫测地主宰着人,但命运却是邪恶的,是值得怀疑的。欧里庇得斯认为命运是掌握在自己的手中,自己可以选择自己的命运,自己也可以对抗自己不想要的命运。古希腊悲剧命运观念的产生、发展和演变有着相应的认知、宗教、哲学、生存方式、政治体制等社会历史文化背景的促成和使然。虽然命运观念存在的社会历史条件和人文背景在发展进步,但它所蕴含的人类生存境遇、生命存在与人生意义等问题依然不变。在后世文学中,古希腊的命运观念成为一个永不衰竭的文学意象,尤其哈代的作品和曹禺的《雷雨》对命运观念有着历史性的继承和发展。

【Abstract】 Tragedy was born in Ancient Greece and it was also the great unique achievements of Greeks. On the occasion of its birth, it has formed a deep bond with the notion of fate, which is the theme of distinctive epoch-making significance in ancient Greek tragedies. Concerning about the individual fate and his subsistence in historical situations is the consistent pith of the works of the three great tragedy dramatists of ancient Greece. Due to the specific historical conditions of society, and individual’s thinking, cognition, emotion and many other factors, when confronting with unaccountable and uncontrollable things of the nature and life, ancient Greeks would consider that a certain kind of intangible force, which is what is called "fate", manipulates everything. In spite of the fact, they love life, never give in to their fates but fight against them unceasingly. The process of fighting shows exactly their indomitable characteristics and flourishing vigor of life. The powerful but unpredictable fate in tragedies confused and bewildered the ancient Greeks, fostering their self-consciousness and individual spirits. It is the confusion and bewilderment in the depth of humankind’s heart, and the unremitting inquiry and exploration arising therefrom, which raise the subjectivity of ancient Greeks to a level of self-consciousness, that constitute the soul of ancient Greek tragedies. "Through the tragic fate, ancient Greek tragedies show the mystery of human’s existence, and indicates the eternal spirit of the Greeks’searching and inquiring their own survival mystery, and the greatness of the action of searching alone."The notion of fate is the original life value and world outlook of ancient Greeks and also is the inevitable product of the development of human mind in specific historical periods of society. Therefore, it is evolving constantly as well with the development of social practical activities and improvement of individual’s self-consciousness. Among the three tragedy poets, Aeschylus believes that fate governs all things, all persons and the supreme god; while Sophocles thinks that fate is powerful and enigmatic to all, but fate is vicious and suspectable. As far as Euripides is concerned, he believes that fate is in one’s own hand, and that one can choose his own fate and can fight against the unexpected fate.The emergence, development and evolution of the notion of tragic fate of ancient Greece are the inevitable results of the corresponding historical and cultural backgrounds of society such as cognition, religion, philosophy, lifestyle, the political system and so on. Though the historical conditions of society and cultural backgrounds which the notion of fate exists are developing, the questions such as human subsistence circumstances, the existence of life and, the meaning of life and so on remain still.In the literature later, the notion of fate becomes an inexhaustible literature image. Particularly, the works of Thomas Hardy and Thunderstorm written by CaoYu historically inherit and develop the notion of fate of the Ancient Greek tragedies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

