

Higher School Educational Administration Management Information System Design and Development Research

【作者】 范文广

【导师】 李龙澍;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 计算机技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机技术的飞速发展和高等教育体制改革的不断深入,传统的教务管理方法、手段以及工作效率已不能适应新的发展需要,无法很好地完成教学管理工作。提高教务管理水平的主要途径是更新管理者的思想,增强对管理活动的科学认识。原始手工处理操作,已无法适应目前发展的需要,手工在对大量数据进行处理时,容易产生错误,对于查询和维护非常不便,自然就会影响工作效率和教学环节。利用先进的信息技术,开发高校综合教务管理信息系统,是深化教务体制改革的有利措施。教务管理工作是高等教育工作的一项重要内容。教务管理工作是学院管理人员按照一定的教育方针,运用先进的管理手段,组织、协调。指挥与指导各方面人员的活动,以便高效率、高质量地完成各项教学任务。教务管理工作是学院教学工作的中枢,是保证高校教学机制正常运转的枢钮,它是一项目的性、计划性、适应性、创造性、规范性、效益性和科学性很强的工作。教务管理工作关系到高校教学秩序的稳定和教学质量的提高,关系到高校的发展和人才的培养,教务管理在高校中相当重要的地位。管理信息系统简述中介绍了管理信息系统的概念、数据管理的三个发展阶段(人工、文件和数据库)的过程和特点、管理信息系统的四个结构(定义结构、功能、硬件和软件结构)和管理信息系统的三种开发方法(生命周期法、原型法和面向对象)的定义、过程和特点。高校教务管理信息系统分析中介绍教务管理的重要性,以及其部分子系统的业务流程,在此主要介绍了四个子系统(学生管理、教务管理、教材管理和实验环节),阐述了教务管理系统的需求分析,整个系统的数据流程以及系统中部分功能模块及其功能说明。数据挖掘和遗传算法中介绍数据挖掘的定义、分析方法(主要介绍了五种),每种方法的定义和实现过程;数据挖掘的过程(四个过程,问题确定、数据准备、数据挖掘和结果的表达评价),过程中每个点的具体实现的功能;其中对数据准备(预处理)的四种方法进行了描述,在四种方法中又着重介绍了遗传算法,主要包括遗传算法的特点、基本遗传算法的流程,以及遗传算法的五个要素(编码、初始群体、适应度函数、遗传操作和算法参数),阐述了每个要素在算法中的作用和过程。教务管理信息系统中的排课问题算法中介绍排课问题的要素(教师、时间、教室、班级和课程),每个要素的特征、和要求,对于排课来说各要素之间的关系,从面形成了相互之间的约束,在此提出了基本约束、和优化原则约束,为形成好的课表奠定了一定的基础;通过对部分约束条件进行了分析,形成其对应的数学模型,以便得到整个排课问题的模型描述;论文的核心是基于遗传算法的排课设计,根据遗传算法的过程和要素,结合课程表的结构和特征,较为详细地阐述了课表形成过程涉及遗传算法的各要素:编码的形成(布尔矩阵)、适应度函数中各参数的说明,通过调查分析得到节次优度表和周次组合优度表,从而可以确定课程安排的适应值为排课的合理性提供依据,对于布尔矩阵编码的遗传操作(选择、交叉和变异),具体实现过程。教务管理信息系统的设计和实施方案中介绍数据库设计四个过程(需求分析、概念设计、逻辑设计和物理设计),在程序设计开始,根据教务管理系统的要求和要实现的功能,要对功能模块进行概念设计,即E-R图,再根据E-R图确定数据库中各数据表的组成;以及本教务管理系统部分功能的运行效果分析本文主要介绍了信息管理系统的结构、开发方法,特别是开发方法作了较详细地说明;介绍了目前高校的教务管理的内容、教学管理的流程、教务管理的需求,教务管理系统各模块的功能;数据挖掘的定义、方法和过程,其中对于遗传算法作了较为详细的说明,包括遗传算法的特点、遗传算法的基本操作过程;遗传算法应用于教务管理系统中的排课问题,阐述了排课问题的相关要素和约束条件,以及对约束条件的数学模型化,基本遗传算法排课设计的过程;教务管理信息系统的开发工具、程序设计、运行和维护等问题。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of computer technology and higher education system reform, the traditional teaching management method, means and work efficiency already can not adapt to the new development needs, unable to perform well in teaching management. Improve educational administration management level of main way is the update managers to management ideas, enhance the scientific cognition activity. The original manual processing operation, can not meet the needs of the development of the current, the manual on a lot of data processing, easy to produce errors, for query and maintenance very inconvenience, nature will affect work efficiency and teaching link. Using advanced information technology, the development of college comprehensive teaching management information system, is the deepening of educational reforms favorable measures.Higher education educational administration work is an important part of work. Educational administration management work is institute of management personnel of education policy, according to certain using advanced management method, the organization and coordination. Command and guidance from all the activities, so that high efficiency, high quality to complete all the teaching task. Educational administration management work is a central institute of teaching is to ensure the normal operation of the college teaching mechanism relied upon, it is a purpose, planning, adaptability, creative, normative, benefit and scientific strong work. Educational administration management work is related to the stability of college teaching order and improving the quality of teaching, in relation to the development of colleges and universities and cultivating talent and academic affairs management in colleges and universities in the quite important place.Management information system briefly introduces the management information system concept, data management of three development stages (artificially, documents and databases) process and characteristics, management information system of the four structures (definition structure, function, the hardware and software structure) and the management information system of three development method (life cycle method, prototype method and object oriented) definition, process and characteristics.College teaching management information systems analysis is introduced the importance of teaching management, and some of its subsystems of business process, in this mainly introduced the four subsystems (student management, teaching management, teaching material management and the link), expounds the educational administration system requirements analysis, the whole system of data flow and system function module and its functional specification.Data mining and genetic algorithm is introduced the definition, data mining analysis method (mainly introduces five kinds of), each method; the definition and implementation process Data mining process (four processes, problem sure, data preparation, data mining and results of the expression evaluation), each point in the process of concrete realization function; Among the data preparation (pretreatment) four methods described in four methods, and emphatically introduces genetic algorithm, mainly including characteristics of genetic algorithm, the basic genetic algorithm and genetic algorithm, the process of the five elements (coding, initial groups, fitness function, genetic operation and algorithm parameters), this paper expounds the role of each element in the algorithm and process.Teaching management information system in the curriculum question algorithm introduced the timetable problem element (teacher, time, classroom, class and courses), the characteristics, and each element, demands for various factors for curriculum, the relationship between the surface formed from the constraints between each other, have put forward the basic constraint, and the optimization principle constraint, in order to create a good schedule laid a certain foundation; Based on the analysis of part constraint conditions, forming its corresponding mathematical model, in order to get the whole course of the model describes problems; Papers are the core of the curriculum design based on genetic algorithm based on genetic algorithm, the process and factors, combined with the structure and characteristics of curriculum schedule detail elaborated the forming process involving all the elements of a genetic algorithm the formation of:encoding (Boolean matrix), fitness function of the parameters in the instructions, through a survey and analysis JieCi optimality of table and weeks get second-digital, which can determine the optimality of table curriculum for the rationality of fitness course provide basis for Boolean matrix code, the genetic operation (choose, crossover and mutation), implementation.The teaching management information system design and implementation scheme introduces database design four process (needs analysis, concept design and logical design and physical design), in programming began, according to the educational administration management system requirements and to realize the function of function module, conceptual design, namely the e-r chart, again according to the e-r chart database tables to determine the composition of each; And this educational administration management system function operation effect analysis this paper mainly introduces the information management system structure, development method, especially development method is described; Introduces the present college educational administration of contents, teaching management process, educational administration management requirements, educational administration management system module function; The definition, data mining method and the process for genetic algorithm, which made a more detailed instructions, including characteristics of genetic algorithm, genetic algorithm; the basic operation process Genetic algorithm is applied to the educational administration system, expounds the course of relevant factors and timetable problem, and the constraint conditions of constraint conditions of the mathematical model, the basic genetic algorithm of course design process; The teaching management information system development tools, program design, operation and maintenance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】330

