

【作者】 孟魁

【导师】 唐雪飞; 秦晓东;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着短信增值业务的不断增多,移动短信增值业务用户群不断发展壮大,由电信运营商与服务提供商等合作伙伴共同打造的短信增值服务价值链为用户提供越来越多、越来越丰富的服务。这些业务一般由服务提供商(SP)提供服务,出于用于隐私性、用户防骚扰等服务角度考虑,用户一般需要先进行业务订购然后再使用服务。电信增值业务以其投资少、见效快、竞争环境严格、高技术含量、时尚业务、品种丰富和用户选择项目多等众多优势发展而来。新兴的增值业务由配角的向主角转换,但是由于电信增值的产业链不够完善,合作共赢的机会没有完全形成,如何实现业务快速订购对于合作共赢至关重要。平台订购模块就弥补了这个产业链的重要一环。怎样才能使用户方便的订购和使用这些业务,传统的营业厅开户订购方式已经不能满足信息化社会的要求,怎样才能方便快捷的订购和使用增值业务,通过短信或portal订购和取消订购的方式就产生了。本文探讨和研究的正是基于运营商的综合信息应用平台,通过业务订购模块,实现增值业务的快速推广。用户可以通过发送短信订购和取消增值业务,也可以通过SP的网站进行反向定购、取消定购操作,还可以通过portal订购和取消订购增值业务。以及发送订购指令到综合信息应用平台的匹配算法。是本论文的选题和研究内容。在此基础上,论文的首先介绍整合综合信息应用平台整体方案以及相关内部消息处理流程,然后是讲述订购接口模块的功能设计以及相关订购去订购业务流程的实现。最后讲述业务流程的功能测试,满足电信运营商的需求。通过在综合信息应用平台订购模块接口,终端用户可以方便快捷的订购和使用运营商提供的增值业务。本文所讨论的内容可作为实际订购模块接口的指导,也为未来的研究工作提供参考。

【Abstract】 With the growing number of SMS value-added services, more and more user who use the value-added SMS services are increased, more and more rich value-added SMS services are provided by the telecom operators on the value chain. These services usually provided by the service provider (SP) consider on privacy and harassed, and users generally need to make the business order rand then use the service. The value-added service is developed based on many advantages such as less investment quickly effective, strictly competitive environment, high-technology, fashion service, more rich and be selected. New valued-added service is convert from support role to protagonist,however,the value-added chain is not perfectly, the opportunities for win-win is not formed completely. How to quickly achieve the subscribe is important, so the subscribe module make up the important party.How can we make it easy for users to subscribe and use these services, the traditional way of subscribing the service can’t meet the requirement of the society, how can make the service subscribed and used quickly,by the SMS or portal to subscribe the service is generate.This article discusses and research how to implement the value-add service to be promoted quickly by the subscribe module based on the platform provide by the telecom operators. User can use SMS to subscribe or un subscribe the service,also can through the web provide by sp or the portal website to implement the same function, send the command word to platform and match the algorithm. All this is the content that we will be researched. Based on this, firstly the article introduces the overall design of the platform and the internal progress flow. Then describes the design of subscribe interface and how to implement the business flow,at last we discuses the function test of the business processes to meet the needs of the telecom. By the subscribe interface module on the platform, the end users can quickly subscribe and use the value-added services. The interface of subscribe will be a practical guide.

【关键词】 增值业务SP订购终端用户功能测试
【Key words】 Value-added servicesSPorderingend usersfunctional testing
  • 【分类号】TP311.52;F626
  • 【下载频次】31

