

【作者】 文亮

【导师】 王庆先; 郭迪明;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 学籍管理是所有学校教学工作的一个重要组成部分,学籍管理水平的高低体现了学校管理水平的高低。由于缺乏现代的管理手段,学籍管理人员的常常面对大量的信息却不能及时的调整出自己所需的数据,学籍管理系统还处于半手工的处理阶段,工作既繁琐有效率低,学生学籍发生异动,其相应的信息资料也不能及时的修改,往往出现信息处理不一致的情况。每学期期末的成绩登出容易出错、漏登情况,为学生成绩的查询工作也极为不方便。因此,建立一个完善的集成化的计算机学籍管理系势在必行,它具有手工管理无法比拟的优点,可以做到检索迅速、查找方便、可靠性高、保密性好、寿命延长、成本低等,这些特点能够极大的提高工作效率,也对学校科学化、正规化管理起到重要的作用。本项目源于重庆市教委项目,是在原C/S版本基础上采用B/S模式重新开发的,主要是实现数据集中管理,方便使用与维护。同时,结合最新开发技术,最大限度优化管理流程、提高软件性能、增强软件易用性。一般用户经过简单培训,就能使用本系统。维护工作将更加方便高效。文章通过对学籍管理系统的背景以及实际意思的阐述,提出了适用于重庆市高中学籍管理的系统软件,主要阐述了本系统开发过程中所采用的技术,以及对学籍管理系统从需求分析、数据库设计、设计与实现等方面来介绍学籍管理系统,通过分析学籍管理总共分为:系统管理、学籍基本信息管理、成长信息管理、考试管理、会考管理、毕业管理、查询与统计等七大模块。本系统主要采用的技术目前的主流开发方向java方向,所采用的技术包括struts 2、spring、hibernate等,数据库采用的是MySql。

【Abstract】 Student management is an important part of teaching for all schools, and the level of student management reflects the level of school management. Due to the lack of modern management tools, student management staffs often face a mass of information but cannot adjust the data they needed in time. Therefore, student management system is still in semi-manual processing stage, at the same time, the management work is tedious and low efficiency. If any student information changed, the corresponding information could not be modified in time, as a result, the conflicting information occurred. Furthermore, as it is easy to make a mistake or miss to register the grades of each term, it is not convenience for student to inquire their own grades. Consequently, the establishment of a comprehensive computer integrated student management system is imperative, and it has the incomparable advantage of manual management, such as quickly inquire, easy to find, high reliability, confidentiality, life expectancy, and low cost. These features can greatly improve efficiency, but also play an important role for the scientific and standardized management to schools.This project is from the project of Chongqing Education Committee, and it redevelops based on the original C/S version adapting B/S mode, and mainly achieves data centralized management and convenient usage and maintenance. Meanwhile, combining the latest development technology, it maximizes allocation management process, improves the software performance, and enhances the software usability. The common users through simple training can use this system, and the maintenance work will be more convenient and efficient.This paper introduced the background and actual significance of student management system, and put forward the suitable student management system software for the high schools in Chongqing. It mainly elaborated the technology involved in the system development, and introduced the system from the aspects of requirements analysis, database design, design and realization. By analyzing, the student management can be divided into 7 modules, system management, basic information management, growth information management, examination management, general examination management, graduate management, query and statistics.This system mainly adopted the current mainstream technology Java,including struts 2, spring and hibernate, and it used the MySQL database.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】109

