

【作者】 苏冀飞

【导师】 罗绪成; 李伟忠;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 胜利石油管理局是上个世纪60年代通过抽调全国各地的石油工人进行石油开发大会战而发展起来的全国第二大石油生产基地。油田职工家属在大会战和胜利油田近50年的建设中做出了特殊的贡献。但经过20多年的国企改革、改制、重组等巨大变化,企业职工家属生活状况出现了很大的变化,造成了一定的社会问题。所以,建设一个完备的职工家属档案信息管理系统具有一定的特殊和重要的意义。胜利石油管理局电力管理总公司原有的家属档案管理是手工为主,Excel表格为辅的传统管理模式,无法充分反映家属变动情况,造成工作中的被动,已经不能满足现实的需要。本项目主要是在详细调研的基础上,通过信息化技术,实现对职工家属档案的网络化管理,实现多点采集、集中管理、多级共享的目标,为胜利石油管理局和电力管理总公司提供决策辅助。本论文主要介绍了对家属档案信息管理系统的需求分析、设计和开发实现的全部过程。全文共分为引言、相关关键技术的介绍与分析、系统需求分析、系统设计与实现、系统测试、结论六部分。“引言”中主要介绍开发本项目的背景、目标和家属档案管理现状;“相关关键技术的介绍与分析”阐述了该项目采用的关键技术,如MVC模式、Struts框架系统、Hibernate技术等;“需求分析”介绍通过细致的调查研究总结需求分析的结论;“系统设计与实现”介绍了系统设计的指导思想和目标,设计原则、系统功能模块设计与实现;“系统测试”介绍了系统测试的方法、过程和结果;“结论”部分对整个开发进行了总结回顾。本系统在胜利石油管理局电力管理总公司经过3个月试运行,现在已经正式开通运行。经过培训上岗的系统管理员已能完成全面的系统维护工作,目前运行情况较为理想,使家属档案管理工作上了一个新的水平,达到了系统开发的目标。

【Abstract】 In the 1960s, Oil workers from all over the country gathered ShengLi oilfield, to joint exploration of petroleum, so the ShengLi oilfield developed into the nation’s second largest oil production base.Oilfield staff family in nearly 50 years of oil exploitation and construction period made the special contribution. But after 20 years of state-owned enterprise reform, restructuring, reorganization and other great changes in the living conditions of the families of enterprise employees, great changes have occurred, resulting in a certain social problems.Therefore, the construction of a complete staff family archives information management system has certain special and important meaning.Existing staff family archives management in ShengLi petroleum administration power management corporation is a handicraft traditional management mode, supplemented by excel spreadsheet, unable to fully reflect the families fluctuant circumstance, cause in the work of the passive, cannot have satisfied real need. This project is mainly on the detailed investigation, on the basis of this information technology to realize the staff family archives management information, realize the multi-point network management of collection, centralized management, the multistage Shared goal, to support decision making for the Shengli Petroleum Administration’s Power Management Corporation.This paper mainly introduced staff family archives information management system of requirement analysis, designing, implementation and system testing . Full-text altogether divides into the introduction, related key technology introduction and analysis, system requirement analysis, system design and implementation, system testing and conclusion six sections."Introduction" mainly introduces development of this project background, goals and family archives management status, "Related key technology introduction and analysis”explains the project adopt the key technologies, such as MVC mode, Struts frame system and Hibernate technology, etc; "Requirement analysis" describes the content of requirement analysis and conclusions; "System design and implementation " introduces the system design of guiding ideology and the goal, the design principles, system function module design and implementation; "System test" introduced the system test methods, processes and results; "Conclusions"section summarizes the entire development review.This system in the ShengLi petroleum administration bureau Power Management Corporation after 3 months commissioning, has now officially open operation. After training,the system administrator can already complete comprehensive system maintenance work.The system now run situation more ideal, make family archives management work on a new level, and achieve the goal of system development.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】21

