

【作者】 陈清河

【导师】 佘堃; 赵腾云;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球经济一体化进程加快,作为世界制造中心的中国产生了越来越多的资产密集型企业,产生了向设备要效益、增加资产回报率的需求,装备管理信息系统成为很多企业提升企业竞争力的利器和手段。石油企业属于资产密集企业,资产管理系统(EAM)被称为资产密集企业的ERP,因此以胜利油田为例对EAM进行研究具有很重要的意义。从研究先进的EAM为出发点,在充分调研的基础上,结合胜利石油管理局资产管理的现状,采用了面向对象的需求分析与设计开发方法,在充分利用现有数据平台的基础上,开发了一套工程装备综合信息管理系统,实现了对数据的高度共享、科学采集、严格管理和便捷的查询统计,建立起一套完整的集信息采集、数据维护、科学统计和信息发布于一体的规划投资辅助决策系统。本文的主要内容将按照软件工程的开发步骤与规范,描述系统的开发过程,包括系统需求分析、概要设计、详细设计和实现等。本系统在胜利石油管理局经初步运行测试,目前运行情况较为理想,经过培训上岗的系统管理员已能完成简单的系统维护工作,企业领导层正督促相关人员进行数据库的整合工作,相关数据的录入正紧锣密鼓的进行。在本系统开发人员的密切配合下,系统正逐步推广使用。

【Abstract】 As the acceleration of the global economic intergradations, China as the world manufacturing center,appeared more and more asset-intensive enterprises which need more and more high asset returns. In this background Enterprise Asset Management system become edge tool and means for many enterprises to promote enterprise competitive. Petroleum enterprise belong to asset-intensive enterprise, and enterprise asset management system (EAM) is called asset -intensive enterprise’s ERP, so EAM study has the very vital significance.From researching advanced EAM as the starting point, I combined with the full investigation of ShengLi oilfield asset management status quo, using the object-oriented requirement analysis and design and development method, and on the basis of existing data platform,to develop a set of integrated enterprise asset management system which had realized the target as follows: the high share of the data, scientific acquisition, strict management, convenient inquiry statistics, and build up a complete set of integrated information acquisition, data maintenance, science statistics, information release ,the integration of planning investment and so on .The main content of this article will according to the software engineering development procedures and specifications, describe system development process, including the system requirement analysis, general design, detailed design and implementation, etc.This system has been through preliminary test in the ShengLi petroleum administration bureau, at present the operation more ideal. After training system administrator can already do simple system maintenance work. Enterprise leadership is urging related personnel for the integration of the databases, the relevant data is being recorded at present. under the close cooperation with developers , the system is being phased in use.

【关键词】 EAMOOD软件工程
【Key words】 EAMOODsoftware engineering
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】30

