

【作者】 戴奎松

【导师】 吴劲; 谭宜国;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 人类进入二十一世纪,迅速发展的社会生产力和突飞猛进的科学技术,都为人们增加信息交流的深度和广度创造了前所未有的条件,在信息时代信息量急剧增长,老旧的处理信息和决策思考的方法已经不能适应社会的需要,信息的重要性和信息处理问题的紧迫性得到了空前提高,面对社会环境的不断变化发展,特别是在夹缝中生存,靠特色立足的民办高校,我们需要开发和收集新的信息处理工具,满足什么需要,达到什么目的?。人力资源管理是企事业单位管理中的一个重要内容,随着时代的进步,单位也逐渐变得庞大起来。如何管理好单位内部员工的信息,成为单位管理中的一个大问题。对一个学校,大量教师信息难以通过传统的方法进行有效管理,在这种情况下,开发一个人力资源管理系统来帮助学校管理者处理教师信息的日常管理就显得非常必要。本课题结合实际的人事制度,经过实际的需求分析,研制了一个建立在局域网环境之上的民办高校人事管理信息系统,促进了重庆信息技术职业学院人事管理工作的科学化、规范化,从而进一步提高了工作效率。系统可以容纳本校所有教职员工的各种档案、工资等信息,并能以最快的速度为评定职称、增加员工的工资和生成领导需求的报表提供最准确的数据,系统合理设计的组合查询功能可以满足不同用户,不同条件下的需求,为将来在本校在人事改革中按需定岗提供强大的数据支持。本系统构建了一个能科学采集、分类、存储重庆信息技术职业学院教职工信息,完成教师奖惩、培训、考评、调薪、调动等人事管理,科学完成各种人事统计。系统采用结构化系统分析方法对人事管理进行分解和抽象,然后得出人事管理信息系统的数据流程图和实体-关系图。采用模块化的方法对系统各个功能模块进行详细算法设计,然后采用基于.NET平台和C#语言的面向对象程序设计方法实现本系统,最后给出了本系统各功能实现界面图。经过一段时间的试运行,系统运行比较稳定,使用比较方便,功能基本能满足学校需求,实现了重庆信息技术职业学院人事管理工作向信息化的转变,能有效提高学院在人事管理上的效率,并使人事管理向现代化的管理理论靠近。解决了我院人事管理落后的局面。

【Abstract】 As mankind enters the twenty-first century, the rapid development of social productive forces and science and technology advances have increased the exchange of information for people the depth and breadth created unprecedented conditions for rapid growth of information in the information age, the old information processing and decision-making way of thinking can not adapt to the needs of society the importance of information and information processing has been an unprecedented urgency to improve the face of the changing social environment, development, especially in the cracks to survive, relying on features based on private universities, we need to develop and collect new information processing tools.Human resources management is the management of enterprises is an important content of the progress with the times, the unit has gradually become a huge up. Internal staff how to manage the information unit, a unit of management in a big problem. For a school, a large number of teachers of information through traditional methods is difficult to manage, in this case, the development of a human resources management system to help teachers, school administrators deal with the daily management of the information it is very necessary.The real issue with the personnel system, after the actual needs analysis, development of a LAN environment built on top of Private Colleges and Universities Personnel Management Information System, and promote the Chongqing Information Technology Vocational College personnel management more scientific, standardized, and thus further enhance work efficiency. The school system can accommodate a variety of files for all staff, wages and other information, and to the fastest speed of professional titles, increasing staff wages and generate a report that the leadership needs to provide the most accurate data, the combination of rational design of the system inquiry function meet the different users, the needs of different conditions for future reforms in personnel in our posts and provide powerful data on demand support.The system can be constructed of a scientific collection, classification, storage, Chongqing Information Technology Vocational College faculty information, completion of teacher incentives, training, evaluation, salary adjustment, mobility and other personnel management and scientific personnel to complete a variety of statistics. System uses a structured method of personnel management system decomposition and abstraction, and then come to the personnel management information system data flow diagram and entity - relationship diagram. Modular approach to the system in detail each module algorithm design, and then based on. NET platform and C # language, object-oriented design methods to achieve this system, given the implementation of the system interface of each function.After a period of trial operation, the system runs more stable, are easy to use basic functions to meet school needs and achieve the Chongqing Information Technology Vocational College personnel management changes to the information can effectively improve the College in the efficiency of personnel management, and to personnel management close to the modern management theory. I solved the backward situation of Personnel Management.

【关键词】 信息系统ASP.NETB/S模式人事管理
【Key words】 information systemASP.NETB/S modepersonnel management

