

【作者】 唐明灯

【导师】 罗光春; 郭迪明;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济社会的不断发展,档案管理得到了进一步的发展,高校的教师档案信息资源开发也得到了促进和深化,原来的工作方式已不再完全适应,急需建立起与之相适应的信息化管理软件。充分发挥计算机存储量大、查询速度快的优势,建立符合实际的师资档案管理信息系统,对教师个人及师资整体实行全方位、多角度的综合鉴定,不但可以提高工作效率、节省人力物力,而且对保证师资档案的完整性和整洁性、及时准确地为领导决策提供信息起到较好的作用。本文通过对重庆信息技术职业学院教师档案管理的特殊需求进行分析,结合普通职业院校教师档案管理的情况,提出了适合于实际情况的软件系统架构方案,设计符合实际需求的系统功能模块,以适合管理的需求。通过这套系统的设计、开发和应用,使领导和有关部门能随时了解和掌握教师教学、科研、社会活动、学术成果等方面的动态和信息,以便使得管理更合理,制订学校的发展规划。本文针对重庆信息技术职业学院教师档案管理的特点,结合多年的实践经验,采取基于C/S模式,使用Visual C# 2008作为系统的开发工具,采用SQL Sever 2005作为数据库平台,以面向对象为程序设计方法,基于表示层-逻辑层-数据层的三层模式从软件工程的软件需求分析、概要设计、详细设计、实现、测试等方面分析、设计和实现了教师档案管理系统。

【Abstract】 With the continuous development of economy and society,file management has been further developed. File information resources for teachers college has also been developed to promote and deepen. So the original work is no longer completely meet.the urgent need to establish a corresponding information management software. Give full play to computer storage capacity, the advantages of query speed, the establishment of realistic teacher records management information system, individual teachers and teacher on the overall implementation of full, comprehensive identification of multi-angle, not only can improve efficiency and save manpower and resources, and Teacher files for ensuring the integrity and cleanliness, timely and accurate information for decision-making leadership role to play better.Based on the faculty of Chongqing Information Technology Vocational special needs of records management analysis and Ordinary vocational school teachers with the case file management , The actual situation is proposed for the software system architecture solution. To suit management needs, the system function module is designed. Through this system design, development and application of the leaders and relevant departments can readily understand and grasp the teaching, research, social activities, academic achievement and other aspects of the dynamic and information to make management more rational development of the school development plan.In this paper, Chongqing Information Technology Vocational College teachers file management features, combined with years of practical experience, to take on C / S mode, using the Visual C # 2008 as a system development tool, SQL Sever 2005 as the database platform for the program object-oriented Design method, based on the presentation layer - the logic layer - the three-mode data layer of software from the software engineering requirements analysis, preliminary design, detailed design, implementation, testing and other aspects of the analysis, design and implementation of file management system for teachers.

【关键词】 档案管理信息系统VS2008
【Key words】 ArchivesManagementInformation SystemVS2008

