

【作者】 卓启海

【导师】 任立勇; 李伟忠;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 胜利油田是一个资源丰富、资金密集、技术密集、人才密集的国有特大型企业,是中国第二大石油生产基地,经过近50年的开发建设,累积发现了77个油气田,原油年产能力连续16年稳定在2700万吨以上,年生产天然气近10亿立方米。胜利油田电力管理总公司是为胜利油田生产和居民生活供电的专业化公司,自从1965年成立以来,坚持每年开展合理化建议活动,不断改进经营管理,增强企业竞争力。针对“合理化建议”已经形成了一套卓有成效的制度化管理方法。为经营管理建议信息管理系统的建设提供了条件。本课题结合电力管理总公司建议管理的现状,开发一套基于B/S构架的经营管理建议信息管理系统,实现了合理化建议提出、论证审核、立项实施、效益分析等全流程的信息化管理。为此,本文的主要内容将按照软件工程的开发步骤与规范,描述系统的开发过程,包括面向对象的系统需求分析、概要设计、详细设计和实现等。本系统经过3个月的试运行,已经在电力管理总公司正式运行。经过培训上岗的系统管理员已能大多数系统维护工作,通过2期的操作人员培训,大多数使用人员已经掌握了系统的基本操作,整体运行状况良好。从运行一段时间的反馈情况看,大幅度提高了建议管理的工作效率,缩短了建议管理流程的周期,提高了全体职工开展“合理化建议”的积极性,提高了职工的企业主人翁意识,为企业减耗增效做出了重大的贡献,得到了企业领导和职工的高度肯定,实现了系统的预期目标。

【Abstract】 Sinopec ShengLi petroleum branch is a rich resources, capital intensive and technology-intensive, talent intensive state-owned large enterprise, is China’s second-largest oil production base, after nearly 50 years’ development and construction, accumulatively found 77 oilfield and gas field, had production of crude oil steadily ability in 27 million tons for 16 consecutive years and the annual production of natural gas nearly 10 billion cubic meters.Shengli Power Management Corporation is the ShengLi oilfield production and residents living power supply specialized company. Since 1965 it was founded, adhere to carry out activities of forwarding rational proposals, continuously improve management, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. It has formed a set of effective institutionalized management methods in view of "rationalization proposal". It provides conditions for construction of Business Management Advice Information Management System .This topic according to the actual situation of Suggestions Management in Power Management Corporation, develop a set of based on B/S architecture of the Business Management Advice Information Management System, realize the reasonable suggestion from application, argumentation to implementation, auditing information management process. Therefore, the main content of this article will according to the software engineering development procedures and standards, describes the process of development of the system including the object-oriented system requirement analysis, general design, detailed design and implementation, etc.This system after 3 months of commissioning, has been in Power Management Corporation formal operation. After eateemed customers system administrator can already most system maintenance, through the phase 2 operating personnel training, most using personnel have mastered the basic operation of the system, overall run well. From running a period of feedback see greatly improve the working efficiency of the management Suggestions, shorten the cycle of management process, improve the staff development "rationalization proposal" enthusiasm, improve the consciousness of the worker for the enterprise ownership, to reduce fuel efficiency make significant contributions, obtained the enterprise leaders and worker height affirmation, realize the system anticipate goal.

【关键词】 B/S构架OOD软件工程
【Key words】 B/S architectureOODsoftware engineering
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】27

