

Studies on the Biological Characteristics of Luehdorfia Chinensis Leech (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) and Danaus Chrysippus Linnaeus (Lepidoptera: Danaidae) in Yanshan

【作者】 王文明

【导师】 夏斌;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 生态学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对国家二级保护动物中华虎凤蝶和金斑蝶在江西省九江市永修县燕山地区自然气候条件下的生物学特性做了相关的研究,主要内容和结论如下:1,中华虎凤蝶在燕山自然条件下1年仅发生1代,以蛹越冬,2月中旬开始结束越冬,3、4月开始进入活动盛期,5月上旬化蛹,进入休眠期;卵的孵化期为21-27d,孵化主要集中在4:00~6:00和11:00-16:00这两个时段内,占一天孵化总量的74.90%;不同龄期幼虫蜕皮发生的时段略有不同,基本为凌晨和中午前后,小部分发生在中午;五龄幼虫化蛹主要发生在9:00-11:00、15:00-18:00和20:00-23:00这三个时段,占一天化蛹总数的67.66%;成虫羽化主要发生在上午8:00-11:00,占了一天羽化总数的81.52%,9:00~10:00达到最高峰。在天气晴朗的条件下,中华虎凤蝶成虫羽化当天即可交尾,交尾主要发生在12:00~14:00,这一时段的交尾对数占总统计数的87.42%。交尾时长18.93±7.75min。在燕山自然气候条件下,除预蛹期外,其他各阶段的发育历期均比在人工控温室中(20-25℃)的发育历期更长,且差异显著。在自然条件下卵期和幼虫期的平均值分别为23.12d和46.67d,而在人工控温室中分别为16.04d和33.09d。以杜衡、细辛和本地杜衡3种寄主植物饲喂中华虎凤蝶幼虫均可发育成蛹,发育龄期均为5龄,且成蛹率无显著差异,但幼虫各龄发育历期间略有差异。这说明引种的中华虎凤蝶对本地杜衡也有适应性。中华虎凤蝶幼虫一至三龄有明显的群体取食性,且群体取食和取食间隔时间相对较为稳定。通过对四龄幼虫第2、4、6天取食和取食间隔时间的相关性分析,与胡萃等人对五龄虫分析的结果相似,可能是通过消化道容量反馈机制调控其取食起始与终止。2,金斑蝶在燕山自然条件下1年发生5至6代,世代重叠,4月中、下旬可以开始在燕山生长繁育,6月底和9月初为两个活动盛期,11月底成虫幼虫全部死亡,无法越冬,处于蛹态的不羽化,翌年也无法羽化。卵的孵化集中在5:00-11:00,占一天孵化总量的83.23%;不同龄期幼虫蜕皮发生的时段基本相同,高峰期为上午8:00-10:00,小部分发生在中午和下午;老熟幼虫化蛹主要发生在4:00-10:00,占一天化蛹总数的83.47%;金斑蝶羽化基本发生在5:00-14:00,高峰期为8:00-10:00,占了一天羽化的58.82%。金斑蝶成虫交尾主要发生在10:00~16:00,这一时段的交尾对数占总统计数的84.15%。交尾时长94.60±22.39min。金斑蝶在6-7月份的发育历期比9-10月份明显较短且差异显著,6-7月份的卵期、幼虫期和蛹期的平均值分别为3.09d、8.32d和8.73d,而9-10月份分别为8.82d、23.23d和22.71d。金斑蝶成虫喜访花,在生态园中放置醉蝶花、青葙和百日草等11中蜜源植物,通过试验观察,金斑蝶成虫对青葙最为喜好,在这种植物花朵上采蜜的金斑蝶占27.04%,其次是马利筋,占22.96%。在红色、黄色、绿色、橙色和青色以及无色透明的环境下,金斑蝶老熟幼虫化蛹的成色(草青色和淡橙色)比例无明显规律,但分组统计显示红色、青色和无色透明倾向于诱导草青色蛹,而黄色、绿色和橙色倾向于诱导淡橙色蛹。金斑蝶雌蝶在9-10月份产卵数较少,仅为6-7月份的55.599%,差异显著,但雌成蝶的寿命都比6-7月份要长。在燕山地区,金斑蝶的净增殖率(Ro)在6-7月份相对较大,为49.217,而在9-10月份仅为25.262;内禀增长率(rm)和周限增长率(λ)均在6-7月份较大,分别为0.157和1.170,9-10月份较小,分别为0.057和1.059;在6-7月份完成一个世代仅需25.034天,而9-10月份却需要56.802天:6-7月份和9-10月份子代性比无显著差异。从以上各参数可以看出,6-7月份是金斑蝶较适宜的繁殖月份。

【Abstract】 Studies on the Biological Characteristics of Luehdorfia chinensis Leech (the second class state protection animals) and Danaus chrysippus L. in Yanshan, Yongxiu County, Jiangxi province, the main contents and conclusions were as follows:1. At natural conditions of Yanshan, L. chinensis had only one generation every year, overwintering with pupae, Overwinter ended at the middle of February. The activity peak of the adults was in March and April. Pupated at the beginning of May, then went into dormancy. Hatching period was 21~27days, and hatching mainly happened at 4:00 to 6:00 and 11:00 to 16:00. accounting for 74.90% in the total of one day incubation. The time of molting in different instars larvae were a little different, which mainly happened at the early morning and around noon and few took place in the noon. The fifth instar larvae pupate mainly happened in 9:00 to 11:00,15:00 to 18:00 and 20:00 to 23:00,67.66% of the total number. Adult eclosion mainly happened at 8:00 to 11:00(67.66%), and its peak at 9:00 to 10:00. The day when adult emergence, if the weather is sunny, they can mate. The mating mainly happened at 12:00 to 14:00(87.42%). Length of mating was 18.93±7.75min.At the natural climatic conditions of Yanshan, in addition to the prepupal period, the other stages of growth were longer than them at the temperature of 20-25 degrees, and the difference is significant. At natural conditions, the average of the egg and larvae period were 23.12d and 46.67d, but under the temperature of 20-25 degrees, they were 16.04d and 33.09d. The larvaes were fed with Asarum forbesii, A.sieboldii and local A. forbesii, the pupate rate had no significant differences, but the period of growth had slightly differences. This shows that the introduced L. chinensis could fit in with local A. forbesii.The 1st~3rd instar larvae preference in groups feeding, The lengths of active feeding and gap in groups is relatively more stable. Correlation analysis with the lengths of active feeding and gap of the 4th instar larvae at 2nd、4thand 6th daily ages, which is similar with the analysis of the five instar by Hu Cui et al, probably through the digestive capacity of feedback mechanisms regulate its feeding initiation and termination.2. At natural conditions of Yanshan, Danaus chrysippus L. had 5 or 6 generation every year and the generations overlapped. It can start breeding in the Yanshan at the middle of April, and had two activity peak, the end of June and the beginning of September. The adult and larvae all died at the end of November, can not overwinter, the pupa can not emergence now and aslo the next year. Hatching mainly happened at 5:00 to 11:00(83.23%). The time of molting in different instars larvae were basically the same, the peak time at 8:00 to 10:00,and few took place in the noon and afternoon. Mature larvae pupate mainly occurred at 4:00-10:00(83.47%). The adult eclosion mainly happened at 5:00 to 14:00 and its peak at 8:00 to 10:00(58.82%). The adult mating mainly happened at 10:00 to 16:00(84.15%). Length of Mating was 94.60±22.39min. At the natural climatic conditions of Yanshan June and July, the stages of growth were significantly shorter than them at September and October. At June and July, the average of the egg, larvae and pupal period were 3.09d,8.32d and 8.73d, but at September and October, they were 8.82d,23.23d and 22.71d.Different nectariferous plants had different comether function to D. chrysippus adult, placed Cleome spinosa L., Celosia argentea L., Zinnia elegans L. and so on, add up to 11 nectariferous plants in the ecological park. Through experimental observation, C. argentea (27.04%)had the strongest attractive effect, and then Asclepias curassavica L.(22.96%).In the red. yellow, green, orange, cyan and colorless transparent environment, they had no significant effect on color ratio (grass green and pale orange)of pupae. However, statistics show that groups of red. blue and colorless transparent tend to induce grass green pupae, and yellow, green and orange tend to induce light orange pupae.D. chrysippus lay fewer eggs at September and October, only 55.59% of it at June and July, and significantly different, but the life of the female was longer than it at June and July. In the area of Yanshan. the net reproductive rate (Ro) of D. chrysippus at June and July(Ro=49.217) was higher than it at September and October (Ro=25.262). Intrinsic rate of increase (rm) and finite rate of increase (λ) at June and July(rm=0.157,λ.=1.170) were also higher than them at September and October(rm =0.057.λ=1.059). D. chrysippus complete one generation need only 25.034 days at June and July, which need 56.802 days at September and October, but no significant effect on the sex ratio of D. chrysippus. From the above parameters, the conclusion can be drawn that the month of June and July was more suitable for breeding.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

