

Development of Software of Gear Measurement Center

【作者】 白娜

【导师】 杨湘杰;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国内汽车市场的日益增大,齿轮加工行业随之同步快速增长,行业需求对齿轮加工精度的要求越来越高,对齿轮检测的精度和效率的要求也更加严格,齿轮测量中心作为齿轮测量技术的先进发展方向,正成为目前多数齿轮厂检测齿轮的首选检测产品。本课题为某仪器制造企业委托开发项目,负责最大测量外径为260mm的齿轮测量中心运动控制及误差测评软件开发。本文基于齿轮偏差坐标法的测量原理,根据合作企业方提供的硬件平台,提出了软件总体方案和软件结构。根据测量软件需求,对渐开线圆柱齿轮齿廓偏差、螺旋线偏差和齿距偏差的测量路径进行了规划,建立了渐开线圆柱齿轮齿廓偏差、螺旋线偏差和齿距偏差计算的数学模型。利用Visual Basic面向对象编程语言和模块化的编程思想,开发齿轮测量中心的测评软件,包括人机操作界面模块、测量控制模块、动作控制模块、数据采集模块、齿轮误差评值软件模块、测量结果输出模块。目前软件经过调试和实测,能够完成渐开线圆柱齿轮各项偏差的测评。测评软件满足最新国家标准GB/T13924-2008《渐开线圆柱齿轮精度检验细则》和GB/T 10095.1-2008《圆柱齿轮精度第1部分:轮齿同侧齿面偏差的定义和允许值》。在产品进一步商业化之前,本软件还需要进一步测试及完善。

【Abstract】 With the growing of domestic auto market, gear processing industries have a rapid growth. The needs of the industry require high precision gears. Gear testing require more stringent accuracy and efficiency. Gear Measuring Center representative of the advanced development of gear measuring technology. Gear Measuring Center has became preferred products of gear detection. The subject is a commissioned development project of equipment manufacturers. For gear measuring center of less than 260 mm diameter, responsible for motion control and software development of error evaluation.Based on coordinate measuring principle to measure gear deviation, general scheme and structure of the software is proposed on the hardware platform of cooperative enterprise provided. Based on the needs of measurement software, plan the measurement path of tooth profile deviation, spiral deviation and pitch error of involute cylindrical. Established a mathematical model of tooth profile deviation, spiral deviation and pitch error of involute cylindrical. Use object-oriented programming language and modular programming ideas of Visual Basic. Develop the software of gear measuring center, including man-machine interface module, measurement control module, motion control module, data acquisition module, gear error evaluation software modules, measured output module.The software has been debugged and measured. It can evaluate the deviation of involute cylindrical. The evaluation software meet latest national standards, which include GB/T 13924-2008 "involute cylindrical gears precision testing rules" and GB/T 10095.1-2008 "Cylindrical gears precision part 1:the definition and allowable values of flanks of gear deviations". Before further commercialization, the software also needs further testing and improvement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】TG86;TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】204
  • 攻读期成果

