

Research on Marketing Management of Home Theater System

【作者】 王珅

【导师】 黄元生;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 家庭影院作为面向家庭娱乐市场的消费性电子产品,从出生之日起就倍受关注。在欧美市场,家庭影院产品在新技术、新工艺的推动下保持着惊人的活力,家庭普及率一直在稳固上升,逐渐成为家电产品的新利润增长点。反观国内市场,家庭影院的发展却划出了一道令人惊奇的曲线,从只有进口产品销售的试水期,到国内外品牌林立的爆发期、再到整个行业迅速萎缩的衰退期,仅仅几年时光家庭影院就从万众瞩目的明星变成了无人问津的行业地雷,其中的原因耐人寻味。经过近几年中国经济的高速发展,消费者的购买力有了明显的提升,家庭影院行业在高清技术的带动下,再次引起了消费者的关注,并将迎来新的发展高潮。面对复杂的市场,激烈的竞争、更加理性的消费者,如何设计和制订符合当前市场形势的市场营销战略是每个家庭影院企业面临的主要问题。本文从雅马哈公司的视角出发,对行业发展形势、消费者行为分析、竞争对手现状等方面进行详细的分析与解读,并以此为依据对雅马哈公司的市场营销战略提出了自己的看法和建议。

【Abstract】 As the main electronic product of family entertainment, Home Theater System had high-profile attention since it was developed.Benefit from the new technologys, home theater system has driving a high speed in western market and the penetration rate was rising every year. Home Theater System has considered of the new revenue growth opportunities.However,the development of home theater system in China were telling a different story, after the explosive growth in the beginning,the whole industry was in deep trouble and get into a recession earlier than expected. This result is intriguing, but lend themselves to more than one explanation.As the booming economic growth of China, the industry of Home Theater System has arouses more attention of consumers once again and it will greet spring in the future. Due to strict market,there is not only a challenge but also anopportunity before the industry of Home Theater System. What actions can the Home Theater System producter take to make a good achievement? This study gave a detailed analysis and discussion on the industry of Home Theater System and development of the competitive presentation. Based on the perspective of YAMAHA, this essay uses the advanced marketing and management ideas of the west for reference, and airs its own point of view on the marketing of Home Theater System.


