

Research on Ladder Diagram Configuration Simulation Platform Based on IEC61131-3 Standard

【作者】 聂燕敏

【导师】 常喜茂;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在国内,仿真组态软件已经有几十年的发展历史了,目前已经进入了相对稳定的发展阶段。但是,随着用户越来越多样化的要求,很难有一个厂家的某一种产品能满足所有用户的需求,所以,这就需要厂家根据用户的要求专门定制产品,这样厂家和用户都需要额外投入很大的精力。随着国际标准IEC61131-3在PLC系统组态软件中越来越广泛的应用,国内外的一些分散控制系统(DCS)生产厂家也开始注意到该国际标准对DCS系统组态软件标准化的意义,陆续将IEC61131-3标准应用于其DCS系统的组态软件。梯形图因其直观、易于掌握等优点用的最为普遍,而且考虑到仿真支撑平台STAR-90无法实现梯形图的组态,因此,本课题的主要任务是通过研究梯形图执行顺序理论,在C++ Builder 6.0平台上设计和开发基于IEC61131-3标准的梯形图组态仿真平台。本文首先阐述了课题背景及意义,接着设计了软件总体结构框架,随后在系统开发过程中,以软件工程的设计思想作为指导,采用面向对象的设计方法得出软件的具体功能需求,重点对平台的三大主要模块进行了研究,包括:梯形图执行顺序、梯形图组态编辑器、梯形图仿真驱动程序。梯形图组态编辑器为用户设计了直观、逼真的梯形图编辑环境。梯形图的执行可以看成一共有几条通路的问题。并且利用最小路径的方法,优化梯形图执行效率。最后把梯形图执行顺序转化成STAR-90原有的AND或OR模块进行执行,这样实现了仿真驱动程序。本文通过实例证明了本系统的可行性和有效性。可以在完善本软件的基础上和STAR-90达到兼容,具有广泛的实用价值。

【Abstract】 At present, emulation configuration software has had many years of development history in our country which is in a relatively stable stage. But as the user has more and more diverse requirements, it is difficult that a manufacturer can satisfy all the needs of users. So the manufacturers need to devote lots of energy to make the product according to the requirements of customers. Along with international standard IEC61131-3 is more and more widely used in PLC system configuration software, some distributed control system (DCS) manufacturers, domestic or foreign, started to notice the big significance of using this international standard on DCS system, and applied IEC61131-3 to their DCS system configuration software.LD is used commonly because it is intuitive and easy to understand. And considering the simulation supporting platform STAR-90 can not achieve Ladder-diagram configuration, the task of this topic is researching the execution sequence theory of Ladder-diagram, designing and developing Ladder-diagram configuration simulation platform based on IEC61131-3.Firstly, the topic background is stated. Secondly, design its overall structure frame. In the process of the system development, take the software engineering design ideas as a guide, use object-oriented design method to get the function demands of software. Three major modules of the platform are stressed, including research of Ladder-diagram execution sequence, Ladder-diagram configuration editor and Ladder-diagram simulation driver. The components graphical symbols and intuitive and lifelike Ladder-diagram edit environment is devised. Ladder-diagram execution equals to the number of pathways.And in order to improve Ladder-diagram efficiency, this system adopts the minimum path method. As a result, the expected object code which is STAR-90 original AND or OR module is obtained after conversion, the simulation driver is realized.The example shows that this system is feasible and effective, has extensive practical value.


