

Power System Security Assessment Based on Transient Energy Function

【作者】 林琳

【导师】 卢锦玲;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国民经济的快速发展及人民生活水平的不断提高,人们对电力的需求越来越多,对供电可靠性的要求越来越高。电力系统的在线安全性评估作为预防和控制系统失稳的有效方法成为研究的重点。电力系统安全性评估的目的是要保障系统能够在任何可识别的故障下安全持续稳定运行,其任务是从系统角度评估所有可能引起系统失稳的运行方式和故障模式,计算为维持系统稳定可能造成的切负荷。本文采用暂态能量裕度灵敏度分析法来计算系统运行极限条件,以接口流作为灵敏度的参变量,建立暂态能量裕度对接口流的灵敏度,并利用潮流分配因子技术,快速导出接口流极限,从而计算出系统不稳定状态下的动态切负荷量。建立系统暂态稳定分析模型,运用蒙特卡洛法对测试系统进行故障抽样,并用暂态能量函数法对具体故障事件进行暂态稳定分析,分析测试系统在不同故障类型和不同故障地点的失稳概率和系统运行状况等指标,形成完整的电力系统安全性评估指标。算例采用了10机39节点测试系统,对该系统特定故障下的概率稳定性进行了分析,并计算了失稳状态的动态切负荷量,完成了系统安全性评估。算例结果证实了暂态能量裕度灵敏度法和蒙特卡洛法在电力系统安全性评估中的有效性和合理性,同时也显示了该方法在动态安全性评估中的应用价值。

【Abstract】 With the economic development of our country and the improvement of daily life, people demand more and more electric power as well as much higher reliability. To ensure the security operation of the power system, the power system security assessment is urgently demanded. The purpose of power system security assessment is to protect the system to operate continuously in safe and stable when any identify faults occurs. Its task is to assess the operating modes and faults modes which may cause the system unstable from the view of system and evaluate the load shedding amount which may lead the system stable. Transient energy margin sensitivity is used to calculate the limits of system operation conditions and the interface flow is used as a parametric variable. The transient energy margin sensitivity to the interface flow is established, and the power flow distribution factor is used to rapidly calculate the interface flow limit. Thus, the dynamic load shedding of the system in unstable state can be calculated. The power system transient stability assessment model is formed. Monte Carlo Method is used to sample the test system fault. Use the transient energy function to analyze the state of the system. Considering power system fault location, fault type and other statistical characteristics of random factors, the power system security assessment index is formed.The example used in this paper is 10-machine 39-bus test system. The system dynamic load shedding amount is calculated under specific failures and the probabilistic stability of the system is analyzed. The system security assessment is achieved. The result of the example confirms the validity and rationality of the improved system safety assessment by using both transient energy margin sensitivity method and the Monte Carlo method. And it also shows that the combined method is practical and useful in power system security assessment.


