

Power Consumption Information Management System Oriented to Smart Meters

【作者】 陈万昆

【导师】 李宝树;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学 , 电工理论与新技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着智能电网的发展,作为智能电网基础设备的智能电表受到前所未有的关注。智能电表与传统电表相比最突出的优点就是具备双向通讯功能。以此为背景构建的高级计量体系(AMI)是一个用来测量、收集、储存、分析、管理用电信息的综合系统,是智能电网重要标志之一。AMI系统主要由智能电表、网络通信系统、电表信息管理系统三个次系统组成,以此思想为指导,设计了面向智能电表的用电信息管理系统。本文总结了国内外智能电表相关技术的发展历程、研究现状及成果,指出了构建面向智能电表的用电信息管理系统的意义并分析了其在智能电网建设中的应用前景。首先研究分析了包括智能电表和智能互动终端在内的用户侧设备,在分析智能电表的原理、功能的基础上探索其在智能电网的应用,研究了智能互动终端作为用户与系统交互平台的功能及特色。然后对智能电表网络通信技术进行研究,其中重点研究光纤入户和物联网技术在系统中的应用。在此基础上,构建了面向智能电表的用电信息管理系统的总体框架,以智能电表为核心,设计了电力用户信息管理和电价发布管理的数据库。最后,应用面向对象的程序设计方法设计了包含购电单管理、电价发布、消息管理、任务管理、统计分析等功能模块的信息管理系统。系统主站软件开发环境为当前应用广泛的.NET平台,数据库服务器层采用SQL Server 2000,表现层和逻辑层采用Visual Basic 6.0语言设计,开发了面向智能电表的用电信息管理系统,实现了系统预期功能。

【Abstract】 With the development of smart grid, smart meters receive the unprecedented attention as the smart grid infrastructure. The most prominent advantage of smart meters compared with traditional meters is the function of two-way communication. Advanced metering infrastructure(AMI) is a comprehensive system for the measurement, collection, storage, analysis and manage the information of using power, which is constructed under this background. AMI is one of the important mark in smart grid. AMI system consists of three sub-systems as follows smart meters, two-way communication network and meter data management system.This article designed power information management system oriented to smart meters to achieve this thought.This paper summarized the development process,results and status of the technology related to smart meters in home and abroad. Pointed out the meaning for building the power information management system oriented to smart meters and analysised its application prospects in smart grid construction. First of all, analysis the user side device which inculding smart meters and intelligent interactive terminals.Explored smart meters application in smart grid based on analysis its principles and fuction.Studied the function and characteristics of intelligent ineractive terminals which as the interaction platform between system and users. Then resarched the smart meter communication networks,in which focuses on the application of the fiber to the home and the thing networking. On this basis,constructed a general framework of the power information management system oriented to smart meters.Take the smart meters as the core,designed the database of the information of the users and the price releasing management.In the end,designed system functional modules including purchase order management,price publishing,message management,task management,statistical analysis and so on using the object-oriented programming method.The development enviroment of system master software is the .NET platform which is widely used current. Using SQL Server 2000 develop the database server. Using VB language design the presentation and logic layer. Developed the power information management system oriented to smart meters,achieved the expected function of the system.


