

The Investigation and Evaluation Research of Customer Satisfaction about North China Power Grid

【作者】 王冬生

【导师】 何永贵; 陈建军;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学 , 项目管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 电力改革之后,电力公司已经进入了一个竞争的市场,效益成为企业生存的前提和发展的源泉,优质的服务可以促进产品的销售进而提高企业的效益,因此,建立以客户为中心的营销机制,树立以客户满意为核心的市场营销观念,做好客户满意度工作,持续开展供电服务品质评价工作对于加强供电服务品质管理,及时发现供电服务的薄弱环节,采取有针对性的改进措施,不断提升服务能力,满足客户需求对电力公司的持续发展具有重要的现实意义。首先,本文系统阐述了客户满意理论,分别从纵向和横向层面以及电力公司的角度阐释了客户满意的内涵,对比分析了国内外关于客户满意度指数模型的特点,并阐述了提高客户满意度的途径;其次,对华北电网客户满意度进行动态调研,通过调研问卷的形式进行客户满意度调研,建立华北电网客户满意度指数模型,并对调研结果进行质量感知、形象感知、忠诚度等分析;最后,在结合满意度评价现状基础上,构建了反映华北电网客户满意度的动态评价模型,本文从四个层面构建了客户满意度指标体系,利用层次分析法和德尔菲法确定相互影响的各指标权重及利用模糊综合对影响电力客户满意度的因素进行定量化分析与评价,并从服务环节和服务过程两个方面提出服务质量改进措施。研究表明,本文提出的电力客户满意度调研的五个闭环控制过程和提高客户服务质量的措施切实可行,具有重要的应用价值和实践意义。

【Abstract】 After the electricity reforming, the power company has entered a very competitive market, the benefit becomes a prerequisite for business survival and the source of its development, excellent service can promote product sales, thus increase the benefit of enterprises.So the establishment of customer-centric marketing mechanism, seting the customer satisfaction at the core of marketing concepts, doing well the work for customer satisfaction and continuing carring out the quality evaluation of power supply service have important practical significance,such as enhancing the power supply service quality management, discovering the weak links in supply service, taking targeted improvements, improving service capacity, meeting customer demand and the sustainable development of the power companies.This paper takes the domestic and international research and application of customer satisfaction as the starting point. First of all, comparative analysis of the foreign the features of international customer satisfaction index model, analysis suitable customer satisfaction index model for China; And then, it uses the questionnaire to survey customer satisfaction, establishes the North China Power customer satisfaction index model, research results on the quality of perception, image perception, loyalty and other analysis, proposes a cycle progression process which bases on customer satisfaction in North China Power Grid Dynamic Power customer satisfaction survey. In combination with satisfaction status, it constructs a set of index system which reflects the customer satisfaction of North China Power Grid uses FAPH method do quantitative and qualitative analysis to the uncertainty of customer satisfaction factors and proposes measures to improve the quality of power customer service. Empirical studies show that five closed-loop control processes of power customer satisfaction survey and measures of improving customer service quality are feasible and have important application value and practical significance.

  • 【分类号】F274;F426.61
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】274
  • 攻读期成果

