

On Trial by Media

【作者】 邓维

【导师】 曾素萍;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 传播学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 随着依法治国理念的深入人心,司法领域逐渐成为人们关注的焦点。媒体对司法案件的报道一方面满足了受众的知情权,另一方面由于媒体舆论监督功能的越位而形成的“媒体审判”现象也日益凸显其负面效应。“媒体审判”现象表现在现实中,是媒体引用片面、夸张甚至失实的案情作报道,刺激公众的爱憎情绪,超越正常的法律程序对涉案人员作出定性、定罪、定刑以及胜诉或败诉等预设性审判,给司法机关带来巨大的心理压力,致使其无法独立公正的行使司法审判权,从而给法制建设的推进、法治精神的传播、司法权威的树立带来一系列消极影响。“邓玉娇刺官案”本是一起普通的刑事案件,但从它引起的轰动性上看却具有典型性。本文回答了以下几个问题:从邓玉娇案件看媒体行为是如何引致“媒体审判”现象的发生?“媒体审判”现象发生的原因?如何防范“媒体审判”现象?全文共分为五章,第一章为绪论,论述了对“媒体审判”现象的研究缘起、研究现状、研究方法及意义。第二章归纳了“媒体审判”现象进入我国理论界的渊源及“媒体审判”的概念,得出“媒体审判”的实质是掌握着话语权、监督权、知情权的媒体舆论监督功能的越位,并对“媒体审判”和舆论监督加以区别。第三章为全文的重点,分别运用波特图式及沉默螺旋效应理论对传统媒体和网络媒体中的“媒体审判”现象进行分析,得出传统媒体和网络媒体在“媒体审判”现象中的行为表现,并进一步得出“媒体审判”的负面影响和我国“媒体审判”现象的现实图景。第四章和第五章探究了“媒体审判”现象出现的原因,并提出规范意见。

【Abstract】 With the Philosophy of the rules of law deeply rooted in the people’s heart, justice has become a gradual focus in the society. The effect brought by media justice of judicial cases is also two-sided: one the one hand, reports of judicial cases by media serve to satifisfy the audience’s right to know; on the other hand, because of the offside function of trial by media, its negative effects has become more and more salient. In reality, the trial by media is realized in its reports based on one-sided, exagerated and even non-factual cases in order to induce the public’s emotions like love and hate. Trial by media aims to make predictive qualitative conviction of the suspects’criminal facts beyond the normal proceedings in law, which brings about great pressure on the judiciary. Therefore, the judiciary is not able to perform their right to make just, fair and independent judgement; thus, trial by media produces a range of negative effects on the promotion of legal system, the spread of the spirit of the rules of law and the establishment of the judiciary authority. Deng thorn official case" was in fact an ordinary criminal case, but it was typical of its sensational stimulation. Therefore, around such a case, the present study aims to answer the following questions:(1)How did media behavior lead to "trial by media" phenomenon?(2)What are "trial by media" phenomenon causes?(3)How to prevent "trial by media" phenomenon?The present study is divided into five chapters. Chapter One is the introduction of the thesis. Here the origins of the phenomena of trial by media, its current researches ,approaches and significances are introduced. Chapter Two is the literature reivew of previous studies on trial by media. In this chapter, the thesis focuses on the concept of trial by media and the previous studied conducted on it. In essence, trial by media is the offsid function of the media, whose original duty is to supervise the public opinon to speak, to supervise and to know. In addition, the differences between trial by media and the right to supervise the public opinion are distinguished at last.The major part of the present study is put in Chapter Three, in which the respective roles played by traditional media and online media in trial by media are analyzed in details based on the Porter Schema theory and the theory of spiral silence effect. In the end, the negative effects brought by trial by media are further testified and trial by media in China is also described. Last but not least, the reasons of the ocurrence of trial by media get explored and specific suggestions are listed at last.


