

The Comparison on Proprioception Differences of Different Groups and Brain Mechanism Research

【作者】 杨念恩

【导师】 黄文英;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:探讨不同人群本体感觉的差异、本体感觉是否和射击成绩相关以及本体感觉产生的脑机制。方法:(1)运用心理物理学经典测试方法—重量差别阈限,分别对体育专业大学生、非体育专业大学生及武警战士进行本体感觉检测;(2)对前期测过本体感觉的部分武警战士的射击成绩进行为期三个月的跟踪调查,分析射击成绩与本体感觉间的关系;(3)根据行为实验结果,以重量差别阈限的高低从实验一的被试中挑取DL<6和DL>11的被试各12名,分成两组,分别运用Gating范式和Oddball范式,在脑电实验室中用64导脑电仪对两组被试进行脑电实验。结果:(1)体育专业大学生、非体育专业大学生和武警战士的Dlu没有显著差异,体育专业大学生和武警战士的DLl和DL也没有显著差异,体育专业大学生和武警战士的DLl和DL与非体育专业大学生相比差异显著;(2)武警战士的DL值与手枪部位靶射击成绩、机枪射击成绩显著相关;(3)Gating范式中,三种不同的躯体感觉负荷刺激诱发的脑电成分中,120g负荷刺激诱发的脑电成分和其他两种刺激诱发的脑电成分相比差异非常显著;躯体感觉优劣分组的脑电成分的波幅在FP1、FPz、T7、T5、FT7和FCz导联点差异显著。在Oddball范式中,额叶NSW和顶枕区LPP和靶刺激显著相关;N1、P180和N250成分的波幅和潜伏期无论是不同刺激还是不同分组都没有明显差异;躯体感觉优劣不同分组诱发脑电的差别主要在额叶。结论:(1)本体感觉的锻炼效应比较明显。无论是专门的本体感觉练习还是普通的身体活动训练都能提高机体的本体感觉能力。(2)本体感觉与手枪部位靶射击和机枪射击成绩显著性相关,表明本体感觉是影响手枪部位靶射击和机枪射击的重要因素,在这两种射击运动项目的训练中应加强本体感觉的训练;本体感觉不同的人群中,手枪部位靶射击成绩差异显著;本体感觉一般组的射击成绩的方差大于本体感觉优异组,表明本体感觉优异的射手稳定性更好。(3)Gating范式中,不同类型的刺激对本体感觉优异组诱发出的脑电成分显著不同,其中的P180成分差异相对较小。而不同类型的刺激对本体感觉较差组所诱发的脑电成分没有明显的差异。主要由于本体感觉优异的被试对本体感觉感受器传入的本体感觉刺激比较敏感,躯体运动中枢对传入的信号投入更多的注意,选择和认知加工的功能较强。(4)Gating范式中,本体感觉不同的两组,任何一种类型的刺激所诱发的脑电成分都有显著差异。从脑电成分看,不同的刺激都能诱发出N250,N250的波幅在两组中表现出明显差异,并在F7、F5和FT7导联点表现出非常显著性差异。晚成分的差异也主要表现在额叶、侧颞和中央前回。这表明额叶、侧颞和中央前回是主要的本体感觉功能区。(5)Oddball范式中,不同人群由不同刺激诱发出的脑电成分也显著不同。成分的差5异主要表现在N250和晚成分上;散布的差异主要在额叶、侧颞和中央前回。(6)额叶、侧颞和中央前回的晚期负相波(NSW)和顶枕区的晚期正相波(LPP)都对刺激的范式较敏感。在Oddball范式中,这些波的波幅都明显增高。

【Abstract】 Objective:To explore the proprioception differences of different groups, whether proprioception is related to shooting performance and the brain mechanism of the generation of proprioception.Methods: (1) The proprioception of university students in physical education specialty, college students majoring in Non-PE and armed police soliders were detected with the classical psychophysics test method - weight differential limen method; (2) The armed police, whose proprioception had been checked early, were surveyed three months. Their shooting scores were recorded, so that to analyzed the relationship between shooting scores and proprioception;(3) According to experiment result, two different groups were choosed by their performance in the experiment of weight differential threshold. The DL of one group is greater than 11 and another group is lesser than 6 and every group has 12 members. Using Gating paradigm and Oddball paradigm, in laboratory,which applied to the brain mechanism research, the experiment was carried out in two groups. EEG was recorded continuously with Ag/AgCl electrodes from 64 scalp electrodes relative to a vertex reference.Results: (1) college PE majors, non-professional sports college students and armed police soldiers Dlu no significant differences of college PE majors and armed police soldiers DLl and DL also have no significant difference, college PE majors and armed police soldiers DLl and DL and non-professional sports college students significant difference compared; (2) armed police soldiers with the DL value target pistol shooting scores, machine parts shooting scores significantly correlated; (3) constant stimulation paradigm, three different somatosensory load stimulation induce the brain electrical components, 120g load stimulation induce the brain electrical components and other two stimulation induce the brain electrical components; very significant difference in Somatosensory pros grouping brain electrical components in the band FPz, T7 has FP1, FT7 and FCz, T5, remarkable difference. LianDian guide In Oddball paradigm, frontal NSW and top pillow area significantly associated LPP and target stimulation; N1, N250 component units motocycle P180 and volatility and incubation period whether different stimuli or from different groups, have no obvious difference; From different groups somatosensory evoked eeg judged the difference is mainly in the frontal lobe.Conclusions: (1) proprioception exercise effect is obvious. Whether special proprioception practice or regular physical activity training can improve the body’s proprioception ability. (2) proprioception and pistol shooting and machine gun position target achievement significantly related proprioception is the effect that target shooting and pistol parts of the important factors that machine gun in the two shooting sports training proprioception training should be strengthened; Proprioception different crowd, pistol shooting scores significantly different target areas; Proprioception general group the variance of the firing score than proprioception excellent group, shows that the striker proprioception excellent stability is better. (3) In gating paradigm, the proprioceptive components of the subjects with best performance, which were evoked by different proprioceptive stimulus, exerted significant difference. In gating components, the amplitude differentiae of P180 evoked by different stimulus was relatively small. While in bad performance group, the amplitude differentiae of the ERPs components evoked by different stimulus was not significant. Which mainly resulted form that the propriocetive receptors of the BEST were more sensitive with the afferent proprioceptive signals,; The regulation system of somatic motor had paid more attention to afferent signals and had more powerful choosing and more strong cognitive processing abilities. (4) The brain evoked potentials of two groups with different proprioception, which stimulated by different stimulus,exetred significant difference in gating paradigm. From ERP components, gating of N250 could be induced by every different stimulus. Furthermore, the distribution of N250 exhibited obvious difference in F7, F5 and FT7. Which indicated the proprioceptive domain located in frontallobe, bitamporal and gyrusprecentralis. (5) In Oddball paradigm, the ERP components varied significantly in different stimulus and the mainly difference manifested in N250 and late component and the difference of the distribution mainly manifested in frontallobe, bitamporal and gyrusprecentralis.(6) The negative slow wave in frontallobe, bitamporal and gyrusprecentralis and the late positive potentials distributed in parietal lobe were more sensitive to the paradigm of stimulations and the amplitudes of these waves were augmented obviously in Oddball paradigm.

【关键词】 重量差别阈限本体感觉射击ERP波幅
【Key words】 Weight differential limenProprioceptionShootingERPsAmplitudes

