

The Absurd and Revolt: The Metaphysics of on the Road

【作者】 游赪晨

【导师】 章少泉;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 杰克·凯鲁亚克的小说《在路上》是“跨掉的一代”的经典作品。它主要讲述的是两个年轻人,萨尔·帕拉迪斯和迪安·莫里亚蒂穿越美国东、西部,甚至到墨西哥远游的故事。他们用看似疯狂的行为进行反抗。这部小说对美国的价值观和生活方式都产生了很大的影响。本论文试图从加谬的“荒谬”、“反抗”和“价值创造”等哲学概念对小说进行解读。论文主体共有五部分。除第一章引言和最后结论之外,中间三章依次论述了小说主人公遇见荒谬,反抗荒谬和在反抗中创造价值。引言部分简要的介绍了“垮掉的一代”,《在路上》及其文学评论;引出加谬及其主要的哲学观点;并交待论文写作的目的和意义。第二章以荒谬为起点论述主人公在面对死亡、自我和社会所意识到的荒谬。荒谬无处不在,一旦意识到了荒谬,就无法摆脱。主人公在意识到荒谬之后,开始了在路上的反抗。第三章阐述了主人公对荒谬的反抗。反抗就是成为荒谬的人。荒谬的人不承认先验道德,他们敢于说不,穷尽生活。小说主人公背弃资产阶级的价值观,蔑视权威,认同亚文化。他们用各种方式——在路上的生活、性、毒品、高速驾驶,来穷尽生活。这是荒谬人的反抗。第四章阐明反抗背后的价值。他们的反抗是对自我和人类价值的追求、创造和承担。反抗意识的觉醒,是抗议,是对个人价值的确认。反抗的价值不仅限于个人,也为所有的人、为整个人类创造了价值。《在路上》的追寻首先是对自身价值的肯定,也带动一代人对价值的追寻。在对小说的步步阐述中,结论再次阐释小说中蕴含着加谬的哲学思想:荒谬——反抗——价值创造。

【Abstract】 On the Road by Jack Kerouac is a story of two young men, Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty. They rebel against the conventions with their seemingly crazy behaviors. The novel is a Beat classic and has great influence on the values and life styles in America.The thesis tries to analyze this novel from Camus’s philosophical concept of“absurd”“revolt”and the“creation of values”. Besides chapter 1 the Introduction, and Conclusion, this thesis includes three chapters, expounding the absurd heroes’journey form confronting the absurd, revolting against the absurd to creating values.The Introduction gives a brief introduction to BG, Jack Kerouac, and On the Road; has a short literature review of the study of this novel abroad and in China. What follow are the presentation of Camus’s philosophy and the purpose and the significance of this study.Chapter two analyses the absurdity after explicating the concept of Camus’s absurd. The protagonists meet absurdity fro-m death, self and society. Confronting absurd is the starting point of the search. Knowing the absurdity of existence, the absurd heroes begin their revolt on the road.Chapter three discusses how the absurd heroes revolt against the absurd. From Camus, absurd man has no prigiven rules, daring to say no and trying to live life to its full. The absurd heroes in On the Road deny the prevailing middle-class value and authority. They expand their life experiences with sex, drug addiction and fast driving. Besides, they strive to get identical recognition by joining the subculture.Chapter four explores the values behind the revolt. First, the values for selves are their searching for identity, freedom and authentic living. And then there is value for the whole human humanity. Their stories show that choosing to revolt and finding true self, living authentically is possible and necessary. Based on the above analysis, the author draws the conclusion that the absurd heroes meet absurd in existence. They try to revolt, shoulder the responsibility of being a man and at last create values for selves and the whole human being.

【关键词】 《在路上》加谬荒谬反抗价值
【Key words】 On the RoadCamusthe AbsurdRevoltValue

