

Research on Building the Communist Party of China Committed to Learning in the Period of New-Democratic Revolution

【作者】 谢瑞华

【导师】 侯朝蓉;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 中共党史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我党“学习型政党建设”是一个极其年轻的研究领域:从2004年党的十六届四中全会提出“努力建设学习型政党”,到2007年党的十七大报告再次强调并把学习型政党建设提高到我党战略思想的位置,至今不过区区数年!而新民主主义革命研究则是一坛老酒,很熟、很香了。本文是拿“学习型政党建设”这把崭新的梳子来梳理“新民主主义革命”这一头历史的青丝,试图从学习型政党建设这一新视角对新民主主义革命作一次分析总结。没有共产党就没有新中国,而没有马克思主义学习型政党的建设,就没有中国共产党,就没有她创造的一个人间奇迹。我党在对待马列主义的态度上发生过路线分歧,主观主义(主要是教条主义)还曾一度占据了领导地位,导致中国革命走了弯路,革命的星星之火几度濒临被扑灭,危急关头,以毛泽东为首的把马列主义以及苏联经验和中国革命的实践相结合、丰富和发展了马列主义使之中国化的真正的马列主义者力挽狂澜,把革命的队伍拉回到了正确的轨道,革命取得了胜利,中华人民共和国诞生了。民主革命时期我党学习型政党建设的经验和教训是新时期我党以保持党的先进性、加强党的执政能力建设为目标的学习型政党建设的一本最好的教材。本文分五部分:学习型政党建设的三个阶段,学习内容,学习的形式与方法,主要特点以及对当今学习型政党建设的启示。其中第一章涉及学习型政党建设的阶段划分。历史教材,一般都是把新民主主义革命划分为五个时期:一、中国共产党的创立;二、党在大革命时期;三、党在土地革命战争时期;四、党在全民族抗日战争时期;五、党在全国解放战争时期。而本文把民主革命时期中共学习型政党建设划分为预备和初创阶段(建党预备期——大革命失败),发展和曲折阶段(土地革命战争时期——遵义会议前)以及成熟阶段(遵义会议——新中国建立前),稍稍打乱了传统的经典划分方法,这是由中国学习型政党建设本身的发展过程决定的。

【Abstract】 Building a party committed to learning is an absolutely new researching field. It was put forward for the first time in the 4th Plenary Session of The Party Central Committee in 2004, and was stressed and lifted to a strategic height in the 17th party congress report in 2007. It’s just a few years since then. While New-Democratic Revolution is old and well-rounded .This thesis tries to use a new comb to card the hair of New-Democratic Revolution, to make an overall analysis and summary about it from the angle of view of Building a Party Committed to Learning. I get a knowledge that we Chinese cannot have our new China without the Communist Party of China, while we couldn’t have this party without the Learning-Style Party Building. Mao Zedong on behalf of the party pulled the rank back to the right track from failures because of wrong attitude to Marxism in the party by combining Marxism and Soviet Union’s experiences with Chinese reality and then guided the revolution to success and finally constructed the People’s Repblic of China. The pearls and pitfalls from New-Democratic Revolution are the best bextbook for today’s Learning-Style Party Building with the intention of keeping the progreessiveness and strenthening the governance capability of the Communist Party of China.This paper is made up of 5 parts: the three phases of Learning-Style Party Building, content of learning, learning form and means, the main charateristics and inspiration to today’s Learning-Style Party Building.The first chapter involves phasing. The New-Democratic Revolution is usually devided into 5 phases in traditional history book: 1.Construction of the communist part of China; 2.During the Great Revolution period; 3.During the agrarian revolutionary war; 4.in the period of Anti-Japanese War; 5.in the period of war of liberation. Whereas the author of this thesis divides it into 3 phases including the initial and pioneering stage,developing and tortuous struggle period and riping phase. The reason of changing the dividing method is depended on the revolution’s developing process.


