

The Status of Alienated Labor Theory in Marxist Philosophy

【作者】 潘文颖

【导师】 吴仁平;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 1844年,马克思旅居巴黎期间,完成了马克思主义发展史上极其重要的著作——《1844年经济哲学手稿》。该著作不仅论述了马克思新的哲学观、政治经济思想以及科学社会主义理论,还特别将哲学与经济学研究相结合,将劳动与异化相结合,并进一步革命性地提出了异化劳动理论这一重要思想理论,异化劳动论的出现吸引了全世界学者的广泛关注,让各国学者争论不已。这也体现了异化劳动论的作为《手稿》核心思想的重要性,它代表着那一时期马克思的全部基础思想,因此要增进对手稿的理解,首先要深入研究劳动异化论。我们在研究《手稿》时,要结合马克思完成这一著作的历史背景进行分析。在当时,马克思尚未形成其成熟的理论思想,相比较成熟的著作,《手稿》对历史的基本理论的说明还存在一定差距,也没能说明与摆脱同费尔巴哈的关系,因此,《手稿》只能作为马克思思想过渡期的一部著作。尽管如此,《手稿》对唯物历史观的形成具有重要作用。《手稿》分析了劳动、异化劳动及其扬弃,在马克思克服费尔巴哈的直观性、分析各种关于社会发展的理论和实际问题、形成思想实践观点等方面都有重大的意义。当下,具有中国特色的社会主义建设正处于关键时期,在物质文明高速发展的时期,如何保证精神文明的同步发展这一问题摆在我们面前,促使我们对马克思的劳动异化论进行深入探讨,既能澄清对于马克思劳动异化论的认识,也有利于社会主义精神文明的建设。论文围绕异化劳动理论的发展以及显示意义进行研究,研究内容分为三部分:第一部分是绪论部分,主要研究异化劳动理论的选题背景和意义,国内外研究现状以及论文的研究思路。论文第二部分为梳理国内外学者对异化劳动理论地位的不同理解。论文第三部分首先是对国内两种主要看法的评析,并且通过对马克思异化劳动理论作出比较全面的概括和较为深入的分析,对马克思异化劳动理论的形成和发展进行探讨。从而得出个人观点,即异化劳动理论是马克思创立唯物史观过程中的过渡性理论,并说明异化劳动理论的局限性。最后对马克思异化劳动理论的对马克思哲学发展的意义和作用进行讨论,表明其在马克思主义哲学发展中的地位。

【Abstract】 The 1844 manuscripts of marxism economics and philosophy is an important book in the development of the marxism history. The book was written by Marx in 1844,when he remained in Paris. So it is also called "Paris manuscripts". This work descripes Marx’s new philosophy, political economics thought and scientific socialism theory, especially combines some philosophical and economics research together, labor and alienation together. And thus an important achievement--alienated labor theory has been puts forward creatively. This theory has caused world wide attention and great interest in academic circle ,as well as unceasingly debates by many scholars. Alienated labor is the core concept in the manuscripts, and also all of the essential view basis of Marx at that time. So that we can improve our understanding of the manuscript by deepening our studying of the alienated labor.Marx 1844 manuscripts is the marxism history books, plays an important role in this book was written in 1844 Marx, so who called again during the Paris in "Paris manuscripts". This work of Marx’s new philosophy, political economics thought and scientific socialism theory are discussed, especially Marx took some philosophical and economics research unifies in together, labor and alienation together, thus puts forward creatively alienated labor theory this important ideological achievements, this theory is caused world wide attention and great academic interest, let many scholars have long debate unceasingly. Alienated labor is the core concept in the manuscripts, but also the essential at that time of all ideological basis. Thus deepen our understanding of the alienated labor studies, to improve our understanding of the manuscript.Undeniablely, as a work in a transition period, compared with the mature works of Marx, the manuscript has a long way to go in the basic theory and methods. Yet it hasn’t explained the relationship with Ludwig feuerbach. But we cannot underestimate the manuscript’s role in the forming of the materialism historical concept. Especially the analysis of labor, alienated labor and discard the overcomings has an important significance in Ludwig feuerbach’s visual and analysis of various social historical development of theoretical and practical questions, the formation of Marx’s practice viewpoint. Today, discussing the labor alienation theory of marxism is not only beneficial to clarify dissimilar labor theory understanding, also beneficial to China’s socialist spiritual civilization construction. Papers focus on the development of labor theory of alienation and showing the significance of research, content is divided into three parts:The first part is introduction, the main research topics of theory of alienated labor background and significance, research status, and thesis ideas. The second part thesis scholars combing the status of the theory of alienated labor to different interpretations. The third part is the variety of views on academic criticism. The fourth part of Marx’s labor theory of alienation to a more comprehensive summary and a more in-depth analysis of Marx’s theory of alienated labor to discuss the formation and development. The third part of the study and obtained through the personal view that the creation of alienated labor theory of historical materialism of Marx theory of the transition process, and describes the limitations of labor theory of alienation. The fifth part of the Marxist theory of alienated labor development of Marxist discussion of the significance and role that the development of Marxist philosophy in the position.

【关键词】 异化劳动理论唯物史观地位
【Key words】 manuscriptshistorical materialismstatus

