

The Efficacy of the Private University Charter

【作者】 黄凌霞

【导师】 王云兰;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2011, 硕士

【副题名】From the Perspective of Law

【摘要】 在我国高等教育现代化进程中,国家对各个大学都提出了“依法治校、按章办学”的规定,要求各所大学开始着手建立与完善本校的章程,从而建立新型的高校制度以适应新的发展。大学章程是上承国家教育法律法规、下启学校规章制度的规范性文件,它是大学依法治校的纲领和依据,是统领校内其它所有规章制度。因此,对大学章程的研究有助于理顺校内、外的各项教育利益关系,优化完善大学内各项管理体制,从而促进现代大学制度的建立。民办高校章程除具有一般大学章程的共性之外,还有其独有的特征。由于民办高校的办学体制与管理机制都不同于公办院校,章程在制定与实施中都表现出不一样的运作机制,章程在民办高校成立时就要求建立,所以每所民办高校都已经具备了章程,但在实际管理过程中,章程并没有充分发挥应有的作用。基于现状考察,研究民办高校章程的实际实施情况,更能反映章程的问题所在,从而找到解决方法,这样的研究对民办高校的实际管理是非常有意义的。本文从法理的视角通过对民办高校章程实效的研究,梳理了民办高校章程发展的基本脉络,反映了民办高校课程建设的现状和问题,并通过实证调研的方式取得了第一手的章程资料包括文本资料及领导访谈资料,在整理分析的基础上,找到了影响民办高校章程实效的主导因素及改进途径。同时,本文还对国外民办高校章程实效的基本情况进行了简述,分析了它们章程的内容与特点,这些资料对提高我国民办高校章程的实效具有重要的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 In China’s higher education modernization process, our government requires all universities to make lawful management, and these universities need to build new management system by establishing or modifying their university charter as to adapt to the new development.The university Charter is a transitional document which connects our country’s laws and regulations and campus rules and is also the basis of universities of lawful management. Therefore, the research of the universities’Charter can straighten out the school education interests, further improve the management system in campus, so as to promote the establishment of modern university system.The private college charter has its special characteristics besides above features. Their charter runs in a different mechanism as the private college management system is different from state-owned universities. The charter is an essential document when the private college is about to run, yet it’s just document without any other function, this paper wants to study private charter in order to find out what problems are. Focus on the efficacy of the private university charter is very meaningful as it can help the college leaders to find out the correct way to use the charter.This article study private universities’Charter by actual research from the legal perspective, it combs the history of the private universities’Charter, reflect the charter’s newly development, and obtained first-hand materials through the empirical research, which includes text paper information and interview materials. On the basis of them, we find out the dominant factors and actual way to improve the efficacy. At the same time, this paper also makes a brief analysis of foreign private college’s charter, studies the contents and characteristic of their charters, which is significant to our private universities’charter.


