

The Research of Relationship between Ecological Carrying Capacity and Land Use Change in Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone

【作者】 魏蕾娜

【导师】 郑林;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 生态承载力是自然系统调节能力、供容能力、维育能力的客观反映,而各种土地利用类型之间的流转将会影响生态系统的结构和功能,从而使区域的生态弹性度、承载度、压力度发生变化,最终导致生态承载力发生变化。鄱阳湖生态经济区是工业化、城市化快速发展的地区,也是我国重要的生态保护区。过去,在传统的粗放式发展模式下,人们对土地资源的掠夺式开发,不仅造成区域内人湖、人地矛盾尖锐,还使生态环境压力越来越大,对可持续发展产生了不利影响。因此,探讨生态系统和土地利用变化之间的关系,既符合可持续发展研究在新时期、新形势下的要求,也是生态承载力朝纵深方向研究的必然选择。本文利用1995a和2008a两期遥感解译的土地利用数据,从多角度分析了鄱阳湖生态经济区的土地利用变化。同时,确定了34个指标构建以“目标层、准则层、指标层”为框架的评价体系,对鄱阳湖生态生态经济区31个基本单位单元的生态承载力进行测算。在此基础上,运用统计软件计算土地利用变化和生态承载力之间关联系数,并展开定性分析。研究表明:(1)鄱阳湖生态经济区的主导土地类型为耕地和林地,但最活跃且最具影响力的土地类型为城镇建设用地。土地利用变化方向的大趋势为,耕地、林地大面积转化为城镇建设用地,土地类型结构日渐均匀。(2)从1995a到2008a,鄱阳湖生态经济区的生态系统自我调节能力减弱、供容能力下降,社会经济压力大幅增加,导致区域生态系统的综合承载能力虽变化程度不同,但均呈下降趋势。(3)生态承载力与土地利用变化的关系表现在二个方面:两者之间的本质关系为土地利用程度和生态承载力大小呈负相关,即土地利用程度越高的区域生态承载力越低;另一方面,两者之间的发展关系为土地利用变化速度决定着生态承载力的变化程度——土地动态度越大,生态承载力越趋于变小,反之亦然。(4)通过与经济发达地区、生态环境重点保护地区、资源型城市对比,研究区生态承载力与土地利用变化的关联性既有共性也有个性:土地利用状况与生态承载力之间的关系与经济发达地区有较好的一致性;而从土地利用变化对生态承载力扰动形式来看,与生态环境重点保护地区都是体现在土地利用动态度指标上,所以该区域的土地发展与生态协调具有鲜明的地域特色。

【Abstract】 Bearing capability of ecology is an objectively reflect that is the capacity of natural system to adjust, tolerance and the flow among various types of the land will affect the structure and function of ecological system. Eventually lead to change the bearing capability of ecology. Poyang hu Ecological Economic Zone is not only a rapidly developing industrial and urbanizational zone, but also an important ecological protection zone. Under the traditional extensive development mode in the past, Human aggressively explored the land which not only made trouble between human and pool, human and land within this area, but also made the ecologic environment to bear increasing pressure and produce adverse effects for sustainable development. Thus to discuss the relationship between ecological system and land-use change, which is not only the requirement of sustainable development research under the new period and new situation, but also the inevitable choice of bearing capability of ecology tending to depth study.This text use the land-use date from the two remote sensing in 1995 and 2008 to analysis the changes in the number and space of land-use of Poyang hu Ecological Economic Zone. at the same time, set an appraisal system with the framework of target, rule and index based on 34 Indicators to measure the bearing capability of ecology of 31 basic units of Poyang hu Ecological Economic Zone. On this basis, the use of statistical software to calculate the correlation coefficient between the land use change and ecological carrying capacity, and expand the qualitative analysis. The results show that:(1)Dominant land type of Poyang hu Ecological Economic Zone are farmland and forest land, but The most active and most influential types of land is urban construction land. The direction of land use change trend is that large areas of farmland and forest land turn to construction land and increasingly uniform type structure of land.(2)From 1995 to 2008 , Poyang hu Ecological Economic Zone weakened the capability to self-regulation of ecological system, reduced tolerance capacity , increase a substantial in social and economic pressure. which lead to different levels of carrying capacity of an integrated regional ecosystem change, but decreased.(3)There are two aspects of the relationship between ecological carrying capacity and land use change. On the one hand, the higher the degree of land use, the lower the regional ecological carrying capacity; On the other hand, the relations of development is the rate of change of land use decisions Changes in the extent of ecological carrying capacity-the more changes in the dynamic degree of land, the more greater ecological carrying capacity tends to become smaller, and vice versa.(4)Compare to economically developed areas, environment protection areas, and resource-based cities, there are similarities and differences in the relationship of ecological carrying capacity and land use change; The ecological carrying capacity and land use change consistent with the economically developed areas;The same as ecological environment protection on the form of land use change on ecological carrying capacity of perturbation,So the region has a distinctive local characteristics on coordination of land use change and ecology change.

  • 【分类号】F301.24;F205;F224
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】309
  • 攻读期成果

