

Emergent Public Health Events on the Significance of Chinese Social Progress

【作者】 胡金兰

【导师】 王家龙;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国全面建设小康社会,推进社会主义现代化建设的历史进程中,各种各样的突发事件往往以人们意料不及的方式发生,不仅给人们的生活上、物质上、精神上带来巨大的损失,而且对于社会正常秩序和公共安全带来威胁,但世界上任何事物都不是绝对的,突发公共事件一方面给我们带来危害,另一方面也为社会进步提供了契机和机遇,我们要善于抓住机遇,总结经验,为以后能科学、有效地减少突发事件带来的损失、引导突发事件朝好的方向发展、促进社会进步打下良好的基础。突发公共卫生事件是突发事件中的一种典型代表,近年来,我国突发公共卫生事件也是频繁发生,并且辐射范围不断扩大,表现形式趋于凶猛,造成的后果和影响也越来越严重,成为了影响社会安定的重大问题,与我国当前倡导并努力建设的和谐社会的状态形成了鲜明的对比,严重影响了我国社会主义和谐社会建设的进程,深刻认识突发公共卫生事件对中国社会进步存在的意义,并制定对策积极推动突发公共卫生事件对社会进步的一面发挥作用,这对以后的突发公共卫生事件的治理具有很好的引导和借鉴意义。2003年举国抗击“非典”的斗争,是我国应对突发公共卫生事件的转折点,从中我们总结了许多经验,收获了一笔无形的财富,使我国政府和公众对突发公共卫生事件有了更全面、深刻、理性的认识,通过对“非典”的应对,政府的管理理念由传统的“大政府、小社会”转变为“全社会共同参与治理”、人们的心理由恐慌到理智、信息由不公开到透明开放、民众对政府由不信任到信任等,这都说明了突发公共卫生事件对社会进步存在积极的意义。本文借鉴国内外相关研究成果,以马克思主义政治学、社会学、行政管理理论和系统论等理论为工具,探讨了突发公共卫生事件对中国社会进步的意义;分析突发公共卫生事件对中国社会进步产生影响的原因、背景及价值;最后从突发公共卫生事件对社会进步存在的消极影响及原因出发,提出如何使突发公共卫生事件促进社会进步的具体措施。

【Abstract】 Off society in China, and promote the historical process of socialist modernization, the various incidents often less than expected in the way people not only to the people’s life, physical, mental tremendous loss, but also for normal social order and public safety threat, but things are not any in the world is absolute, while public emergency brought us harm, it also provides an opportunity for social progress and opportunities, we to be good at seizing opportunities and lessons for the future can be science, effectively reduce the losses caused by unexpected events, and guide towards a good direction emergencies, and promote social progress and lay a good foundation.Public health emergency is an unexpected event in a typical representative of recent years, China is also a public health emergency occur frequently, and constantly expanding range of radiation, become violent manifestations, consequences and effects are increasingly serious, has become a major issue affecting social stability, and our current advocacy and efforts to build a harmonious society and the state in sharp contrast to our country seriously affected the process of building a socialist harmonious society, a profound understanding of China’s public health emergency significance of the existence of social progress and to develop measures to actively promote public health emergency on the side to play the role of social progress, which is public health emergency after the treatment has a good guide and reference. 2003 nationwide fight against "SARS" the struggle is our response to a turning point in public health emergencies, from which we sum up a lot of experience, an intangible asset harvest, so that our government and the public with public health emergencies more comprehensive, profound, rational understanding, through the "atypical pneumonia" in response, the Government’s management philosophy from the traditional "big government, small society" into "the whole society to participate in governance", people’s minds from the fear to the rational, information from the private to the transparent and open, people do not trust the government to trust the other, which shows that the public health emergency exists for the positive significance of social progress.This research results from home and abroad to Marxist political science, sociology, administrative theory and system theory and other theories as a tool to explore the public health emergency the significance of China’s social progress; analysis of public health emergencies in China impact on the causes of social progress, background and values; Finally, public health emergency exists on the negative effects of social progress and the reasons this paper proposes how to make public health emergencies of specific measures to promote social progress.


