

Study on Genesis of Fluid and the Analysis of Geological Conditions for Gas of Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation, in Hexingchang-Gaomiaozi

【作者】 张勇

【导师】 沈忠民; 罗小平;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 川西坳陷中段合兴场-高庙子地区须家河组主要目的层为上三叠统须家河组致密~超致密碎屑岩储层,深层地质条件十分复杂,储层非均质性极强,裂缝、地层水分布规律难以掌握,勘探难度较大。因此,有必要对合兴场地区须家河组流体成因及天然气成藏特征做较为细致的研究。本文通过天然气、地层水的基本地化特征分析,结合研究区地质背景,全面阐述了研究区天然气成因及来源、地层水成因;进一步结合地层水产出特征明确研究区气水分布规律与气水分布主控因素,最后通过典型气藏剖析,分析了研究区天然气成藏动态过程,总结了天然气成藏模式。首先分析了烃源岩有机碳、有机硫、氯仿沥青“A”、氯仿沥青族组分、干酪根显微组分、饱和烃色谱、饱和烃碳同位素、镜质体反射率、C、H、O元素、砂体划分、储层物性以及盖层等相关资料,明确研究区须家河组烃源岩基本地化特征、砂体发育特征、储层物性特征、盖层的基本特征和展布情况以及生储盖组合特征等,得出研究区须家河组烃源岩具有厚度大、分布范围广、有机质丰度高、成熟度高、类型单一(主要以Ⅲ型为主)的特点。基于天然气基本地化特征分析,明确研究区天然气的基本特征及成因类型。气源对比表明:侏罗系天然气主要来源于须五段烃源岩,中下侏罗统源岩是其有力的补充;须四上亚段天然气主要来源于须四中亚段源岩的贡献,须四下亚段天然气则主要来源于须三段源岩;须二段天然气则主要来源于马鞍塘-小塘子组烃源岩和须二自身源岩的贡献;通过研究区各层段地层水常量组分、微量组分的系统分析,明确地层水的基本地化特征,划分地层水类型;综合已有钻井的录井、测井、测试、试采等多种信息,明确各单井须家河组含水层的纵向分布特征,结合已有地质研究成果,总结单井水层的发育特征;从地层水氢、氧同位素,离子组合特征以及微量元素等方面入手,基本明确了研究区须家河组地层水的成因与来源,认为研究区须家河组地层水主要为高浓缩地层水,不同的水岩作用过程是不同层段地层水性质存在差异的关键。根据现今气水产出情况,结合构造演化、断裂、裂缝等研究成果,分析现今构造与气水分布的关系;利用储层物性资料研究储层非均质性对气水分布的影响;综合分析各种地质因素对研究区地层水分布的影响大小,总结气水分布的主要控制因素。须二段气水分布控制因素为:储层非均质性、大型断裂、砂岩超致密化前的古构造高部位与有利微相叠置区和开采制度。须四段气水分布控制因素为:储层、侧向封堵能力、须四上亚段在生排烃高峰期构造与砂体的配置关系、裂缝及岩石类型。建立了研究区须二段、须四上、下亚段的气水分布模式和天然气富集成藏模式。

【Abstract】 The main target of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the middle of the western Sichuan depression Hexingchang-Gaomiaozi,which has dense~super tight clastic reservoir,the complexity of deep geological conditions , strong heterogeneity and cracks,formation water distribution difficult to grasp, exploration difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to Xujiahe Formation fluid causes and characteristics of natural gas do a more detailed study in Hexingchang. This paper analysis nature gas and formation water geochemical characteristics, combined with geological background of the study area, a comprehensive study describes the causes and sources of gas, formation water origin; Further combining the characteristics of Fluid explicit Gas and water distribution rule and distribution dominative factor;Finally, through the anatomy of typical gas reservoir, we analyzed the dynamic process of natural gas accumulation of Xujiahe in the study area, and summed up the gas accumulation model.This paper firstly analyzes the hydrocarbon source rocks of organic carbon, organic sulfur, chloroform bitumen "A", chloroform bitumen race components, kerogen maceral, aliphaltic gas chromatography, aliphaltic gas carbon isotope, vitrinite reflectance, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen elements, sand body division, petrophysical property and cap rock and other relevant documents , explicits hydrocarbon source geochemical characteristics sand body development characteristic, petrophysical characteristics, cap rock the basic characteristics and exhibition cloth and soure-reservior-roof features, etc of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation, we known the xujiahe source rock large thickness, distribution range, high organic matter abundance and high maturity, a single type (mainlyⅢmain type) features.Based on the analysis of characteristics of natural gas geochemical characteristics ,cleard gas the basic characteristic and genetic types. Gas source comparison indicated that the Jurassic gas of HeXingChang mainly came from the member 5 of Xujiahe formation hydrocarbon source rocks, and the middle Jurassic source rock was its powerful supplement. the member upper 4 gas of XuJiahe formation came from the member lower 4 formation hydrocarbon source rocks contribution. the member lower 4 gas of XuJiahe formation came from the member 3 formation hydrocarbon source rocks. The gas of the member 2 of XuJiahe formation of GaoMiaoZi area was mainly provided by gas source of both XiaoTangZi-Saddle group and the member 2 of XuJiahe formation. The gas of the member 2 of XuJiahe formation of XinChang mainly came from the member 2 of XuJiahe formation and XiaoTangZi-Saddle group hydrocarbon source rocks.Through the research area from stratigraphically formation water constants components, trace components of system analysis, confirmed formation water base geochemical characteristics, divided formation water type.Integrating existing drilling mud logging, well logging, testing, production and so on many kinds of information, defined each single well of the vertical distribution characteristics of XuJiahe formation, combination with geological research achievements,summarized the single well water development features. From formation water hydrogen and oxygen isotopes, ion combination characteristic and trace elements in such aspects as, basic ascertained the formation water causes and sources of xujiahe, xujiahe formation water is mainly for the high concentration of formation water, different layer segment of formation water properties have different water-rock action process.According to the current situation, combined with a gas aquatic tectonic evolution, fracture, crack etc research results, analysis current tectonic and gas water distribution relationship; Using petrophysical material research reservoir heterogeneity of gas water distribution influence; Comprehensive analysis the various geological factors to influence of formation distribution size, summarizes the main gas water distribution control factors.The master control of natural gas and water concentration of member 2 of Xujiahe formation was: reservoir heterogeneity、large faults、sandstone super densification former ancient tectonic high position and favorable microfacies superposition and mining systematic irrationality. The master control of natural gas and water concentration of member4 of Xujiahe formation was:reservoir、Lateral sealing ability、the member upper 4 gas of XuJiahe In the hydrocarbon-generating peak structure and sand disposition relation、crack and the member lower 4 gas of XuJiahe enrichment degree close relationship rock types.Established gas and water distribution pattern and gas rich integrated reservoiring pattern of the member 2 gas of XuJiahe formation, the member upper and lower 4 gas of XuJiahe formation.


