

Geophone Orientation and Multiwave Wavefield Separation Method of 3D VSP

【作者】 丁拼搏

【导师】 李录明;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 应用地球物理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 三维三分量VSP技术的发展可以在很大程度上解决勘探难度和精度的问题。然而在井中进行VSP三分量资料采集时,当前使用的三分量检波器不能很好地定向,因此,三分量检波器所记录到的波场信息必须进行必要的处理。三维三分量VSP的与地面地震相比最大优点是能够接收各种类型的波,为后续的处理和解释工作提供了丰富的波场信息,但是三分量VSP采集到的各种类型的上、下行波又互相重叠在一起,必须有效地分离上、下行波以及纵横波。本文针对三维三分量VSP地震资料的特点,主要研究了三分量的旋转定向问题和波场分离的问题。1)首先对检波器三分量进行了坐标旋转定向,分析了斜井检波器接收的三分量之间的方向关系,并根据三分量旋转前后的坐标之间转换关系研究了斜井三分量的坐标旋转原理,最后针对能量特征对水平分量方位角影响的展开讨论,得出水平分量方位角的计算公式。并利用该方法对实际斜井三分量资料进行旋转定向,取得了较理想的效果,同时也验证了方法的可行性。2)本文针对三维VSP多波波场分离问题,从地震波传播的运动学和动力学角度出发,利用各种类型的波场的视速度和偏振特性差异,研究了三种分离方法:τ-p变换法、中值滤波法、偏振分解法。在研究τ-p变换方法过程中,对τ-p变换的基本原理以及在波场分离中的应用展开分析,对变换中产生的假频、端点和截断效应进行研究,并提出了压制各种效应的方法。同时还研究了中值滤波法在波场分离中的应用,同时探讨了不同参数选择以及边界效应对分离结果产生的影响,并对理论模型和实际资料进行试验,取得了良好分离效果。最后,通过对二维模型中地震波偏振方向的研究,探讨了偏振分解法分离纵横波的应用,并利用纵横波的偏振特性,结合中值滤波法对VSP多波资料进行波场分离。

【Abstract】 3D-3C VSP technology can largely solve the problem of difficulty and precisionof the exploration . However, in the well for 3C VSP data acquisition, the current useof three-component geophone is not well directed, therefore, three-componentgeophone recorded wave field to carry out the necessaryinformation must be handled.Three-dimensional three-component surface seismic VSP compared with the biggestadvantage is the ability to receive various types of waves, for subsequent processingand interpretation of the wave field to provide a wealth of information, but thethree-component VSP collected various types of upward and downward They overlapwith the wave must be effective separation of upward and downward wave and Swave.In this paper, three-dimensional three-component VSP characteristics of seismicdata, the main research direction of rotation of the three-component wave fieldseparationissues and problems.(1)First, three-component geophones were coordinate rotation orientation of thedetector received inclined orientation relationship between the three components, andaccording to the coordinates of the three components of rotation before and after theconversion relationship between the three components of the inclined coordinaterotation theory.Finally, the energy characteristics for the azimuth of the horizontalcomponent of the discussion, draw horizontal component of the formula forcalculating the azimuth angle.Using this method on three-component data of theactual shaft rotation direction, and achieved better results, but also verify thefeasibility of the method.(2)In this paper, three-dimensional separation VSP Duo Bobo field, seismic wavepropagation from the kinematic and dynamic point of view, the use of various typesofwave field and the polarization properties of the apparent speed differences of thethree separation methods:τ-p transform,Median filtering, polarization decomposition.In the studyτ-p transformation process,τ-p transform the basic principles andapplication ofwave field separation to analyze to transform the resulting aliasing,truncation effects ofendpoints and study, and proposed to suppress various Effect.Also studied the median filtering method in the separation of wave field, while the effect of different parametersand boundary effects on the impact of the separationresults, and theoretical modelsand real data to test and achieved good separationeffect.Finally, two-dimensional model of the polarization direction of seismic waves,separation of the vertical and horizontal polarization wave decomposition of theapplication and use of vertical and horizontal polarization wave, combined withmedian filter data on multi-wave VSP wavefield separation.

  • 【分类号】P631.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】137

