

ArcGIS-based Three-dimensional Virtual Simulation of Underground Pipelines and Implementation

【作者】 唐熠

【导师】 马永旺; 陈志文;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 计算数学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 城市地下管线是城市基础设施的重要组成部分,由纵横交错的排水,给水,电力,电信,天然气以及工业管线组成,随着城市的发展建设,地下管线系统也越来越庞大,很多城市都建立了相应的城市管网地理信息系统。但是现在的管网地理信息系统的可视化多数是二维平面的,不能很好的展示各种管线的空间关系,因此,地下管网地理信息系统的三维可视化迫在眉睫,本文在总结和分析国内外研究现状的基础上,阐述了地下管线三维可视化的基本问题,同时指出了本文的研究思路,对现有软件进行充分的理论和技术研究后,提出了实现城市地下管网三维可视化系统的最优方案和设计,创新的提出了对现有二维管线数据三维化和建立三维构件模型库,建立了地下管网三维虚拟现实仿真通用数据模型,实现了城市地下管网三维可视化系统。本文充分利用ESRI的GIS软件系统平台,以实现城市地下管网三维可视化为目标,对ARCGIS和PROCAD 3DSMART技术的实践和管件库方案的灵活设计,建立实用快捷的软件解决方案,使软件设计有很高的实用性和可行性,减少重复开发造成的经济和资源浪费。通过本文软件产品化设计和专业GIS设计的理论、技术研究和软件产品实现,旨在为城市建设、规划部门、专业管线单位提供一个满足如下基本要求的稳定、成熟、高效、可扩展并可持续开发应用的城市地下综合管线三维空间虚拟现实仿真信息管理平台

【Abstract】 Urban Underground is the city an important part of the infrastructure by the criss-cross drainage, water supply, electricity, telecommunications, and industrial pipeline natural gas composition, with the city’s development and construction, underground pipeline system is also too large, many cities have established Chengshiguanwang corresponding geographic information systems. But now the pipe network visualization of geographic information systems are mostly two-dimensional plane, do not display the spatial relationship of various pipeline, therefore, underground pipe network geographic information system visualization is imminent, Based on the summary and analysis of progress, based on the underground pipeline described the basic problem of visualization, this study also points out the idea of the existing software to fully study the theory and techniques proposed to achieve the city underground pipe network visualization system and design the optimal solution, innovative pipeline proposed two-dimensional data on the existing three-dimensional technology and a three-dimensional component model library, the establishment of an underground pipe network general three-dimensional virtual reality simulation data model, implemented urban underground pipe network visualization system.This full use of ESRI’s GIS software platform to achieve the three-dimensional visualization of urban underground pipe network into the target, and PROCAD 3DSMART ARCGIS technology practice and a flexible tube library program designed to establish practical and efficient software solutions, is the software designed with high practicality and feasibility, the economic development to reduce duplication and waste of resources. Through this software product design and professional GIS design theory, technology research and software products implementation, designed for urban construction, planning departments, professional pipeline units meet the following basic requirements to provide a stable, mature, efficient, scalable and sustainable development and application of three-dimensional urban underground pipeline information management platform for virtual reality simulation


