

Study on the Influence of the Longmen Mountain Tunnel on the Groundwater Environment in Longmen Mountain Region

【作者】 左蔚

【导师】 李晓;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 环境地质, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 长大隧道的开挖相当于在地下增加一条新的地下水排泄长廊,打破既有的多年形成的地下水补径排平衡,对当地地下水环境产生一定的影响。如果对于隧道排放地下水不加控制,就会造成区域地下水位的下降,使得影响半径范围内地下水露头减少,井泉、溶洞、暗河等不同程度的水量减小或消失,造成农作物减产和地表植物枯萎死亡等,直接或间接地影响当地居民的生活、生产。龙门山隧道穿越龙门山环境敏感区。本文拟以成兰线的龙门山双线隧道为例分析该隧道开挖对穿越区域地下水环境的影响。论文首先在现场踏勘、收集资料和水化学资料分析的基础上,对隧道穿越区岩溶发育状况、地下水补径排等地下水环境现状进行分析,并以地下水系统的观点具体分析龙门山隧道涌水量的大小及可能对研究区地下水环境造成的影响,对研究区地下水环境受影响程度进行分区,通过分析认为隧道穿睢水河可溶岩段对地下水环境的影响最大,而越岭段地下水环境因埋深大、岩溶不发育等原因而受影响程度较小。隧道对千佛山景区和熊猫栖息地产生的影响都较小。最后论文采用模糊层次分析法分析整个龙门山隧道开挖对研究区地下水环境的影响。通过分析认为龙门山隧道对龙门山地区地下水环境有一定影响,但总体来说影响程度不大,对环境敏感区影响也不大。主要影响区在于穿睢水河的可溶岩段,尤其是高川坪一带。具体成果如下:(1)岩溶发育受北东向构造控制而呈北东向发育的特征。隧道D1K91+166.08~D1K95+818段岩溶发育中等,隧道穿越层位主要属于岩溶水水平径流带。隧道越岭D1K95+410~D1K111+35.88段岩溶发育微弱,隧道穿越层位主要属于岩溶水深循环带。(2)在研究区水样优势离子为Ca2+、Mg2+、HCO3-和SO42-,平均矿化度为327mg/L。其中金溪沟上游水样具有Na+,SO42-,SiO2高的特征表明其流经的震旦系地层岩溶发育微弱。通过水化学和同位素分析认为研究区地下水主要是大气降水补给,一般径流较短,金溪沟流域主要流经非岩溶地层。(3)隧道穿越区主要划分为四个地下水系统,包括麻柳坪地下水系统、大屋基地下水系统、大马槽地下水系统和半坡地下水系统,其中麻柳坪地下水系统主要地下水类型为碳酸盐溶洞裂隙水,地下水最为富集,水文地质条件最为复杂。(4)将隧道分为五段进行涌突水和地下水环境影响分析,a.D1K91+166.08~D1K95+822段由于横穿睢水河,地层主要以可溶岩地层为主,涌突水的可能性最大。所以发生涌突水根据地下水系统划分、涌突水危险性等进行隧道各段对地下水环境影响程度分区,通过划分认为隧道起始穿可溶岩段对地下水环境影响最大。隧道对千佛山景区和熊猫栖息地两个环境敏感区影响小。(5)涌水量主要通过降雨入渗法和地下水径流模数法两种方法预测,地下水径流模数法为12196 m3/d,降雨入渗法为15970m3/d,总的来说结果相差不大。综合考虑后涌突水估算结果采用地下水径流模数法的12196m3/d,其中a段麻柳坪地下水系统占32.2%,为主要涌水段。(6)采用模糊数学层次分析法进行隧道环境负效应评价,把隧道造成的环境负效应分为五级,评判结果致为2.69,即龙门山隧道施工下水环境负效应程度为弱和中等之间。由结果可知龙门山隧道对龙门山地区地下水环境有一定的负效应,但是权衡利弊评价认为工程可行。

【Abstract】 Tunnel excavation is equivalent to adding a new underground water drainage corridor, breaking the groundwater balance years formed by years, and have some impact to the local groundwater. If the groundwater discharge from the tunnel without control,it will result in a decline of the groundwater table, making the impact to groundwater outcrop within a radius of less,making spring, caves, underground rivers and other water of different degrees of reduced or disappeared, resulting in crop failures and the surface Plants wilt or death, directly or indirectly affecting the lives and production of local residents.Longmen tunnel will pass through environment sensitive areas. This article aims to become the Blue Line as an example of the Longmen Shan-lane tunnel to analyze the impact to the regional groundwater after the tunnel excavation. Firstly, analyzing the karst conditions, groundwater recharge discharged directly into the state of the environment, on the basis of the field investigation, data collection and analysis of water chemistry data, and specific analyze of groundwater of the tunnel discharge Longmenshan size and might of the environmental impact of groundwater in the study area affected by the extent of groundwater district with systems point, through the analysis that the tunnel section through Suishui River soluble rock have the greatest impact on the groundwater environment, and Crossing the environment because of the depth of groundwater large karst development and other reasons are not affected to a lesser extent. Thousand Buddha Mountain Tunnel on the panda habitat area and the impact is small. Finally, the article by fuzzy AHP of the Longmen Shan tunnel excavation on groundwater environment.By the analysis ,the LonMen tunnel have a certain influence to the groundwater environment of the Longmen mountains, but, overall,the impact on the environment of sensitive areas is not large. The affected zone is the main river through Suishui soluble rock segment, especially the GaoChuanping. Specific results are as follows:(1)Karst structures are controlled by the North East to the development of NE characteristics. Tunnel D1K91+166.08-D1K95+818 belong to the karst middle section,which passing through the level of karst water runoff zone. Tunnel Crossing D1K95+410-D1K111+35.88 belong to the weak karst section,which passing through the layer depth are mainly karst belt loop.(2)Advantages water ions in the study area are Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3-and SO42-, the average salinity is 327mg / L. Jinxi Gully upstream water samples which have Na+, SO42-, SiO2 and high in that it flows through the karst formation of the Sinian weak. The chemical and isotope analysis through the study area that is mainly precipitation of groundwater recharge, runoff generally shorter, Golden Gully drainage area flowing through the non-karst formation.(3)Tunnel through the area is divided into four major groundwater systems, including groundwater systems Maliuping, groundwater system Dawuji, groundwater system Damacao and groundwater system Banpo,the groundwater system Maliuping is the main type of carbonate cave water fissure water, groundwater is most enriched in the most complicated hydrogeological conditions.(4)The tunnel is divided into five sections of Gushing water and groundwater for environmental impact analysis,a.D1K91+166.08-D1K95+822 cross the Suishui river section of the strata based mainly on soluble rock strata, the possibility of Water Maliuping of the maximum. Maliuping water that happens under the ground water system division, risk of Gushing water tunnel sections, etc. impact on the groundwater district, through the division of that section of the tunnel starting soluble rock through the greatest impact on the groundwater environment. Thousand Buddha Mountain tunnel on the panda habitat area and environmentally sensitive areas of the two small.(5)We predict the water inflow mainly by two ways, groundwater runoff is 12196 m3/d by the modulus method,and by the rainfall infiltration method is 15970m3/d, in general the results of little difference.Maliuping after considering estimates of groundwater runoff modulus by law 12196m3/d, where a section of floor Maliuchang groundwater system accounted for 32.2%, as the main water gushing paragraph.(6)Negative Environmental Assessment: A fuzzy AHP evaluation negative effect of the tunnel environment, the negative effect of the environment caused by the tunnel is divived into five levels, evaluation results caused by 2.69, that is, tunneling Longmen Negative effects of the degree of water between weak and middle. From the results of Longmen Longmen tunnel groundwater environment has some negative effect, but on balance assessment that the project feasible.


