

The Evolution of the Boumdary Fault and the Study of Time-space Distribution for Bachu in Tarim Basin

【作者】 刘海涛

【导师】 赵锡奎;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 断裂识别及其发育演化研究是落实圈闭和评价圈闭有效性的重要因素及内容。巴楚地区是塔里木盆地断裂最发育的地区之一,并且具有丰富的油气资源,随着勘探程度的不断深入,油气勘探面积不断扩大。然而,由于巴楚隆起及其周围地区受多期次构造运动的影响,地质特征较为复杂,地球物理勘探程度较低,钻井较少且分布不均,导致在基础地质特征和油气成藏条件等许多方面还存在着迫切需要回答的问题。本文以现有的基础地质、物探、地震、钻井、地层等综合资料为基础,以地震精细解释和断裂的演化为主要依托,分析其纵横展布特征、对边界断裂的典型剖面进行精细刻画和演化分析。在此基础上,分析隆起边界断裂对沉积、内部次级断裂的影响、后期断裂演化的控制和影响,结合前人关于油气演化的成果,探讨隆起边界断裂与油气的关系。取得了以下主要结论与认识:(1)本论文综合利用地震剖面上断层断开层位、断距大小,断层上、下盘厚度差异等现象,配合追踪走向变化、特殊沉积体系或相变佐证,识别出吐木休克北等一系列现今基底正断裂和色力布亚、海米罗斯1号、玛扎塔格南等一系列反转断裂,指出巴楚隆起经历了多期次构造运动。(2)巴楚地区断裂展布具有平面分带、分段、垂向分层的特征:自西向东,边界断裂走向逐渐转变为NWW向直到近EW向展布,总体上断裂呈向北凸出的弧形。(3)根据构造剖面演化及构造样式的分析将巴麦地区的构造演化划分为加里东早中期、加里东晚期-海西早期、海西晚期、印支-燕山期和喜马拉雅期五个阶段,提出巴楚隆起是在加里东中晚期和田古隆起的隆后斜坡的基础上,在大型NW向古断裂继承性活动控制之下,最终在喜山中晚期强烈挤压和扭动双重作用发育起来的一个继承性古隆起。多期次的构造活动逐步改变早期的构造格局,加里东中期、晚海西运动和喜山中期运动是主要构造变革期。(4)根据主干断裂的剖面演化以及主要活动期断裂平面发育特征,按照断裂初始发育期和最终定型期进行对比分析,将断裂活动归纳为四种方式即:①一次性形成、后期运动未活动再改造的断裂(断层);②早期形成、后期一次继承改造的断裂(断层);③早期形成、后期多次继承改造的断裂(断层);④早期伸展、后期反转改造的断裂(断层)。在此基础上,总结巴楚断裂演化模式,即:①震旦纪~早奥陶世基底卷入式伸展断裂发育阶段;②晚奥陶世末正反转逆冲断裂发育阶段;③志留纪~中泥盆世末弱挤压继承性基底卷入逆冲断裂发育阶段;④早二叠世末“裂而未陷”局部伸展断裂发育阶段;⑤二叠纪末基底卷入式强烈逆冲断裂发育阶段;⑥中新世~全新世基底卷入型压扭断裂-盖层滑脱型推覆断裂叠置发育阶段。(5)在统计巴楚地区油气显示的纵横向差异的基础上,探讨大型断裂带对油气聚集成藏的控制作用:①大型断裂控制烃源岩发育及热演化;②大型断裂控制储集相带发育;③多期断裂控制圈闭类型与展布;④多期断裂控制油气运聚与保存。(6)以构造演化为主线,从断裂控藏的角度,综合考虑参考依据,认为海西期及以前开始发育的近东西向古构造是油气最富集的区域,并划分出三类有利区带。

【Abstract】 Identification,development and evolution of faults are Important factor and content of ascertaining and appraisaling the trap’s validity.Bachu area,in Tarim Basin,is One of the most developed areas of fracture,and has abundant oil and gas resources, with deepening the extent of the exploration,hydrocarbon exploration area has expanded.However, Bachu uplift and its surrounding areas affected by multi-periods tectonic movement, geological characteristics are more complex,geophysical exploration degree is lower, drilling fewer and unevenly distributed which lead to an urgent need to answer the question that basic geological features and conditions of hydrocarbon accumulation and in many respects . (etc.)In this paper, on the basis of the present geological, geophysical, seismic, drilling and other Integrated Information,(etc.) Detailed interpretation of seismic and fracture of the evolution as the main support which to analyze the vertical and horizontal distribution of features,describe the typical profile of the boundary faults and analysis its evolution. On this basis, analysis of uplift boundary fault influence on the deposition, the control of post-fault evolution, combined with previous results on the evolution of hydrocarbon,investigate the relationship between hydrocarbon and the boundary faults of uplift.Getting the following main conclusions and understanding:(1).The paper Utilization of fault which on seismic profile,the cut off horizon,the size of the fault displacement, the phenomenon of differences in the thickness of the hanging wall and the foot wall etc. with the evidence of the trace the change of the strike, specific depositional system and facies change, identify a series of the present foundational down fault In the Northern TUMUXIUKE and Selibuya, Hemmi Ross 1, Mazatagenan and a series of reverse faults, that has indicated Bachu uplift experienced multi-periods tectonic movement.(2).Faults distribution,in Bachu area,has the characteristic that plane zonation,block,vertical layering: from west to east, the strike of boundary fault changes from NWW to nearly EW distribution gradually, overall the fault which is To the North protruding arc.(3).According to the analysis for the structure profile evolution and the structure style,Bamai area Division of tectonic evolution pattern of Caledonian early medium-term, early Caledonian to later hercynian, hercynian for advanced, indosinian-yanshanian and Himalayan five stages to propose bachu uplift developed at tiangu uplift’s back slopes in early Caledonian and under the control of a large NW trending fossil fracture’s inherited tectonics, eventually inherited palaeohigh formed by highly compress and strike slip motion in Himalayan orogeny early-medium term. multi-periods tectonic change the early tectonic style gradually, the Middle Caledonian、Late Hercynian and the MiddleIndosinian are main tectonic process periods.(4).According to the profile’s evolution of the main fault as well as the developmental features of the faulting plane in the main active state and by the analyze that compared from the initial development stage of the faulting to its final fixed form:①One form、post-fault is not active;②Early form、post-fault is active again;③Early form、and fault reconstructed;④Early Stretch、and late fault reverse.The faulting active can be concluded by 4 ways and as a basic, the Bachu-faulting model can be dropped.(5).Based on the counting of the difference of the evidences of hydrocarbon between the longitudinal and the horizontal in the Bachu area, the controlling affection of the large scale faulting belt to the oil and gas accumulated and became the mineral reserves can be researched:①the development of the source rock and its thermal evolution were controlled by the large scale faulting belt;②the development of the accumulate facies belt was controlled by the large scale faulting belt;③the trapping types and the throughgoing were controlled by the multi-periods faulting;④the transformation and the conservation of the hydrocarbon were controlled by the multi-periods faulting.(6).Put the development of the tectonic as a clue and to consider from the faulting controls the reservoir, such conclusions can be dropped: the nearly east-west palaeotectonics that developed in the Hercynian or before is the most concentrated area of the hydrocarbon. Besides 3 types of vantage zones were divided.


