

The Study of Ore-controlling Structure of the Xiachen-Wangchangmu Fluorite Ore Field

【作者】 方乙

【导师】 李忠权; 徐旃章;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 构造地质学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 下陈—王长墓萤石矿田位于浙东南震旦纪—古生代隆起带(华夏古陆)上,属浅层低温热液充填型脉状矿床,控矿构造为断裂构造。运动地壳上任何一个地质体或矿体,与它们相关的建造与构造环境都是相互制约、相互依存、共同发展的关系,对于它们的研究应该是建立在一个动态的时、空演变基础之上的。本论文即在收集、整理前人资料的基础上,通过细致的野外地质调查,收集到大量的地质信息,运用以上指导思想分析和总结成矿规律和控矿断裂构造时、空演变与矿体时、空演变的关系,取得以下的主要认识:(1)下陈—王长墓萤石矿田所在的天台盆地为形成于晚白垩世的继承—过渡型盆地,属构造火山盆地,是浙东南震旦纪—古生代隆起带(华夏古陆)上萤石矿成矿非常有利的盆地类型。(2)下陈—王长墓萤石矿田控矿断裂是多期构造运动叠加的结果,其力学性质经历了扭—压—压扭的过程,且在特定的边界条件下形成现今的控矿构造格局。(3)下陈—王长墓萤石矿田矿后构造活动明显,矿带(体)的连续性遭到了一定程度的破坏作用。(4)下陈—王长墓萤石矿田各矿带(体)以及围岩蚀变的空间展布严格受构造控制,在纵向(走向)、横向和垂向上具有明显的分带规律。(5)通过综合分析对矿田资源特征进行了简单的评价。

【Abstract】 The Xiachen-Wangchangmu fluorite ore field locates in the Sinian Period-Paleozoic uplift zone in the southeast of Zhejiang Province. It is a superficial layer epithermal filling deposit and its ore-controlling structure are rift structure. The build and structure environment, which is related of any geologic or ore body of the living crust, is mutual restraint, interdependent and common development. The study of them should be based on dynamic space development. This thesis analysed and summarized the law of mineralizing and the the space development relationship between ore-controlling structure and ore bodies by collecting and sorting out the previous information, gathering a great deal of geologic information by elaborative field work and using guiding ideology mentioned above. There are the main conclusions:(1) The Xiachen-Wangchangmu fluorite ore field belongs to the Tiantai basin. It is a successive-transitional basin, which is one kind of tectonic volcanic basin.(2) The ore-controlling structure of the Xiachen-Wangchangmu fluorite ore field experienced multiple tectonic movements. Its mechanical proerty experienced the process of shear-compression-compression and scissor. The current ore-controlling structure is formed under the specific boundary conditions.(3) The post-mineralization tectonic action of the Xiachen-Wangchangmu fluorite ore field is evident and the succession of the ore belt(ore body) suffer from damage in a certain extent(4) The spatial arrangement of every ore belt(every ore body) and wall rock alteration of the Xiachen-Wangchangmu fluorite ore field is strictly controlled by structure. So it has evident zoning laws whether in longitudinal(strike),transverse or vertical.(5) This thesis evaluate the characters of the Xiachen-Wangchangmu fluorite ore field resources using comprehensive analysis.


