

Research on Reservoir Heterogeneity of Upper 3rd Member of Shahe-jie Formation in Liu80 Block

【作者】 甘霖

【导师】 董伟;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 油气田开发地质, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 留80断块位于河北省献县,属于低渗透油藏,具有断层发育,构造破碎,储层非均质性严重等特点。断块投产时间较短,储层地质特征认识还不是很清楚,因此有必要对留80断块储层非均质性进行研究,认清油藏地质特征,建立三维地质模型,为制定开发调整方案提供可靠的地质依据。本论文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,利用研究区20口油水井的岩心,测井等资料,对储层非均质性进行了研究。研究表明留80断块内三角洲前缘亚相最为发育,各小层主要发育水下分流河道、席状砂和河口砂坝沉积微相。研究区内平均孔隙度12.01%,平均渗透率9.9 10-3μm2,整体上属于低孔特低渗储层,物性较差。区内岩石主要以长石细砂岩为主,孔隙类型主要为溶蚀孔隙,不同渗透率岩芯的孔道半径分布相差不大,而喉道半径分布却相差很大,分选差,微观非均质性较强。砂体在各小层平面分布差异明显,在II油组发育较好,分布广,III油组次之,I油组砂体不发育,只有零星分布的滨浅湖砂坝,渗透率平面非均质性严重。统计计算了渗透率非均质参数,结果表明层内和层间非均质性非常严重,但是非均质强弱程度在不同区域存在差异。留80断块区内断层发育,将含油砂体分割为很多小块。差油层比例较高,阻断储层横向连通性,导致含油连片性差,各小层含有面积都不大,而且小层含油面积差别明显。随埋深加大,受压实作用影响,储层的物性变差,总体而言II油组物性好于III油组。沉积微相对储层物性控制作用明显,储层非均质性呈现出沿水下分流河道→河口砂坝→席状砂逐渐减小变化趋势,沉积微相是影响储层非均质性的主要因素。采用Petrel软件,以三维地震解释为基础,充分利用钻井、测井、地层对比等数据,建立三维构造模型;应用导师自编FCRM6相控克里金储层参数建模软件,采用相控-克里金建模技术,建立在沉积相和流体相约束下的储层参数模型,反映了非均质性特点,为精细油藏数值模拟等后续油藏研究奠定了基础。在储层非均质性研究基础上,对储层进行综合评价,将研究区储层划分为三类,其中I类和II类储层物性好,开发潜力大。同时结合储量丰度分布规律,合理预测了开采有利区块,进而提出开发方案调整建议。

【Abstract】 Located in Hebei Province, Liu80 Block belongs to complicated fault block reservoir, which is characterized by highly developing faults, complicated structures and obvious heterogeneity. Its operation time is short and reservoir characteristics are not well understood, so it is necessary to study its reservoir heterogeneity, recognize the oilfield geological character and set up the 3D geological model to provide reliable geological evidence for making exploitation and adjustment program.Based on previous research achievements, the study used cores of 20 oil and water wells and logging files and studied the reservoir heterogeneity. The research shows that delta front facies relatively develops in Liu 80 block and the layers are mainly composed of sunderwater distributary channel, sand sheet and mouth bar microfacies. In the studying area, the average porosity is 12.01% and average permeability is 9.9×10-3μm2, which belongs to low-porosity and super low- permeability reservoir with bad petrophysical property. The rocks are mainly feldspar fine sandstone; the pore type is mainly corroded pore, the distribution of the pore channel radium has little difference with different permeable rocks. However, the difference in distribution of the throat channel radium is large. The reservoir is poorly sorted and the micro-heterogeneity is strong. The sandbody develops in II oil group and is widely spreaded, and III oil group is pooer. The sandbody in I oil group is not developed, which is only distributed sporadically in sandstone dam of coast and shallow lake. We have summarized and calculated the permeability variation coefficient and other heterogeneity parameters. The results show that the intraformational and interlaminar heterogeneity is obvious, but the degree of reservoir heterogeneities varies in different areas. The faults are developed in Liu 80 block, which had divided the oil-bearing sandbody into many small parts. Since there are more pooroil formation and the horizontal connectivity is hamperd, the oil is not connected well and the small layer’s oil-bearing area is not wide but quite different. As the burying depth increases, the petrophysical property becomes poorer because of compaction. In general, the II oil group is better than the III oil group. The affect of microfacies on reservoir petrophysical property is obvious: reservoir heterogeneity are both declining along with distributary channel, mouth bar and sand sheet, which are the key factors that affect the reservoir heterogeneity.The software Petrel is used to construct its three-dimensional structure model based on 3D seismic data interpretation and in combination with drilling, logging and stratigraphic correlation data. By use of facies-controlled-kriging reservoir parameters modeling software designed by our tutor and facies-controlled-kriging modeling technology, the reservoir parameters model is constructed under the constraints of sedimentary facies and fluid facies. The structure of the oilfield, heterogeneity properties are displayed, which have provided basis for the coming reservoir study such as precise reservoir numerical stimulation.On the base of reservoir heterogeneity study, the comprehensive reservoir evaluation was finished. And the reservoir in researching area were divided into three types, type I and II were with good physical properties and great potential for development. At the same time, in consideration with reserves abundance distribution rules, the prosperous exploitation area was reasonably predicted and then exploiting adjustment programs were proposed.


