

Dawan Gold Deposit in Funing County of Yunnan Province Soil Geochemical Anomaly Evaluation and Prospecting

【作者】 王晓

【导师】 李泽琴; 彭秀红;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地球化学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 微细浸染型金矿是目前国内外重要的金矿床类型之一,目前,我国微细浸染型金矿累计资源量已超过1000t,该类型矿床也己经成为中国重要的黄金资源。滇黔桂接壤地区是20多年来发现的一大金矿成矿集中区,其金矿类型主要为微细粒浸染型。研究区大湾金矿位于富宁县,地处滇黔桂金三角区,由于富宁地区金矿已开采多年,金矿资源已日渐枯竭,急需在矿床周边继续寻找可持续开采的金矿床。通过收集大湾地区基础地质资料,对矿区土壤进行1:10000地球化学土壤测量,应用聚类分析、主因子分析等传统数学地质方法研究各元素的共生组合规律,并利用主因子得分异常来表征主要成矿元素的组合异常。对比传统方法和求和法的多重分形方法来研究区域内主要成矿元素地球化学异常场的地球化学异常下限,并对研究区域内地球化学异常做出评价,结合地质特征探讨其找矿前景。研究结果表明:(1)系统聚类分析结果与因子分析一致。Cu、Co、Ni同属一类,与因子分析的F1因子相对应;As、Au、Sb属一类,与因子分析的F2因子相对应;Hg单独为一类,与因子分析的F3因子相对应。(2)本区的成矿元素组合主要为低温元素As、Au、Sb, Au是主成矿元素,Sb、Hg可能为伴生元素。(3)研究区内7种元素应用多重分形方法所确定的下限值均高于用传统方法计算的异常下限,Au元素不具有多重分形特征。具有多重分形特征的元素,可以利用分形法求该元素的异常下限。(4)对该地区异常图的研究表明,分形法确定的异常面积集中,且与构造、矿化点联系紧密。(5)研究区金异常区域主要为三个区域:龙三盘以西、龙三盘以南及那桑,异常面积分别为1.0、0.38、0.5平方公里。沿着区内北西向的断层分布,说明金矿化的形成可能与这条贯穿该区域的断层有相当密切的关系。(6)Au、As、Sb综合异常区域与金异常区的分布相一致,异常面积分别为2.5、0.68、0.87平方公里。这与大湾地区构造发育,基性岩活动强烈,具有较好的成矿条件有关;主成矿元素的异常与矿化点联系紧密、金矿化带往北西、南东均有延伸趋势,远景较好。

【Abstract】 Carlin type gold deposit is one important type of gold deposit at home and abroad. At present, Carlin type gold deposit resources have accumulated more than 1000t, the type of deposit also has become an important gold resource. Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi border area is a major gold deposits which was found in concentrated areas in 20 years, the main types of gold deposit is Carlin type. Dawan area is located in Funing gold deposit in Yunnan, Guizhou Golden Triangle area, the Fu Ning gold deposit has been mined area for many years,the resources of gold deposit has been an increasing depletion, the urgent need to continue to look for sustainable exploitation of deposits around the gold deposit.Through the collection of basic geological data of Dawan Area, surveying the 1:10000 geochemical soil around the mine, applying cluster analysis, principal factor analysis and other traditional methods of mathematical geology of the symbiotic combination of the elements regularity, and using the main factor scores to represent the exception forming elements of the combination of abnormalities. Compared to the traditional method and multifractal statistical methods of summation to the study area forming elements within the field of geochemical anomalies in geochemical anomaly threshold, and geochemical anomalies within the study area to make assessment of the geological features of its exploration Prospects. The results show that:(1) The results of cluster analysis and factor analysis is consistent, Cu, Co, Ni is part of the same class, and factor analysis of the F1 factor corresponds; As, Au, Sb, Hg is part of the same class, and factor analysis of the F2 factor corresponds.(2) The combination of this area is mainly forming elements As, Au, Sb, Hg, As-Au is temperature element, and the main ore-forming elements, Sb, Hg may be the associated elements. (3) 7 elements in the study area by using multifractal methods is higher than anomaly threshold of the traditional method of anomaly threshold, Au element does not have multifractal characteristics. We can use fractal Method anomaly threshold of the element of multifractal characteristics .(4) The study of anomaly map in the area shows that the abnormal area which was determined by the fractal method is small, and associated closely with the structure, mineralization point.(5) Major regional gold anomaly in the study area is divided into three regions: the west of the Long Sanpan, the south of Long Sanpan and Nasang that abnormal area are 1.0,0.38,0.5 square kilometers. Along northwest the fault distribution, indicating that the formation of gold mineralization may be related to this fault runs through the region have very close relationship.(6) The distribution of Au, As, Hg, Sb integrated abnormal area and gold anomalies abnormal area is consistent. The abnormal area are 2.5,0.68,0.87 square kilometers. Related to good mineralization conditions,Dawan construction fully developed, basic rock strongly actived,; The anomalies of the main mineralization elements and mineralization points are closely connected, gold mineralization belt are an extension of the trend in northwest,southeast . The Prospect is good


