

Isotope Geochemistry Characteristic of Surface Water in Aba Kaschin-Beck Disease Areas

【作者】 岳跃破

【导师】 施泽明; 倪师军;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地球化学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 阿坝州位于四川省西北部,是全国罕见的大骨节病重病区。大骨节病的病因在很大程度上和当地的水文环境有着密切的关系,大骨节病区的环境地质条件,特别是地表水体和发病几率之间存在紧密联系,查明病区的水化学特征,探讨水体的来源可为移民安置和打井工程提供科学依据。论文依托四川省政府与国土资源部合作项目《四川省大骨节病区地下水调查与安全供水示范工程》子课题《四川阿坝州生态地球化学调查》(1212010913022)。在查明研究区水文地球化学特征基础上,通过氢氧同位素分析,结合研究区的地层岩性、构造、水文地质,探讨了不同水体的来源及相互关系。主要取得如下成果:水化学特征分析表明,研究区水体基本上是以中-弱碱性、较低矿化度的软水为主,水化学类型为HCO3-Ca和HCO3-Ca·Mg型;主要河流中,杜柯河矿化度最高,可能有部分地下水的补给;不同水类型中,井水和自来水矿化度明显高于河水和溪水;区内水体常量离子自然起源的优势机制是岩石的风化作用,碳酸盐矿物和硅酸盐矿物的溶解是水化学形成的主要作用;地层岩性是控制水体矿化度,主要离子含量的主要因素。水体氢氧同位素特征分析显示,表明区内水体主要来源于大气降水,其次是地下水和冰雪融水;氘过量参数表明区内水体受到强烈的蒸发作用。不同流域水的来源不同,阿坝县境内的麻尔曲、阿曲河流域地区各水体同位素的δD和δ18O为全区最大,显示河流源头高原湖泊补给的影响;杜柯河中下游流域河水的δD和δ18O偏负,河水矿化度较高,显示有地下水的补给;红原白河水的δD和δ18O相对则曲河偏正表现为强烈的蒸发特征;其它河流主要表现为大气降水补给。

【Abstract】 The Aba Autonomous Region, the rare endemic area of KBD, is located in the Northwest part of Sichuan Province. The cause of KBD is closely to related to the hydrometrical-setting in that distinguish. Finding out the features about water chemistry, and going into the source of the water can offer a scientific proof for setting down the immigrant and digging well. This paper is based on the“the cooperation project between the government of Sichuan province and Ministry of Land Resources”which the sub-name is“the survey of the ecological geochemistry in Aba Sichuan province(1212010913022)”ascertaining the characteristic of hydro geochemistry, and the oxyhydrogen isotope analysis combined with the factors on lithology, structure, hydrogeololgy, we discussed the different origin of different water, and its relationship.The main achievements as below:The analysis of water chemistry shows that the water in study place is mostly middle alkalinity and light mineralization, and the water chemistyr’s type is HCO3-Ca and HCO3-Ca·Mg. The Duke rive has the highest mineralization among the all rives in search place. It maybe have some supply given by underground water. The mineralization of well water and the tap water are higher than the water from rives and brook. Dissolving of Carbonate and silicate helps to form the unique water chemistry. The key element in content of ion is layer lithology. And it also control the mineralization in wanter.Oxyhydrogen isotope feature analysis of water showed that the region water mainly derived from atmospheric precipitation ,followed by groundwater and snow melt water. Deuterium excess parameter showed that regional water is subject to certain evaporation. The sources of different river basin water in different, different river basin region water isotopesδD andδ18O of Ma erqu and A qu rive in Aba County is maximum of all region, showed that the source of the river supplied by highland lakes. TheδD andδ18O of middle and lower river in Duke river basin assume burden and mineralization high ,showing groundwater recharge. Compared with Zequ river,theδD andδ18O of white river in Hongyuan assume large, indicate characteristics of strong evaporation. Other rivers mainly supplied from atmospheric precipitation.


