

Study of Reasonable Well Pattern for Daniudi Shan1 Gas Reservoir

【作者】 方小娟

【导师】 陈青;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 经勘探开发实践证实,大牛地气田具有特殊的地质条件,普遍发育低渗致密储层,具有孔隙度低、渗透率低、含水饱和度高、非均质性强、低产低压等特点,这些气藏特征造成相当数量的储量未能及时投入开发,而且致使单井产量低,压力下降快,稳产难度大,被称之为勘探开发的难题,同时给气田开发过程中井网井距的确定带来了很大难度。因此,需要进一步加深对气藏地质情况的认识,建立一个合理的井网体系,提高采收率。对于低渗透油气藏来说,建立合理的井网体系是低渗透油气藏开发成败的关键。大牛地气田山1气藏储层平面上和纵向上的非均质性强,均匀布井可以充分发挥气田的产气能力,部分区域储层有效厚度大,渗透率高,储量丰度高,而部分区域如一些构造边部位储层较薄,渗透性较差,储量丰度值低,并且由于布井密度低,控制程度不够,因此在开发初期采用均匀井网进行开发。目前大牛地气田历经多年的开发,已经进入稳产期末,为了能够更好地挖掘气田的开发潜力,就必须进行开发井网调整。论文以大牛地气田山1气藏地质储量为基础,对目前的开发井网进行了评价。通过对大牛地气田山1气藏的储量评价,得出山1气藏储量平面控制程度低,只有59.06%;山1气藏地质储量大,但是储层物性差,单井产能低,加上目前井网不完善,导致采气速度低,采出程度低;对目前生产井井距进行统计分析,可以看出砂体连片的地方,储层物性较好,井距较合理,但是砂体的边部井网不完善。从大牛地气田山1气藏地质特征入手,从沉积相、流动单元、储层类型、开发层系组合和压裂规模五个方面对影响井网的部署因素进行了分析。最后通过气藏数值模拟,对山1气藏剩余气的分布进行了研究,以此为基础,提出了井网调整的方案,进而优选出了一套井网完善的方案,即新增19口新井,主要是在砂体边部加密井网,提高储量的平面控制程度。预测到2015年12月,可累积增产4.33 108m~3,采出程度可达到14.61%。

【Abstract】 According to the exploration and development practice, Daniudi gas field has special geologic condition,most of the reservoirs have low porosity,low permeability,high water saturation,strong aeolotropism,low production and low pressure. Daniudi gas reservoir has great geological reserves,but its special reservoir conditions induce that the individual well producing rate is low,result in the pressure drop quickly and unstable production. This is the problem of exploration and development. These characteristic induce that lots of reservoirs cannot develop on time. At the same time those bring a lot of difficult to determine the rational spacing between wells. In order to enhance the gas recovery ratio , we need a deep recognition of the gas reservoir geologic condition,and then establish rational well patterns。In view of the low permeability oil and gas reservoirs, establishing a reasonable well pattern is the key point to develop the oil and gas reservoirs of low permeability. Daniudi Shan 1 gas reservoir has strong aeolotropism on plane and vertical direction. Symmetrically arranging wells can get high gas production. Some reservoirs have great effective thickness,high permeability, high reserves abundance. But some reservoirs are thin, low permeability and low reserves abundance, such as the side of structure. Furthermore, some reservoirs have low well density and are lack of control in the plane. So we symmetrically arrange wells at the beginning of the development. After many years of development of Daniudi gas field, it goes to the end of stable production at present. In order to better tap the potential of gas field development, we must to adjust the development well patterns.Base on the geologic reserves of Daniudi gas field Shan 1 reservoir, this paper evaluate the current development well patterns. According to the evaluating of the geologic reserve,conclude that the plane control grade of Shan 1 geological reserve is only 59.06%,that is very low. There is large gas geological reserves of Shan 1 gas reservoir, but reserve property is poor, individual well producing rate is low. Beside,the well patterns are not perfect now. These factors induce the low of the gas production rate and the degree of reserve recovery. Analyses well distance of current production well, we can see the places which sand body combine have good reserve property, and have reasonable well distance, but at the edge of the sand body, the well patterns is not perfect.Begin with the geologic property of Daniudi gas field Shan 1 gas reservoir, it analyses some factors that influence arrangement of well patterns. The factors have five aspects. Those factors are precipitation facie,flowing unit, reserve styles, development layer series combination and fracturing scale. In the end, this paper studys the distribution of remaining gas through the numerical reservoir simulation. On this basis, we get the scheme of adjusting the well patterns, then optimize and choose a perfect scheme. The perfect scheme increases 19 new wells , mainly increase the well networks at the edge of the sand body. Through this scheme,the gas reservoir enhances the average control degree of the reserves. We prognosticate that it will increase output gas production 4.33 million cubic meters,and the degree of reserve recovery will get to 14.61% on Dec,2015.


