

Safety Assessment of Oil and Gas Drilling Engineering Based on Structural Equation Model

【作者】 陈燕

【导师】 匡建超; 黄寰;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 油气钻井工程是进行石油天然气资源勘探开发的主要工程,是目前证实油气是否存在和开采油气的唯一手段。自20世纪初开始,随着钻井技术的不断成熟,世界油气资源勘探开发活动日益活跃,勘探领域从陆上到海上、从浅部到深部地层、从老区到新区迅速延伸。然而,油气钻井是一项多工程、多工序、立体交叉、连续作业的系统工程,由于受到自然、管理因素、工艺技术水平和钻井设备等因素的制约,钻井过程中不可避免地会发生各种各样的事故,造成重大的人、财、物等损失,从而影响勘探、开发进程。油气钻井事故引发的一系列的安全问题成了石油工业发展中的最大障碍,也是国家和政府时时刻刻关注的问题。如何用科学的方法来客观有效地评估油气钻井工程的安全状况,从根源上有效规避事故的发生已成为人们重点研究的课题。本文在前人研究成果的基础上,对油气钻井工程安全评价的相关问题进行较为系统的研究。论文首先综述了国内外安全评价研究现状与发展趋势,归纳总结了油气钻井工程的特点,构建了系统全面的安全评价指标体系,然后,在剖析传统安全评价法的基础上,综合结构方程模型和模糊综合评价法,构建了SEM-FSEM钻井安全评价模型,最后,以四川盆地XC气田X钻井项目为例,进行应用分析,并据此提出了提高油气钻井工程安全的对策建议。研究表明,SEM-FSEM评价模型应用效果符合客观实际,具有一定实用意义。论文取得的成果如下:(1)构建了油气钻井工程安全评价指标体系。本文在前人研究成果的基础上,从“人-机-环境”角度出发,构建了油气钻井工程安全评价指标体系,该指标体系综合考虑了包括自然因素、管理水平、钻井设备条件、工艺技术水平以及经济投入在内的钻井作业安全影响因素,是目前较为系统的评价指标体系,有利于科学、合理评价钻井安全。(2)找出了影响钻井工程安全的关键因子。通过查阅大量相关文献资料,在综合考虑各类安全因素的基础上,设计出了一套针对油气钻井工程安全评价的调查问卷,有利于获取相对客观、准确数据。在调查问卷基础上,引入结构方程模型,利用通径分析理清钻井项目各类安全风险因素间的关系,做到有效识别影响钻井安全的关键因子。(3)构建了SEM-FSEM油气钻井工程安全评价模型。本文首次将SEM-FSEM评价模型应用到油气钻井工程安全评价中。该模型充分发挥了结构方程模型和模糊综合评价这两种方法的优势,不仅了理清各影响因素间相互关系,同时解决了钻井工程中存在的多种“模糊、不确定性”问题,使评价结果较为科学合理,为钻井安全评价提供全新思路。(4)提出了提高油气钻井工程安全的对策建议。通过模型评价研究,指出在油气钻井工程中所应注意的关键问题,并从作业人员安全意识、钻井施工管理水平、钻井作业条件以及钻井安全经济投入等方面对提高油气钻井工程安全提出对策建议。

【Abstract】 Oil and gas drilling is a major engineering of oil and natural gas exploration and development, and is the only means of oil and gas exploration that is confirmed. Since the beginning of the 20th century, with the drilling technology becoming mature, the world’s oil and gas exploration and development activities have become increasingly active, and the exploration areas are ranging from land to sea, from shallow to deep, and from old to new. However, oil and gas drilling is a system engineering with multi-project, multi-working procedure, interchange and continuous operation. Due to factors such as nature, management, technology level and drilling equipments, all sorts of accidents resulting in significant human, financial, and material losses may occur, and thereby affect the exploration and development processes. A series of security problems caused by oil and gas drilling accidents have become the biggest obstacles, which are also the concerns of the state and government. How to assess the security situation in oil and gas drilling projects objectively with scientific methods and avoid the root causes of accidents effectively have become an important focus of studies.On the basis of the previous studies, this thesis has done a more systematic study on the related issues of oil and gas drilling safety assessment. Firstly, this paper reviewed domestic and international study status of oil and gas drilling safety assessment, and pointed out the research trend of this issue. Then the author built a comprehensive index system of safety assessment based on summarizing the characteristics of oil and gas drilling. Secondly, structural equation model and the fuzzy comprehensive assessment method are integrated, and the SEM-FSEM drilling safety assessment model is established, both of which are based on analysis of the traditional methods’advantages and disadvantages. Finally, the SEM-FSEM drilling safety assessment model was applied to X gas drilling project of XC Gas-field in Sichuan Basin. The result of study indicates that the assessment model is feasible and has practical significance.The progresses derived from the thesis are as follows:(1)Establishing safety evaluation index system of oil and gas drillingAccording to the previous studies, this thesis builds oil and gas drilling safety evaluation index system from the“man - machine - environment”perspective. The system is conducive to assess drilling safety scientifically and reasonably, which includes natural factors, management level, drilling equipment conditions, technology level and economic inputs.(2)Finding out the key factors of oil and gas drillingThrough finding out a large number of relevant documents, this paper designed a safety assessment questionnaire of oil and gas drilling, which helped to obtain some objective and accurate data. On the basis of it, the author finds the key risk factors according to using the path analysis method of structural equation model to clarify the relationship among various types of risk factors in drilling project(3)Designing oil and gas drilling safety assessment modelThe thesis applies SEM-FSEM model to the safety assessment of oil and gas drilling project. This model plays advantages of structural equation model and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. It not only clarifies the relationship between the various influencing factors, but also solves various problems of“fuzzy and uncertainty”, so that the assessment results are more scientific and reasonable, and carries new ideas for safety assessment of drilling.(4)Proposing suggestions for improving safety level of oil and gas drilling projectsAccording to the assessment model worked in the oil and gas drilling, the thesis points out the key issues that we should pay attention to, and proposes suggestions for improving safety level of oil and gas drilling projects in terms of management, drilling conditions, and economic investments.

  • 【分类号】F426.22;X937;F224
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】497
  • 攻读期成果

