

Research and Application on the System of Acid-Base Viscoelastic Fluid

【作者】 李永寿

【导师】 伊向艺;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着石油勘探开发技术的不断发展,压裂和酸化成为储层增产改造的主要手段。对特低渗、难动用的储层应研究针对性改造工艺措施才能改善增产效果,为了提高这类低渗透油气藏的开发效益,本文在分析总结前人经验成果的基础上研发改进了酸基粘弹性液体体系,它以粘弹性表面活性剂为稠化剂,通过在酸液中交联得到酸基清洁液体系。该酸液体系继承原有粘弹性表面活性剂压裂液的优点:低粘度、高弹性、低摩阻及携砂性等,通过机理研究发现它能根据酸岩反应进程实现自主转向酸压,深入改造低渗透储层。酸基粘弹性液体体系是将酸化与压裂有机地结合,其携砂酸压会取得更好的增产效果。在论文研究中酸基粘弹性液体体系多项性能优良,可适用于非均质低渗透储层的增产改造。最终在华北油田某区3口井进行了现场携砂酸压的先导性试验,增产效果明显,为该类油藏的酸压开发提供了有效的技术手段。研究中完成的主要内容与取得的成果有:(1)对酸基粘弹性液体体系进行了酸岩反应动力学测试,并取得了相关的动力学参数及方程,同时应用三维扫描仪对酸蚀裂缝表面形态进行描述研究,上述研究表明酸基粘弹性液体体系具有很好的缓速性。(2)研究了酸液的变粘自转向性能,实验发现该体系的变粘范围与前人的研究结果略有不同,较传统变粘酸而言变粘范围有所提前,这样更有利于防止酸液的消耗和滤失,此外随着pH值的进一步升高成胶酸液会自破胶。(3)对酸液体系的其它性能也进行了详尽的研究,结果表明酸基粘弹性液体体系具有低滤失、低摩阻、抗剪切、耐高温、高导流、配伍性好等良好性能,此外酸液体系破胶迅速、完善,对地层污染小。(4)针对华北油田某区低渗含灰质砂岩储层进行了酸压设计并现场指导携砂酸压施工,对施工后的改造效果进行了综合分析与评价。本文提出的酸基粘弹性液体体系携砂酸压改造技术不仅对本试验区的增产及稳产具有重要的指导意义,而且对于研究其它低渗透储层的增产改造技术也同样具有借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 With the continuous development of technique in oil exploration and development, acid fracturing becomes an important technique of reservoir stimulation. It should be studied on the technological measures targetedly to meliorate stimulation effect for ultra-low permeability and difficult-to-produce reservoirs. To improve the development benefit of this low permeable reservoir, this paper ameliorates acid-base viscoelastic fluid system on the basis of former experience; it uses viscoelastic surfactant as thickener and is created when thickener is cross-linked in the acid. It inherits advantages of viscoelastic surfactant fracturing fluid such as low-viscosity, high-elasticity, low-friction, sand-carrying ability and so on. Through the mechanism research, we find that this kind acid fluid can achieve self- diversion acid fracturing according to the progress of acid rock reaction and stimulate low permeable reservoir deeply. Acid-base viscoelastic fluid system combines acidizing and fracturing well,it would get better effect if we use it to acid fracturing with sand carrying.Its several properties show well in the study and it is suitable for the stimulation of low permeable reservoir. Then it is used in the redevelopment of three wells in HuaBei Oil Field ultimately with obvious effect, the success of the performance provides effective technological method for this kind reservoir. By this paper, the main content and recognition can be concluded as followings:(1) This paper has tested the actions of kinetics of reaction between the new acid and limestone, and acquired the related dynamic parameters and equations. Besides, it described acid-etched surface morphology with 3-d laser scanner. All the studies show that the acid presents good retardative property.(2) This paper has studied viscosity behavior of the acid, the result is slightly different from that previously published. Its viscosity raises earlier than the traditional variable-viscosity acid, this is beneficial to prohibit acid from consuming and leaking off.(3) Other properties have been studied exhaustively; the results show that it is low filtration, low friction, shearing resistance, high temperature resistant, high flow conductivity, compatible with other acid. Besides, the reacted acid breaks rapidly and completely, less pollution for the reservoir.(4) This paper designed construction scheme on the one hand, on the other hand, it carried the systematic analysis and evaluations on the effects of acid fracturing, which both aimed at the low permeability lime-sand rock reservoirs of HuaBei Oil Field.Therefore, the new technique mentioned in this paper, not only as the guidance to the stimulation and stable yields of treating regions, but also played an important role in reservoir reform of other low permeable reservoirs, from which draw the lessons.


