

An Analysis of the Motivation of Audiences for Watching Main Theme Spy Drama Show Through Its Characterization

【作者】 关斐洁

【导师】 刘迅;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 传播学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 影视剧的中心任务就是刻画和塑造鲜明,生动的人物形象。在影视剧中,所有的要素都是为人物塑造服务的。没有脱离人物而发生的时间,也没有与人物无关的环境。可以说塑造人物是影视剧最为核心的问题。一部电影或者电视剧是否成功,人物塑造是一个首要问题,也是一个关键的评价尺度。近年来风靡中国荧屏的主旋律谍战剧尤其如此。谍战剧历史由来已久,塑造了许多不朽的艺术形象。观众提及主旋律谍战剧,首先想到的就是这些形象鲜明的人物角色。而且主旋律谍战剧在我国大有星火燎原之势。如何创作观众喜欢看的主旋律谍战剧角色是一个很重要的问题,主旋律谍战剧的成功更离不开人物形象的塑造。人物即结构,主要人物决定着故事的走向。在一个真正具有独创性的故事当中,必须得有一个,甚至几个性格特征独特且具有丰富内心世界的主要人物。为保证主旋律谍战剧的整体质量,保持其创作和收视活力。本文从主旋律谍战剧中的各种各样的人物塑造出发,把理论研究与实证分析有机地结合,采用文献研究法,个案分析法,调查研究法等研究方法,在查阅国内有关研究成果,参考近几年来主旋律谍战剧的研究现状,分析受众心理动机的基础上,透析观众对于主旋律谍战剧的阅听动机,总结观众喜欢看的主旋律谍战剧角色,关注现实生活,重视观众多层次的精神文化需求,希望谍战剧采用更多样的表现手法,塑造更加鲜活感人的艺术形象同时也希望给我国主旋律谍战剧的创作提供借鉴经验。

【Abstract】 The main task of the films and the TV drama is to portray vivid and living characters. All the elements are served for the portrail in TV drama and films. No time goes without any characters, and there is no environment that is not character related. The portail of the figures is the most important issue for films and the TV drama. It is also the primary question as well as the vital standard for a successful film or a TV show, especially for the main theme spy drama, which is getting more and more popular recent years in China. The main theme spy drama has a long history. It has created many eternal figures.When the audiences think of the main theme spy drama, they think of these vivid characters. In addition, the main theme spy drama is spreading all over China.But recently, the creation of the main theme spy drama is lacking of innovation on its contents. the State Administration of Radio Film and Television has issued a documentary in December last year. It mainly ctiticized the unhealthy creation trend, stating that some of the shows share the same plotting and it even self-clone and copy the old story. Besides, some other shows don’t have nice class, wich degrade the quality of main theme spy drama on a whole.In order to keep the level of the drama and the energy of its creation and ratings, this thesis starts with the various characters in the main theme spy drama, combining the theory research and Empirical research, using Literature research and specific cases research as well as survey research, summarizing the figures that the audiences prefer, concerning to the reality,paying attention to the different levels of the spirit needs. hopefully that the main theme drama can use more ways to portray touching characters as well as to offer some experience for the creation of the main theme spy drama.


