

Post-disaster Reconstruction and Development of Beichuan Qiang Village

【作者】 陈科

【导师】 张先进;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 羌族村寨记载着羌族独有的文化习俗,对于羌族文化的不断延续和传播发挥着不容小觑的作用。近年来,随着文化的不断交融,传统羌族村寨聚落形态已经逐渐淡化。本文以北川羌族地区灾后重建作为研究的背景,以北川羌族村寨作为主要研究对象,从新的功能规划、空间布局、建筑形态、环境重建整合的角度,并结合经济、社会发展层面,探讨灾后重建契机下“新羌寨”建设的模式或途径。文本首先结合北川地域环境,对北川羌族村寨特点进行分析;然后通过对搜集的有关资料和多次实地调研成果的分析,梳理出北川羌族村寨震时的破坏情况和灾后重建工作所出现的问题,并进行了深入探析和思考,论文以“吉娜羌寨”为典型案例进行研究分析,探讨震后适合北川羌族村寨的建设模式,希望能够为北川地区乃至整个少数民族地区民族村寨的建设特别是灾后重建提供参考;最后本文结合羌族村寨的发展,提出民族文化灾后传承和复兴的建议。

【Abstract】 Qiang villages recorded the unique cultural practices, for the Qiang culture of continuous renewal and dissemination of the role play should not be underestimated. In recent years, the traditional Qiang village settlement pattern has been gradually fading with the interaction of the culture. This thesis took the reconstruction of Beichuan Qiang region as the background, village of Beichuan Qiang as the main object of study, and from the perspective of the function of the new planning, space layout, building form, integration of environmental reconstruction, combined with economic and social development level, to explore opportunities for post-disaster reconstruction Under the "new Qiang" construction mode or way.Firstly, this thesis analyzed Beichuan Qiang village characteristics combined with the North River area environment. And then by collecting the relevant information and a series of field survey results of the analysis, it teased out the earthquake’s destruction of Beichuan Qiang village and the issues of reconstruction work, and conducted in-depth analysis and reflection. The paper took "Gina Qiang" as the typical case study analysis and discussed the appropriate construction model of Beichuan after the earthquake. It is in the hope to make the reference of the future construction especially for the post-disaster reconstruction of Beichuan region and the whole village for Ethnic Minorities. Finally, this paper proposed national culture heritage and disaster recovery recommendations combined with Qiang villages development.


