

The Integration of EMS and WAMS is Based on IEC 61970 Standard

【作者】 宋战慧

【导师】 王倩;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 能量管理系统(EMS)和广域测量系统(WAMS)作为其中两个必不可少的部分,在实际的电力系统中得到了广泛的应用,目前两个系统都是独立开发研制,所以在实际运行当中用户需要掌握和维护不同的系统,浪费了巨大的人力物力;同时各系统之间的结构各自封闭,给不同数据库之间的数据通信造成了严重的影响,也不便于共享数据。IEC61970标准定义了电力系统各种公共信息模型,为不同系统间数据交换与共享奠定了模型基础,使系统集成成为可能。本文首先在研究公共信息模型CIM基础上结合对EMS与WAMS各系统的数据流分析,提出EMS与WAMS的一体化构架的设计原则,主要从统一支撑平台、数据结构和应用功能上完成一体化设计;然后结合EMS与WAMS的特点,基于公共信息模型CIM对EMS/WAMS模型进行分析,抽象出WAMS的新型类:时间同步装置类(Time synchronization device)、相量测量装置类(Phasor measurement device)和PMU类,并在此基础上采用UML建模语言分步对所要扩展的新型类画出逻辑模型视图并用文字定义各个类,接着通过对EMS与WAMS各自系统的特点比较分析,建立了EMS与WAMS集成的统一信息模型;文章最后对所建统一信息模型进行了设计实现,主要完成新型类的UML模型到CIM RDF Schema格式转换,为各应用系统提供了数据交换的统一格式;研究所建模型的CIS接口定义,并采用Web Services方法对基于EMS与WAMS统一信息模型的通用数据访问接口进行了设计实现,并在Eclipse集成开发工具下,利用Axis插件开发Web Services服务,对通用数据访问接口建立Web Services,并进行了简单的测试。

【Abstract】 It’s essential to apply the Energy management system (EMS) and Wide Area Mesurement system into modern electric power system. At present, This two systems were developement independantly, therefore, in the operation process, the work staff have to both master and maintain this two systems, it will cost much human resources and material resources. Also, many subsystems were heterogeneous system that caused serious impact for data communication and information sharing between different databases. IEC61970 seiris standard has been defined common information model for electric power equipment that lay an important model foundation to data sharing between different subsystem and make the intergration of heterogeneous system are possilbe.This thesis work firstly proposed an intergrated architectur design principle for EMS and WAMS based on analyzation of CIM and data flow. This design principle were focus on unified platform, data structure and application function. Moreover, analyzed the model of EMS and WAMS. abstracted and established some new model class which included the Time synchronization device class, Phase measurement device class and PMU class by using UML, and estabished the unified information model for EMS and WAMS by analyzation of chrateristic of EMS and WAMS. At the last, implenmented this unified information model, completed the convertion from UML model to CIM RDF schema format, provided an unified format for different application system, implenmented the access of common database based on unified model of EMS and WAMS by means of using the Web Service method.


