

The Analysis of Construction and Monitoring of Dredger Fill Ground Using CFG Pile Composite Foundation

【作者】 付永乐

【导师】 曹新文; 王东旭;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文以厦门环东海域火炬工业园(通用厂房三期)2007G15-1、2地块为工程背景。该工程地质条件为东南沿海滩涂,其中的软弱层主要为吹填土层,地下水位受海水影响较大,具较强的腐蚀性。解决此类工程地质问题的主要方法是采用复合地基基础。根据工程地质报告,综合各方面因素考虑,采用了CFG桩复合地基处理,其特点有承载力高,施工方便快捷,质量易于控制,工程造价低等。CFG桩复合地基应用于吹填土地基的施工方法有多种,该项目采用的是振冲法施工。本文详细阐述了振冲法施工工艺和步骤,振冲法施工的质量控制方法。作者在厦门环东海域火炬工业园通用厂房三期选择工点进行了CFG桩复合地基受力和沉降的长期监测。监测内容包括桩顶、桩间土压力和沉降、柱的应变。监测方法包括水准仪测量柱的沉降,利用安装在柱基础、桩顶和桩间土之间的沉降计观测桩顶和桩间土相对于基础的沉降。监测结果表明,桩顶受力受荷载、桩型布置影响较大,桩间土受力较为平均,桩顶和桩间土的沉降满足设计要求,桩间土沉降是引起桩顶刺入褥垫层的沉降的主要原因。通过本监测活动了解了吹填土上CFG复合地基桩土受力状态和变形情况,分析了CFG桩复合地基的可行性和可靠性,为今后类似工程的设计和施工提供借鉴和指导。总体上看,CFG桩复合地基能够给上部建筑提供必要的承载力,该地基处理技术运用到环东海域吹填土地基建筑物是可行的和可靠的,在经济上也是合理的。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, Xiamen east coastal area Torch Industrial District (general plant phase III) 2007G15-1,2 plot is the engineering background. The engineering geological condition of this project is southeast coastal beach, the weak layer of the soil is mainly dredger fill, groundwater table influenced by seawater, which is highly corrosive. To solve this engineering geological problem, a major way is adopting composite foundation. According to geological reports, taking all factors into account, the Cement Fly-ash Gravel pile composite foundation was selected, and its main characters are high bearing capacity, convenience of construction, easiness of quality control and low engineering cost, etc.There are various construction methods of CFG pile composite foundation which is adopted for reclaimed soil foundation. This project selected the vibroflotation method to construct. The construction method of vibration technology and procedures, quality of construction method of vibration control are described in this paper. Author conducted the long-term of the force and the settlement of CFG pile composite foundation of the selected monitoring points in Xiamen east coastal area Torch Industrial District (general plant phase III). The monitor included the earth pressure and settlement of pile top, soil between piles and column strain. The methods of monitor included level measurement for settlement of the piles, the settlement gauge set on the pile foundation, pile top and soil between piles for the settlement of pile top and soil between piles.The monitoring results show that, the force of the pile top influenced by the load and the arrangement of the piles, soil between piles force received more evenly. The settlement of the pile top and soil between piles meet the design requirements. The settlement of the soil between piles is the main reason of the settlement of the pile top pierce into the cushion. Through the monitoring results, we understand the soil stress state and deformation on CFG pile composite foundation, discriminated the feasibility and reliability of CFG pile composite foundation, provide reference and guidance for the similar projects in future design and construction. Overall, the result indicated that CFG pile could provide necessary bearing capacity to the upper structure, and it is feasible, reliable and economical to use this treatment measures on reclaimed soil foundation.


