

Study on Power Factor Issues of Passenger Dedicated Lines

【作者】 张蜀华

【导师】 王牣;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 为了适应我国铁路运输市场的需求,国家大力发展铁路建设,建设客运专线,实现客货分离,提高运输效率。而随着客运专线的开通,新技术新装置的采用,对牵引供电系统提出了更高更严格的要求,一系列电压波动、谐波、负序和功率因数等电能质量问题也日益展现在人们面前。功率因数不仅直接反应供电系统的有功功率和无功功率的分配,也是供电质量的技术指标之一,所以电力系统一直注重对功率因数的考核。因此提高功率因数在技术和经济方面都具有重要意义。本文根据前往合武客运专线麻城北牵引变电所,现场记录的该所范围内电压电流的波形图像,以及AT供电系统的特点和现场实际施工方案,对波形进行了观察和谐波分析,并得出该变电所具有功率因数方面的问题,因此提出加设补偿装置。以合武客专麻城北牵引变电所为原型,通过对牵引网的单相多导体电力传输线进行等效降阶处理,得到了牵引网的单位长度阻抗和导纳参数,建立牵引网参数模型。利用(?)MATLAB/SIMULINK对牵引供电系统进行仿真建模,仿真分析了牵引变电所单列车牵引工况、单列车制动工况、双列车牵引工况、双列车一向牵引工况一向制动工况四种情况。并针对实际情况,分析了几种无功补偿方案,最终选取了TCR+FC型静止无功补偿装置。最后仿真分析了投入补偿装置后的仿真模型,将结果与补偿前进行了技术性和经济性比较,确认了补偿后谐波明显得到改善,功率因数达到补偿要求。虽然系统还有不平衡的问题,但鉴于实际牵引变电所的主接线特性,考虑到只要干线电气化铁道多个牵引变电所,高压侧轮换相序接入,就可以减小负序电流,且运营成本有明显的降低,因此补偿方案还是合理、可行的。最后又设想了加入三相补偿装置的仿真实验,结果证明该方法可以确实有效的消除负序电流,平衡三相系统。

【Abstract】 To meet the demand for railway transport market in China, the railway construction is developed faster and faster. The construction of passenger Dedicated line, not only achieve separation of passenger and freight, but also improve transport efficiency. With the opening of PDL, the adoption of new technology and new equipment, the traction power supply system demands to be safer. A series of voltage fluctuation, harmonic, negative sequence and power factor etc power quality issues are becoming increasingly showed in front of people.Power factor is not only a direct response to the active power and reactive power distribution in power supply system, but also one of the technical indicators of the quality of power supply. So the assessment of power factor has been emphasized by power system. Therefore improving power factor in technical and economic aspect are of great significance.Collecting data from Hefei-Wuhan Passenger Dedicated Line power supply system, especially the north Macheng traction substation section. According to the site record within oscillogram of the of voltage and current, the AT power supply system characteristics and the actual construction plan, it observed on the waveform and harmonic analysis, then reached a conclusion that the substation has a power factor problem. So adding compensation device was proposed.To north macheng traction substation as the prototype, the traction nets of unit length impedance and capacitance parameters were obtained by the equivalent reduction method of power transmission line with multi-conductor, and then established the traction nets parameter model. It built the simulation model of traction power supply system by MATLAB/SIMULINK in this paper. Simulation analysis of single train in traction condition, single train in braking condition, double train in traction condition, one train in traction condition the other in braking condition four cases. And of the actual situation, analysis of several reactive power compensations, TCR+FC Static Var Compensator device was selected. Finally it compared the simulation result with inputting the compensation device to compensation before, in technical and economic aspect, the harmonic reduced and the power factor reached the requirement. With actual characteristics of traction substation main connection, there is imbalance in the system. The electrified railway lines have a number of traction substations, when the commutating access of high voltage side of each substation in the power system, the negative sequence current significantly reduced. And because of its reduced operating costs, the compensation scheme is reasonable and feasible.Finally, the three-phase compensating device was joined in simulation model experiment, and the results show that the method can effectively eliminate the negative sequence current, balance three-phase system.


