

Humanitarian Logistics in China: Evolution, Challenges and Solutions

【作者】 杨婷婷

【导师】 冯春;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 物流工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市化的加速和现代工业的快速发展,人类对自然环境的破坏越来越大,造成近年来人为和自然灾难越来越多,影响越来越大,仅2010年上半年就发生了海地地震、智利地震、俄罗斯森林大火、中国甘肃玉树地震等灾难。越来越多的灾难正迫切呼唤着更加敏捷、稳定和有效的灾难管理。强调“人道”,运作主体为非政府组织的人道物流,是灾难救援的关键。自2004年作为一个独立于商业物流和应急物流的体系在国外被首先提出后,其研究已经初步展开,并取得了一定的成果,然而,在中国国内,这方面的研究迄今为止几乎还是空白。中国是一个灾难频发的国家,同时也是世界上自然灾难最为严重的国家之一。2008年发生的汶川地震就造成69142人死亡。经过这次地震的洗礼,国际和中国国内的非政府组织在灾难救援中的作用虽然得到了证实和褒扬,但同时也暴露出了很多问题。非政府组织应该研究如何在灾难环境中建立稳定、弹性和敏捷的人道供应链,而要进行这样的研究,则必须要首先清楚人道物流在中国实施时面临哪些问题和挑战?哪些问题和挑战是最紧迫的?然后才能针对这些问题提出相应的解决措施。针对上诉问题,这篇论文首次以中国的人道救援现状作为背景,研究了人道物流在我国实施时所面临的问题和挑战。论文前半部分在总结分析人道物流国内外研究现状的基础上,提出了灾难救援中人道物流的概念,分析了人道物流与商业物流的区别,同时介绍了人道物流在我国实施的自然环境、政治法律环境、社会文化环境和基础设施环境,以及非政府组织在我国的概况;论文的后半部分则基于人道物流挑战分析和人道物流利益相关者概念模型,以及国外对人道物流面临问题和挑战的研究,从输入/输出环境、制度环境、竞争环境和内部利益相关者四个方面,结合灾难管理的三个阶段—准备、应对和重建,分析了人道物流在我国实施时所面临的问题和挑战,并采用回归分析法分析非政府组织问卷调查数据,最后得出结论,人道物流所面临的最迫切需要解决的问题和挑战有:基础设施脆弱、缺乏合作、很难获得真实的需求信息、不够重视物流在救援活动中发挥的作用、缺少物流人才。这五个问题在人道物流的各利益相关者中均有分布,且主要集中于应对阶段。最后论文提出,可以采取:购买NGO服务、鼓励常规性社会捐赠、鼓励NGO参与救灾、整合现有的物流基础设施到灾难救援中、建立NGO之间的沟通和交流机制、建立人道物流从业人员培训与考核机制、进行连续性流程评估以及投资物流信息系统等措施解决这些问题。本论文的研究成果能够为我国的灾难应急管理提供一个新的视角,并为国内的人道物流研究提供参考和依据。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of modern industry and the acceleration of urbanization, man-made harms to environment are becoming more and more serious. In recent years, there are more and more natural and man-made disasters and their influences are much more important than before. Only in the first half year of 2010, a lot of disasters have happened, like Haiti earthquake, Chili earthquake, forest fire in Russia, and seism in Gansu province of China. All of these disasters call for more rapid, stable and effective disaster management. Humanitarian logistics, which emphasizes ’humanity’ and which is operated by Non Governmental Organizations, is the key to disaster rescue. Since it was defined in 2004 as another academic system different from commercial logistics and emergency logistics, research regarding this topic has begun and has gained initial success. However in China, its research has not begun.Disasters, especially natural disasters, frequently baptize China. The death toll of 5.12 Wen chuan earthquake has reached 69142. After this earthquake, operations of national and mutli-national Non Governmental Organizations during the disaster is broadly acknowledged but there are still a lot of issues and problems. Therefore, Non Governmental Organizations should learn to establish stable, resilient and agile humanitarian supply chain. In order to study the ’how’, the ’what’ should firstly be known. What are the issues and challenges of humanitarian logistics faced in China? Among these issues, which ones are the most urgent? Then solutions could be proposed.This paper firstly identified issues and challenges of humanitarian logistics in China based on China’s macro environment. In the first half part, based on an analysis of humanitarian logistics’ current research situation both in and abroad, we define, analyze and introduce respectively humanitarian logistics in disaster relief, differences and similarities between humanitarian logistics and commercial logistics and operational environment of humanitarian logistics in China, including NGOs’ situation. Then, this paper has identified issues and challenges of humanitarian logistics in China from four points of view combined with disaster lifecycle:input/output environment, regulatory environment, competitive environment and internal stakeholders, based on conceptual models to identify humanitarian logistics issues and humanitarian logistics stakeholders. Afterwards factor analysis is applied to NGO survey data. At last we find that there are five significant factors which influence humanitarian logistics operation efficiency:infrastructure vulnerability, lack of cooperation, difficult to get real demand information, underestimate logistics and lack of logistics experts in the field. It is recommended that several measured could be taken to mitigate these problems:purchase NGO service, encourage routine social donation, encourage NGO participation in disaster rescue, integrate logistics infrastructure into disaster relief, create communication mechanisms among NGOs, invest in standardized training and certification, focus on structured process of continuous improvement and invest in logistics information systems.Research of this paper could open a new subject in disaster management in China, and could be consulted by other humanitarian logistics researchers during their research in the future.

  • 【分类号】F259.2;D632.5;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】128
  • 攻读期成果

