

The Research on Development Strategy of Fujian Coastal Port

【作者】 龚银春

【导师】 王成璋;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 港口是福建省经济发展的主要动力之一,也是经济得以繁荣的因素。在历史上,福建省是我国港口开发较早的地区之一,对外贸易一直是该省的重要经济活动方式。改革开放以来,福建因近临台湾、面向大海、港口资源丰富的天然优势,得以率先对外开放,成为我国对外开放的重点省份。港口、港口经济、对外贸易以及相关产业得到快速发展,成为我国沿海区域经济增长较快的地区。沿海区域经济的竞争,实质上是港口的竞争,是港口经济的竞争。21世纪以来,福建港口发展正进入一个重要战略机遇期。金融危机,也没能阻止福建省对港口加大投入的进程和力度,而且,迎来了更为快速的大发展。因此,加强福建沿海港口发展的研究,对于福建省工业重型化发展,促进闽台经济合作,加快经济结构调整,转变经济增长方式,保持经济高速增长等都具有重要意义。本论文以福建沿海港口为研究对象,主要研究内容如下:首先,了解分析我国沿海港口发展状况;其次,对福建沿海港口的发展状况、福建沿海港口发展的必要性进行了详尽的分析,指出了福建沿海港口发展存在的问题;最后,在以上分析的基础上,提出了福建沿海港口跨越发展战略模型和跨越发展战略结论,并制订了相关关键战略的实施:合理开发资源,错位发展;打破行政区划,进行资源整合;简政放权,提高服务质量;加快港口基础设施建设,建设自由港;大力拓展港口群腹地;发挥对台优势,建设对台物流配送中心;加强环境保护,实现可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Port, a dynamic promoter, prospers the economic development of Fujian Province, which is one of the earliest areas of port development in China. Foreign trade has been playing an important role in the economic activities in Fujian. Since the reform and opening up, owned by the natural advantage of a neighbor of Taiwan, a coastal city and rich resources, Fujian took the lead in opening up to the outside world, and the port economic, foreign trade and the other relevant industries have developed rapidly. Fujian becomes one of the fastest economic growing areas. Actually the economic competition in the coastal areas mainly depends on the port competition. From 21st century, the development of Fujian Port economy has stepped into a period of strategic opportunities. Even when the financial crisis occurred, the government increased more investments on the port economy, which speeded up its development. Therefore, to strengthen the research of Fujian Port development will have a great effect on the economic cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan, the structure adjustment of economic development, the reform of economic growth and the maintenance of high-speed economic development.This paper focuses on the Fujian port development. Firstly, it shows the general situation of the coastal port development in China. Secondly, it fully analyzes the situation and importance of Fujian port development; meanwhile, it also points out the existing problems. Lastly, based on the analyses above, it raises the strategic models and conclusion of the leap-forward development, and establishes the fulfillment of the key strategies:to properly exploit the resources, to speed up the basic port facilities construction, to build free port, to expand the port group, to develop the economic cooperation with Taiwan, to set up the distributor Center for Taiwan, to improve the environmental protection, to implement the sustainable development.

【关键词】 福建沿海港口战略
【Key words】 FujianCoastal PortStrategy
  • 【分类号】F552
  • 【下载频次】276

