

Analyse and Design for the Marketing Strategy of Chengdu Xiangli Ecectronic Co., Ltd.

【作者】 宋刚

【导师】 蒋建平;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球经济一体化,以及市场开放程度不断加深,我国的电子信息产业持续快速发展。电子信息产业是国民经济的支柱产业,而电子元器件则是支柱产业中的基础产品,陶瓷电容器,作为用量最大的基础元器件,在这几年里也得到飞速发展。在当前的外部环境和内部条件下,作为国内瓷片电容器专业制造商之一的成都祥利电子有限公司,面临着难得的机遇与风险。能否为公司制定正确的产品营销战略,对公司的生存和发展将起着至关重要的作用。本文应用菲利普.科特勒的营销理论,波特的五力模型以及SWOT分析方法对成都祥利电子有限公司的微观环境及宏观环境、企业竞争力及行业市场现状等因素进行系统分析;对成都祥利电子有限公司的优势、劣势、机会、威胁进行全面评估;在市场细分研究的基础上,完成了企业的市场定位选择,清晰了本行业的详细竞争形式,明确了公司的优势、劣势和机会。提出了公司应该以客户为中心,重点实施以服务西南区域客户市场为主的市场集中战略,同时兼顾其他竞争对手不感兴趣或被忽略的某些细分市场,见缝插针,灵活巧妙地拾遗利基,通过所提供更多附加价值的产品和服务,如快速服务和技术支持响应等方式来凸显和强化祥利电子公司在西南区域市场及特定产品市场的竞争优势。该战略的实施对成都祥利电子有限公司的战略性调整、稳定和扩大市场占有率、在竞争中赢得比较优势,获得良好的经济效益具有一定的指导意义,有助于成都祥利电子有限公司在行业内站稳脚跟并得到持续发展。

【Abstract】 With further development of the economic globalization and the domestic market opening-up policy, the El (electronic information) industry which is usually regarded as the backbone of the national economy keeps a fast and constant development in our country. The electronic component which is regarded as the basic product of El industry as well as the ceramic capacitor, which is one of the electronic components with the largest quantity in the domain of electronic application, has also developed rapidly in recent years.Under the existing exterior and interior environmental conditions, Chengdu Xiangli Electronics Co., Ltd. one of ceramic capacitor manufacturers in China, is facing the great opportunity as well as the huge risk at the same moment. Whether a right marketing strategy can be drawn up or not is the fatal factor for Xiangli Electronics’survival and development.This thesis focuses on the design of marketing strategy for the Chengdu Xinagli Electronics Co., Ltd. based on its existing conditions and the through evaluation made by the marketing theory and analysis method of Dr. Philip Kotller, including the Five Forces model, SWOT method,4P theory and etc. Based on the market segmentation and competition analysis, this thesis indicates that Chengdu Xiangli Electronics CO., Ltd. should stick basically to the differentiation strategy by product diversity and the subsidiary focus strategy for the local market including the whole southwestern area in China.Finally the thesis is finished with such a hope that some real help can be done to Chengdu Xiangli Electronics Co., Ltd by the proposed strategic adjustment for getting its comparative advantage in competition and enhancing its market share and marginal profit. Key words:Ceramic capacitors, Market strategy, Diversify, Competition

  • 【分类号】F274;F426.63
  • 【下载频次】77

