

Research on Passenger Crew Plan Optimization of Passenger Dedicated Lines

【作者】 冉婧入

【导师】 闫海峰;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 客运专线客运乘务计划问题是客运专线调度领域中的重要问题之一,合理的乘务计划不仅能够提高乘务的工作效率和企业的竞争力,而且对于降低成本等均有重要的意义。传统的手工编制,完全依靠编制人员的主观经验,缺乏理论基础。因此研究客运专线客运乘务计划的优化理论与方法能够为手工编制乘务计划提供科学依据与实际操作方法,并为实现乘务计划排班自动化奠定理论基础。本文在既有研究的基础上,综合运用运输组织学理论、线性规划理论、图论和最优化理论等方法,融理论研究和实际应用为一体,通过实际调查、理论研究、算法设计等手段,对乘务计划编制的优化方法进行系统地分析,并将结果应用到广深线的乘务组排班中。主要研究内容如下:(1)在全面总结前人研究成果的基础上,提出了客运专线客运乘务计划编制的一般理论及方法,其中主要包括客运乘务计划的含义、类别、影响因素、编制方法、编制过程及评价准则。(2)仔细分析了客运乘务计划优化问题,将问题分解为乘务交路计划和乘务值乘计划两个优化子问题。通过对子问题的图形化描述以及对约束条件的假设和未知量的设定,论文构建了乘务交路计划优化模型,研究了两种算法思路,即适用于计算机编制的基于蚁群算法思路和适用于手工编制的基于贪心策略的算法思路;同时论文构建了乘务值乘计划优化模型并设计了求解策略。(3)详细介绍广深线的线路、动车组运营概况以及交路现状,结合其特点,分析了现行乘务排班计划,总结现行乘务计划存在的问题。(4)针对广深线动车组的客运乘务编制计划问题,应用构建的乘务交路计划和乘务值乘计划数学优化模型,得出优化方案,并将其与既有方案相比较,结果证明该模型与算法具有良好的适应性。在本文的最后,阐述了全文的研究工作和存在的问题,并对进一步的工作给予了展望。

【Abstract】 Passenger crew scheduling problem has always been an important issue in the field of passenger dedicated line. Reasonable crew scheduling program can not only improve the efficiency of crew work, but also reduce operating costs and improve the competitiveness of transport enterprises. The method of traditional manual arrangement depending entirely on the personal subjective experiences lacks theoretical guidance. Therefore, it is quite urgent to research a set of theory and method of the passenger special line for the manual arrangement scientific and providing automatic crew scheduling a theoretical foundation.In this paper, on the basis of existing research, the theories of transportation histologic. linear programming, graph theory and optimum method are used by the actual investigation, theory research and algorithm designing methods on systematical analysis. The results can be applied to the passenger crew scheduling of Guangzhou-Shenzhen line EMU(Electrical Multiple Units).(1) In order to compile a scientific and reasonable crew scheduling, this paper first introduces the basic concepts of crew scheduling plan, the influence factors of compilation of crew scheduling plan.(2) The crew planning problem divided into two parts,which are crew scheduling problem and crew rostering problem, is Analyzied deeply. The optimization model of crew scheduling plan is established by the desciption of the crew scheduling problem and assuming conditions, for which both based on the ant colony algorithm and greedy algorithm are designed. At the same time, the solving strategy is designed for the optimization model of crew rostering problem.(3) On this basis, we analyze the routing of crew and crew monthly plan of Guangzhou-Shenzhen line EMU(Electrical Multiple Units), and find the over work problem of crew of Guangzhou-Shenzhen line.(4) according to the practical compiling approach of Guangzhou-Shenzhen line crew scheduling plan, this paper bring forward a solution strategy of the crew overworking problem. Compared with the present plan of crew scheduling, the improved plan effectively solve this problem, which show us it is of great implementation.To sum up, the paper concluded the research working and existing problems, and the further work is prospected.


